Charles Stewart Parnell

Standard Name: Parnell, Charles Stewart


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Cultural formation Dora Sigerson
DS grew up in a highly-educated, intellectual, Irish-Catholic family. Both her parents were writers, as was her sister. Her childhood home was a centre of intellectual activity in Dublin, and prominent Irish literary...
Education Emilie Barrington
Her school attendance took place abroad. For a year, 1855-1856, she and her sister Zoe both attended a school in Cologne, and in 1858 she joined a Paris finishing school, where her fellow-pupils included...
Family and Intimate relationships Katherine Cecil Thurston
Paul Madden , KCT 's father, was director and chairman of the Ulster and Leinster Bank as well as an Alderman of the City of Cork. An associate of politician Charles Stewart Parnell (and...
Family and Intimate relationships Annie Besant
His relatives included John Page Wood , husband of novelist Emma Caroline Wood . This pair were the parents of Anna Steele (another novelist), Katharine O'Shea (mistress and later the wife of Charles Stuart Parnell
Family and Intimate relationships Anna Steele
AS 's youngest sister, by marriage Katherine or Katharine O'Shea , became notorious because of her involvement with Irish politician Charles Stewart Parnell . The sisters were said to have shared a disregard for conventions...
Family and Intimate relationships Emma Caroline Wood
ECW 's youngest daughter, Katherine, later known as Kitty O'Shea , became mistress and then wife of Charles Parnell . Her divorce case from William Henry O'Shea famously cost Parnell his position as chairman of...
Family and Intimate relationships Katharine Tynan
KT 's father, Andrew Cullen Tynan , came from a long line of Irish farmers from Cheeverstown in Dublin and from County Wicklow. He was born from a mixed marriage: his mother was Catholic...
Friends, Associates Frances Power Cobbe
During her period at Newbridge after her return from school, FPC became good friends with her nearest neighbour, Sophia Parnell , great-aunt of Charles Stewart Parnell .
Cobbe, Frances Power. Life of Frances Power Cobbe. Houghton, Mifflin, 1894, 2 vols.
1: 169
Friends, Associates Anna Steele
Through her youngest sister AS met many key figures of the day, including Irish Home-Rule leader Charles Stewart Parnell (Katherine O'Shea's long-term lover and eventual husband), and Justin McCarthy , novelist and Irish Home-Rule MP...
Friends, Associates Katharine Tynan
In LondonKT met the politician William Gladstone (a supporter of Home Rule for Ireland) at a party given for Charles Parnell .
Tynan, Katharine. Twenty-Five Years: Reminiscences. Smith, Elder, 1913.
On another occasion, she attended a garden-party given by feminist novelist...
Intertextuality and Influence Augusta Gregory
The Deliverer uses the Biblical story of the rejection of Moses by the ancient Israelites as an analogue for Parnell 's rejection by the Irish.
Stevenson, Mary Lou Kohfeldt. Lady Gregory: The Woman Behind the Irish Renaissance. Atheneum, 1985.
Literary responses Katharine Tynan
KT found that her staunch support for Parnell after the divorce case was now punished with some damaging criticism of this biography.
Tynan, Katharine. Twenty-Five Years: Reminiscences. Smith, Elder, 1913.
Tynan, Katharine. The Middle Years. Constable, 1916.
The review in the anti-Parnellite National Press presented abuse of me...
Material Conditions of Writing Helen Taylor
HT made a fighting speech (following the government's suppression of the Irish Land League and imprisonment of Charles Stewart Parnell ) on the iniquities which were now disgracing England in Ireland (which, she pointed out...
Material Conditions of Writing May Laffan
She was furious at being identified, as she intensely disliked publicity. In an angry letter to George Grove , editor of the magazine, she wrote: I thought I had clearly made it understood to the...
Occupation Katharine Tynan
One of her activities as a member of the League was to visit Irish political prisoners at Kilmainham Jail (now in Dublin). She went to see Irish nationalist Charles Parnell on one such visit...


20 February 1874: In the election of this year, Irish Home...

National or international item

20 February 1874

In the election of this year, Irish Home Rule candidates increased their parliamentary presence more than tenfold, from five to 59 members.
Morton, Grenfell. Home Rule and the Irish Question. Longman, 1980.
15-16, 18

1877: Charles Stewart Parnell was elected President...

National or international item


Charles Stewart Parnell was elected President of the Home Rule Association of Great Britain ; this event signalled the increasing irrelevance of Home Rule leader Isaac Butt .
Morton, Grenfell. Home Rule and the Irish Question. Longman, 1980.

