Thomas Hardy
Standard Name: Hardy, Thomas
was a poet by vocation and became a novelist by profession. The Wessex of his novels has made him arguably a regional novelist. As well as a prolific output in both these forms, he published a unique verse epic bringing together human and supernatural characters, short fiction, a volume for children, and two volumes of actual autobiography masquerading as a biography by his second wife. Since his career as a publishing novelist ran from the 1870s to the 1890s, and his first volume of poetry post-dated his final novel, he has been seen as a Victorian novelist but a mostly twentieth-century poet. This description, however, is not true to the facts of composition. He wrote poetry from early in his life, but did not publish it in volume form until his final novel.
Connections Sort descending | Author name | Excerpt |
Literary responses | Charlotte Mew | CM
's admirers include a long list of writers from Thomas Hardy
and Ezra Pound
to Virginia Woolf
and Marianne Moore
. |
Literary responses | Laurence Hope | Thomas Hardy
in the Athenæum wrote that Stars of the Desert had a greater mastery of rhythm . . . and a firmer intellectual grasp than The Garden of Káma, with no loss of... |
Literary responses | Victoria Cross | Sewell Stokes
, in a brief portrait of VC
in 1928, described her as one who had at one time been accused of poisoning the purity of British homes with her sordid writings .... |
Literary responses | Laurence Hope | A number of evaluations of Hope's work appeared at her death. Thomas Hardy
's obituary for her, printed in the Athenæum, praised the tropical luxuriance and Sapphic
fervour of The Garden of Káma... |
Literary responses | Mary Webb | This exemplifies the double-edged nature of MW
's reputation. On the one hand she has become almost synonymous in the public mind with the genre she made famous: the romantic, earthy, rural novel. Her early... |
Literary responses | Viola Meynell | Alice Meynell
initially felt that the book was too personal and outspoken. She asked Viola to lessen and modify and veil the detailed and repeated record of caresses, and added: These are things that are... |
Literary Setting | Olive Schreiner | Cherry Clayton
believes the novel's fictional English setting, Greenwood, was influenced by the English landscapes in the works of Hardy
, George Eliot
, and the BrontësEmily BrontëAnne Brontë
. Schreiner herself had not yet been to... |
Occupation | Frances Horovitz | Through this experience she met the literary biographer Robert Gittings
. She built with him a professional partnership to work on interpretations of John Keats
and Thomas Hardy
, of whom Gittings was writing biographies... |
Author summary | Charlotte Mew | Charlotte Mew is best known and regarded as an early twentieth century poet, though she also published a few short stories and essays. Her poems, often dramatic monologues, are haunted by unrequited love, the renunciation... |
Publishing | Margaret Oliphant | Blackwood's published MO
's The Anti-Marriage League, a critique of Thomas Hardy
's Jude the Obscure. Greenfield, John R., editor. Dictionary of Literary Biography 159. Gale Research, 1996. 159: 254 Jay, Elisabeth. Mrs Oliphant: "A Fiction to Herself": A Literary Life. Clarendon Press, 1995. 116 |
Publishing | Catherine Cookson | Cookson collaborated with Piers Dudgeon
on Catherine Cookson
Country, one in a Heinemann
series of historical photographs that had already covered the localities of Wordsworth
and Thomas Hardy
. Whitaker’s Books in Print. J. Whitaker and Sons, 1988–2003. (1988) Jones, Kathleen. Catherine Cookson: The Biography. Constable, 1999. 297 |
Reception | Arnold Bennett | This novel won the James Tait Black Memorial Prize, and Bennett was buoyed up by positive reviews from J. B. Priestley
, H. G. Wells
, Joseph Conrad
and Thomas Hardy
. He was annoyed... |
Reception | Charlotte Mew | CM
was awarded a Civil List
pension of £75 a year on the recommendation of John Masefield
, Thomas Hardy
, and Walter de la Mare
. Monro, Alida, and Charlotte Mew. “Charlotte Mew—A Memoir”. Collected Poems of Charlotte Mew, Gerald Duckworth, 1953, p. vii - xx. xv Stanford, Donald E., editor. Dictionary of Literary Biography 19. Gale Research, 1983. 311 |
Reception | Lucy Walford | |
Reception | John Oliver Hobbes | The bronze portrait memorial to JOH
was unveiled at University College, London
, by Lord Curzon
in the presence of herparents
, assorted peers and dignitaries, and writers including Thomas Hardy
and Anthony Hope |
No timeline events available.
No bibliographical results available.