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Susan Miles
Standard Name: Miles, Susan
Birth Name: Ursula Wyllie
Married Name: Ursula Roberts
Pseudonym: Susan Miles
She is not to be confused with a spiritualist medium named Ursula Roberts who began publishing shortly before 75 Years of Moreton Hall, a booklet of girls' school history, in 1998.
ceased to publish, nor with someone else of the same name who produced Timeline
Miles, Susan. A Morsel of Gold. Romany Press, 1962.
Miles, Susan. Annotations. Oxford University Press, 1922.
Miles, Susan. Blind Men Crossing a Bridge. Constable, 1934.
Miles, Susan. “Disgrace”. The Guardian, p. Review 27.
Miles, Susan. Dunch. Blackwell, 1918.
Miles, Susan. Epigrams and Jingles. Romany Press, 1962.
Jameson, Storm, and Susan Miles. “Foreword”. Portrait of a Parson, George Allen and Unwin, 1955, pp. 5-7.
Miles, Susan. Lettice Delmer. Linden Press, 1958.
Miles, Susan. Lettice Delmer. Persephone Books, 2002.
Miles, Susan. Little Mirrors. B. Blackwell, 1924.
Miles, Susan. Portrait of a Parson. George Allen and Unwin, 1955.
Miles, Susan. “Publisher’s Note”. Lettice Delmer, Persephone Books, 2002, p. v - xii.
Miles, Susan. Rabboni. A. Dakers, 1942.
Miles, Susan. Rainbows. Romany Press, 1962.
Miles, Susan. The Cause of Purity and Women’s Suffrage. Church League for Women’s Suffrage, 1912.
Miles, Susan. The Hares. E. Mathews, 1924.