Woods, Susanne. Lanyer: A Renaissance Woman Poet. Oxford University Press, 1999.
Connections Sort descending | Author name | Excerpt |
Cultural formation | Aemilia Lanyer | She belonged to the closely-defined group of artists and performers dependent first on Henry
's, then Elizabeth
's, court. She and her family were probably Protestant in sympathies. Woods, Susanne. Lanyer: A Renaissance Woman Poet. Oxford University Press, 1999. 4-8 |
Cultural formation | Elizabeth Oxenbridge Lady Tyrwhit | If she was the recipient of this dedication, however, that implies that her religious views had undergone no serious change since her early days as a Protestant
champion in the closing stages of Henry VIII |
Cultural formation | Katherine Parr | Last queen of Henry VIII
, KP
was one of only eight Englishwomen to publish during the years 1486-1548. She has been recognised as the earliest woman writer to see her original works in print... |
Cultural formation | Rose Hickman | She belonged to the London trading class, which was rising rapidly in wealth and influence. Life at this date was hazardous, however. Hers was shaped by her parents' belief in the new reformed religion, and... |
Dedications | Queen Elizabeth I | The dedication, also to Henry VIII
, is Elizabeth's only surviving letter to him. This work was written out by the young translator in her own italic hand, and bound and embroidered by herself in... |
Education | Winifred Holtby | WH
completed her course in the summer of 1921 (the year after women were admitted to degrees at Oxford). On her written exam results she was given a viva (an oral exam) to determine whether... |
Family and Intimate relationships | Margaret Roper | The family of Thomas More
were merchants and lawyers of London's bourgeois ruling class: Thomas duly became a lawyer and out of personal passion became a scholar of the new humanist learning. He married again... |
Family and Intimate relationships | Rose Hickman | RH
's father, William Lok or Locke (1480-1550), had been married before and he was twice more married after the death of his second wife, Katherine (Cook)—who bore him nine children—and whose protestant faith he... |
Family and Intimate relationships | May Edginton | Francis Baily
was a novelist and one-time editor of Royal Magazine. It was in the context of the magazine that they met, as ME
was one of its contributors. Baily was the author from... |
Family and Intimate relationships | Queen Elizabeth I | Elizabeth's father, King Henry VIII
, had been an able and charismatic ruler in his youth. In decline he was tyrannical and paranoid. His second daughter, however, succeeded in remaining on good terms with him... |
Family and Intimate relationships | Margaret Roper | His treason consisted in refusing, for reasons of religious doctrine, to accept the style which Henry VIII
had given himself, of supreme head of the Church of England
. His courage at the scaffold extended... |
Family and Intimate relationships | Anne Locke | Her mother, Margery, née Gwynneth or Guinet
(variously spelled), was reported to be witty and housewifely. qtd. in Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. http://www.oxforddnb.com/. Felch, Susan M. “’Noble Gentlewomen famous for their learning’: The London Circle of Anne Vaughan Lock”. ANQ: A Quarterly Journal of Short Articles, Notes, and Reviews, Vol. 16 , No. 2, 1 Mar. 2003, pp. 14-19. 16 |
Family and Intimate relationships | Anne Locke | Anne's father, Stephen Vaughan
, was a London merchant adventurer with strong ties to the court of Henry VIII
. He served as government agent in the Netherlands for Thomas Cromwell
. He was a... |
Family and Intimate relationships | Elizabeth Oxenbridge Lady Tyrwhit | Elizabeth's father, Sir Goddard Oxenbridge
of Brede Place, Sussex, was knighted by Henry VIII
at his coronation. He died, as a pious Catholic, in the same year as his wife. Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. http://www.oxforddnb.com/. Tyrwhit, Elizabeth Oxenbridge, Lady. “Introduction”. Elizabeth Tyrwhit’s Morning and Evening Prayers, edited by Susan M. Felch, Ashgate, 2008, pp. 1-51. 2 |
Family and Intimate relationships | Katherine Parr | Four months after she was widowed for a second time, KP
married, privately at Hampton Court, King Henry VIII
; she was his sixth and last wife. Martienssen, Anthony. Queen Katherine Parr. McGraw-Hill, 1973. 146-7, 153 Parr, Katherine. “Introductory Note”. Katherine Parr, edited by Janel M. Mueller, Scolar Press; Ashgate, 1996, p. ix - xiv. ix, x |
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