Susan Miles

Standard Name: Miles, Susan
Birth Name: Ursula Wyllie
Married Name: Ursula Roberts
Pseudonym: Susan Miles
SM (who began publishing under her birth name of Ursula Roberts) was a poet and novelist of the earlier twentieth century, who also published a suffrage pamphlet, an admiring biography of her Christian-socialist husband, and a striking verse-novel. Remarkably, her highly imagistic and symbolic prose fiction (set largely in a timeless, primitive countryside) is obscure and occasionally turgid, while her novel in poetry (set largely in London), while still imagistic and symbolic, is crystal-clear and full of the observed detail of daily life. Poems published late in her life represent at least a fair degree of continuity with earlier work, and may even have been written well before they appeared.
She is not to be confused with a spiritualist medium named Ursula Roberts who began publishing shortly before SM ceased to publish, nor with someone else of the same name who produced 75 Years of Moreton Hall, a booklet of girls' school history, in 1998.
Solo: Search Oxford University Libraries Online. 18 July 2011,


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Friends, Associates Maude Royden
Through her work to raise the status and opportunities of women in the Anglican ministry, MR not only formed a working friendship with Susan Miles , but also (in 1912 or 1913) met Edith Picton-Turbervill
Intertextuality and Influence Dorothy Richardson
Susan Miles satirized DR 's and Katherine Mansfield 's writing in Two Novelists, a piece published in the London Mercury.
Richardson, Dorothy. Windows on Modernism: Selected Letters of Dorothy Richardson. Editor Fromm, Gloria G., University of Georgia Press, 1995.
Literary responses Storm Jameson
Before the Crossing and The Black Laurel were poorly reviewed, even though the short TLS notice of the former was written by Susan Miles , who had once dedicated a book to SJ .
Birkett, Jennifer. Margaret Storm Jameson: A Life. Oxford University Press, 2009.
273 and n40
Occupation Maude Royden
In connection with this society MR worked and corresponded with Ursula Roberts (the writer Susan Miles).
Textual Features Philip Larkin
His selection was resolutely unfashionable, favouring Hardy and Betjeman at the expense of Eliot and Pound . He was, however, remarkably generous in his selection of women poets (often for just one or two poems...
Textual Production Maude Royden
The Women's Library holds most of MR 's papers (including a folder of correspondence with Ursula Roberts, the writer Susan Miles), while the British Library , Lambeth Palace Library , and the Bodleian Library hold some letters.
“The Papers of Agnes Maude Royden”. Archives Hub: London Metropolitan University: Women’s Library.
“Papers of Ursula Roberts”. AIM25. London Metropolitan University: Women’s Library.


September 1998: Literary historian Nicola Beauman founded...

Women writers item

September 1998

Literary historian Nicola Beauman founded Persephone Books , aimed at reprinting in beautiful format forgotten classics by twentieth-century (mostly women) writers.
Persephone Books.
Persephone Books.
Ochocka, Alice. “The Height of Spring”. Mslexia, No. 38, July 2008, p. 6.


Miles, Susan. A Morsel of Gold. Romany Press, 1962.
Miles, Susan. Annotations. Oxford University Press, 1922.
Miles, Susan. Blind Men Crossing a Bridge. Constable, 1934.
Miles, Susan. “Disgrace”. The Guardian, p. Review 27.
Miles, Susan. Dunch. Blackwell, 1918.
Miles, Susan. Epigrams and Jingles. Romany Press, 1962.
Jameson, Storm, and Susan Miles. “Foreword”. Portrait of a Parson, George Allen and Unwin, 1955, pp. 5-7.
Miles, Susan. Lettice Delmer. Linden Press, 1958.
Miles, Susan. Lettice Delmer. Persephone Books, 2002.
Miles, Susan. Little Mirrors. B. Blackwell, 1924.
Miles, Susan. Portrait of a Parson. George Allen and Unwin, 1955.
Miles, Susan. “Publisher’s Note”. Lettice Delmer, Persephone Books, 2002, p. v - xii.
Miles, Susan. Rabboni. A. Dakers, 1942.
Miles, Susan. Rainbows. Romany Press, 1962.
Miles, Susan. The Cause of Purity and Women’s Suffrage. Church League for Women’s Suffrage, 1912.
Miles, Susan. The Hares. E. Mathews, 1924.