Thomas Hardy

Standard Name: Hardy, Thomas
TH was a poet by vocation and became a novelist by profession. The Wessex of his novels has made him arguably a regional novelist. As well as a prolific output in both these forms, he published a unique verse epic bringing together human and supernatural characters, short fiction, a volume for children, and two volumes of actual autobiography masquerading as a biography by his second wife. Since his career as a publishing novelist ran from the 1870s to the 1890s, and his first volume of poetry post-dated his final novel, he has been seen as a Victorian novelist but a mostly twentieth-century poet. This description, however, is not true to the facts of composition. He wrote poetry from early in his life, but did not publish it in volume form until his final novel.


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Friends, Associates Mona Caird
She met Arthur Symons in June 1889, and in the following month Thomas Hardy carefully arranged to sit between her and Rosamund Marriott Watson (and opposite F. Mabel Robinson ) at a dinner of the...
Friends, Associates Evelyn Sharp
Others with whom she shared this or that memorable experience were the Meynells (Wilfrid , Alice , and Viola ), Clarence Rook and his wife, and Henry W. Nevinson , whom she eventually married...
Friends, Associates Rosamund Marriott Watson
She was introduced to writer Thomas Hardy some time in 1889. They had a flirtation (both in person and by letter) which left Hardy the disappointed partner,
Leighton, Angela, and Margaret Reynolds, editors. Victorian Women Poets: An Anthology. Blackwell.
possibly after she rejected his advances in...
Friends, Associates Dora Sigerson
After her marriage, DS became acquainted with a number of notable literary figures, including George Meredith (who wrote the introduction to The Collected Poems of Dora Sigerson Shorter, 1907), Thomas Hardy (who wrote the...
Friends, Associates Cecily Mackworth
As a child CM met Thomas Hardy .
Bowker, Gordon. “Obituary: Cecily Mackworth”. The Independent.
Mackworth, Cecily. Out of the Black Mountains.
Friends, Associates Frances Cornford
Frances's association with Rupert Brooke began with the rehearsals for the play and grew into friendship. They discussed their poetry with each other, and Frances counselled and consoled Rupert in his many love affairs. She...
Friends, Associates Sarah Grand
During the war SG met William and Rachel Mary Tindall , Quakers who became close friends of hers. She also met and lunched with Thomas Hardy and Siegfried Sassoon .
Kersley, Gillian. Darling Madame: Sarah Grand and Devoted Friend. Virago Press.
Friends, Associates May Sinclair
On her visit to the USA, MS became a warm friend of Annie Fields and Sarah Orne Jewett .
Raitt, Suzanne. May Sinclair: A Modern Victorian. Clarendon Press.
She was delighted with Thomas Hardy , with whom she went cycling in Dorset in...
Friends, Associates Victoria Cross
Possibly because VC spent so much time travelling, it is difficult to judge the extent of her social circle. She is unmentioned by many literary autobiographies of the period. Charlotte Mitchell suggests that she may...
Friends, Associates Virginia Woolf
VW and Leonard travelled to Dorchester to have tea at Max Gate with Thomas and Florence Hardy . Woolf met Hardy just this once, though, as Hermione Lee remarks, she had been reading and writing...
Friends, Associates Charlotte Mew
CM visited Thomas Hardy at his home; he requested the meeting after reading and admiring her poetry.
Monro, Alida, and Charlotte Mew. “Charlotte Mew—A Memoir”. Collected Poems of Charlotte Mew, Gerald Duckworth, p. vii - xx.
Friends, Associates Elizabeth Daryush
Through her mother's cousin Roger Fry , ED as a girl met many distinguished people as the friends and guests of her parents: W. B. Yeats , Ezra Pound , Henry Newbolt , Mary Coleridge
Friends, Associates John Oliver Hobbes
She made many friends and acquaintances both as a figure in society and as an author. These included literary people such as George Meredith , Thomas Hardy , Punch editor Owen Seaman , William Archer
Friends, Associates Ménie Muriel Dowie
Around this time, MMD also met Thomas Hardy .
Cunningham, Gail. The New Woman and the Victorian Novel. Macmillan.
Another woman writer who became her associate was John Strange Winter , whom she met through her membership in the Pioneer Club .
“19th Century British Library Newspapers”. Gale: 19th Century British Library Newspapers.
Glasgow Herald 301 (17 Dec 1894): 7
Friends, Associates Mary Elizabeth Braddon
The Maxwells had frequent house guests and entertained regularly at both their houses. Later friends and acquaintances included Robert Browning , Mary Cholmondeley , Sir Arthur Conan Doyle , Ford Madox Ford , Thomas Hardy


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