1879: Charles Stewart Parnell assumed leadership...

National or international item


Charles Stewart Parnell assumed leadership of the Home Rule party.
MacDonagh, Oliver. Ireland: the Union and its Aftermath. George Allen and Unwin, 1977.

7 June 1879: Charles Stewart Parnell addressed a mass...

National or international item

7 June 1879

Charles Stewart Parnell addressed a mass meeting of 8,000 Irish on the subject of tenant rights, land agitation, and fair rent.
Morton, Grenfell. Home Rule and the Irish Question. Longman, 1980.

Later 1879: In a year when the Irish harvest failed almost...

National or international item

Later 1879

In a year when the Irish harvest failed almost entirely, the Irish National Land League was formed in Dublin, with Charles Stewart Parnell as president.
Morton, Grenfell. Home Rule and the Irish Question. Longman, 1980.

17 May 1880: Charles Stewart Parnell was elected Chairman...

National or international item

17 May 1880

Charles Stewart Parnell was elected Chairman of the Irish Parliamentary Party .
Foster, Robert Fitzroy. Modern Ireland 1600-1972. Allen Lane, 1988.

January 1881: Charles Stewart Parnell and several prominent...

National or international item

January 1881

Charles Stewart Parnell and several prominent Irish Land League members were tried on various charges, the most general of which was demoralizing the Irish; they were all acquitted.
Morton, Grenfell. Home Rule and the Irish Question. Longman, 1980.

31 January 1881: At the end of the month in which Charles...

National or international item

31 January 1881

At the end of the month in which Charles Stewart Parnell stood trial for demoralizing the Irish people, his sister Anna Catherine Parnell launched the Ladies' Land League in Ireland; like the original Land League

2 March 1881: The Protection of Person and Property (Ireland)...

National or international item

2 March 1881

The Protection of Person and Property (Ireland) Act allowed for arrest on a Lord-Lieutenant's warrant of any person suspected of engaging in acts of treason or of inciting violence.
Sawyer, Roger. We Are But Women: Women in Ireland’s History. Routledge, 1993.
Foster, Robert Fitzroy. Modern Ireland 1600-1972. Allen Lane, 1988.
Morton, Grenfell. Home Rule and the Irish Question. Longman, 1980.
The Statutes of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. Printed by J. Bentham, 1762–2025.

13 October 1881: Charles Stewart Parnell was arrested on political...

National or international item

13 October 1881

Charles Stewart Parnell was arrested on political charges and spent the next 5 months in the Kilmainham Gaol.
Foster, Robert Fitzroy. Modern Ireland 1600-1972. Allen Lane, 1988.
405, 609
Cook, Chris, and John, 1946 - Stevenson. The Longman Handbook of Modern British History, 1714-1980. Longman, 1983.

March 1882: The Kilmainham Treaty was struck between...

National or international item

March 1882

The Kilmainham Treaty was struck between Irish Home Rulers, led by Charles Stewart Parnell , and Gladstone 's government; the agreement extended rent protection to Irish leaseholders, while Parnell agreed to cooperate with the Liberal...

May 1882: Thomas Burke and Lord Frederick Cavendish,...

National or international item

May 1882

Thomas Burke and Lord Frederick Cavendish , Under-Secretary and incoming Chief Secretary for Ireland, were murdered in Phoenix Park, Dublin, by extremist Fenians calling themselves the Invincibles.
Morton, Grenfell. Home Rule and the Irish Question. Longman, 1980.
28, 43-4

12 September 1882: Charles Stewart Parnell, Michael Davitt,...

National or international item

12 September 1882

Charles Stewart Parnell , Michael Davitt , and John Dillon transformed the Irish Land League (now an illegal organization) into a new National League intended to further Irish nationalist political agendas.
Morton, Grenfell. Home Rule and the Irish Question. Longman, 1980.

6 December 1889: Charles Stewart Parnell, having lost credit...

National or international item

6 December 1889

Charles Stewart Parnell , having lost credit among Roman Catholics and the support of England's Liberal Government over the O'SheaKatharine O'Shea divorce case, refused to resign as chairman of the Irish Party after the Home Rulers

6 December 1889: Charles Stewart Parnell, having lost credit...

National or international item

6 December 1889

Charles Stewart Parnell , having lost credit among Roman Catholics and the support of England's Liberal Government over the O'SheaKatharine O'Shea divorce case, refused to resign as chairman of the Irish Party after the Home Rulers


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