Anglican Church


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Anthologization Susanna Hopton
George Hickes included in A Second Collection of Controversial LettersA Letter Written by a Gentlewoman of Quality to a Romish Priest: that is, by SH to Henry Turberville on choosing the Anglican over...
Characters Lucas Malet
The class difference between this pair is figured in the religion of their respective fathers, which each has rejected. Colthurst's father was a fashionable preacher who regularly packed his Anglican church; Jenny's is an ex-seaman...
Characters Georgiana Fullerton
A long novel with a complex plot, Grantley Manor concerns the trials of both Anglican and Catholic heroines, and the human cost of religious prejudice.
Blain, Virginia et al., editors. The Feminist Companion to Literature in English: Women Writers from the Middle Ages to the Present. Yale University Press; Batsford.
It opens on the motherless Margaret Leslie growing up an...
Cultural formation Ann, Lady Fanshawe
She belonged to the English royalist gentry class. An Anglican , she resisted pressure in difficult circumstances to convert to Catholicism.
Cultural formation Susanna Hopton
Born into the rising and prosperous English trading class, with strong gentry connections, SH was baptised into the Church ofEngland . Possibly out of loyalty to her dead father, who worked for the royal family...
Cultural formation Fanny Kingsley
FK was presumably white, although Brenda Colloms describes her physical appearance as dark and handsome in a buxom, Spanish style. Her family was English and engaged in commerce on her father's side, Anglo-Irish and aristocratic...
Cultural formation Elizabeth Melvill
EM was an upper-class Scotswoman who was born into the Church of Scotland and remained a fervent and radical member of it. She is presumed to have undergone a conversion experience within this church, and...
Cultural formation Florence Nightingale
Her forebears on both sides were Unitarian but, at her mother's urging, the family became Anglican to match their social class. Despite the public conversion, William Nightingale held strongly to his Unitarian background and was...
Cultural formation Christopher St John
At some point after CSJ met her long-time partner Edith Craig , she converted from her family's Anglicanism to Roman Catholicism .
Auerbach, Nina. Ellen Terry: Player in Her Time. W.W. Norton.
Glendinning, Victoria. Vita. Penguin.
Cultural formation Sophie Veitch
The Veitch family were presumably white, and belonged to the Scottish gentry, with male members holding professional positions.
Blain, Virginia et al., editors. The Feminist Companion to Literature in English: Women Writers from the Middle Ages to the Present. Yale University Press; Batsford.
Burke, John. Burke’s Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Landed Gentry. Burke’s Peerage.
They were Anglicans with (judging by the positions held by Sophie's father) distinctly Low-Church leanings.
Cultural formation Josephine Butler
JB was, however, always careful to distinguish her spiritual beliefs from any particular religious institutions. In a letter of 1883 she acknowledged that I go to the Church once a Sunday out of a feeling...
Cultural formation Ann Gomersall
AG was baptised in the Church of England at Portsmouth. Her parents were unlikely to have omitted this sacrament when she was little if they were Anglicans; it seems therefore that she probably converted...
Cultural formation Jessie Fothergill
JF 's father, a former Quaker , was cast out by the Society of Friends when he married an Anglican wife.
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography.
Scholar Helen Debenham notes, citing correspondence with Ian Fell , who is writing a...
Cultural formation Lucy Hutchinson
She grew up in the Puritan part of the Anglican faith. She came to share some of the beliefs of the Baptist s, and later still of the Presbyterian s or Independents . She then...
Cultural formation Hannah More
In religion she was firmly committed to the national church: an Evangelical Anglican . Deeply suspicious of Methodists and Dissenters, she was eclectic in her opinions, and sometimes made her co-religionists suspicious of her. She...


1527: A young English priest, Thomas Cranmer, wrote...

Building item


A young English priest, Thomas Cranmer , wrote two letters to Johannes Dantiscus , whom he had met on a royal mission to the Holy Roman Emperor in Spain, where Dantiscus was then Polish ambassador.

November 1534: The Act of Supremacy declared the monarch,...

National or international item

November 1534

The Act of Supremacy declared the monarch, not the Pope , head of the Church of England.

October 1536: The Pilgrimage of Grace, a major armed rebellion...

National or international item

October 1536

The Pilgrimage of Grace, a major armed rebellion against Henry VIII 's religious reforms and dissolution of monasteries and convents (in effect, against the birth of the Church of England ), spread across the...

Late 1552: Thomas Cranmer, Archbishop of Canterbury...

Building item

Late 1552

Thomas Cranmer , Archbishop of Canterbury under Edward VI , produced an Anglican revised Book of Common Prayer.

1559: Negotiating between opposing factions, Elizabeth...

National or international item


Negotiating between opposing factions, Elizabeth I sought to establish the English Church under her headship; Thomas Cranmer 's Prayer Book of 1552 became the official Book of Common Prayer.

1563: Convocation of the Church of England drew...

Building item


Convocation of the Church of England drew up the Thirty-Nine Articles of Religion, as a statement of what it is necessary for an Anglican to believe.

August 1598: Full-scale revolt against English rule (that...

National or international item

August 1598

Full-scale revolt against English rule (that is, rule over the Roman Catholic Church majority by a newly-settled Anglican elite) broke out in Ireland in the form of Tyrone's Rebellion, led by Hugh O'Neill, Earl of Tyrone .

16 January 1604: One year into his reign in England, King...

Writing climate item

16 January 1604

One year into his reign in England, King James I received a petitionthat there might bee a newe translation of the Bible to improve on existing, imperfect English versions.

2 May 1611: A committee of bishops completed and issued...

Writing climate item

2 May 1611

A committee of bishops completed and issued the English Bibletranslation generally called either the King James Bible (in North America) or the Authorised Version (in Britain).

October 1636: The Scottish Privy Council was ordered to...

National or international item

October 1636

The Scottish Privy Council was ordered to issue a proclamation compelling the Scottish Kirk to use the new (Anglican ) Scottish Prayer Book designed by Laud .

April 1637: Alexander Henderson of Leuchars, a godly...

National or international item

April 1637

Alexander Henderson of Leuchars, a godly leader of the Scottish Kirk , held a secret meeting with a group of Edinburgh matrons to enlist their aid in resistance against the imposition of the new (...

23 July 1637: The Anglican Book of Common Prayer was used...

National or international item

23 July 1637

The AnglicanBook of Common Prayer was used for the first time, according to Charles I 's order, at St Giles's Church in Edinburgh, the centre of the Scottish (Presbyterian ) Church.

28 February 1638: At Greyfriars Kirk in Edinburgh, Scotsmen...

National or international item

28 February 1638

At Greyfriars Kirk in Edinburgh, Scotsmen opposed to Charles I 's imposition of the AnglicanBook of Common Prayer on the Scottish (Presbyterian ) Church signed a National Covenant against such innovations: in...

27 March-June 1639: Charles I made war on the Scottish Covenanters,...

National or international item

27 March-June 1639

Charles I made war on the ScottishCovenanters , or adherents of Presbyterianism .

20 August 1640: The Scots (provoked by Charles I's imposition...

National or international item

20 August 1640

The Scots (provoked by Charles I 's imposition of the AnglicanBook of Common Prayer on the Scottish Presbyterian Church in 1637) invaded England, and for the second time in eighteen months their monarch marched against them.


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