Rosamund Marriott Watson

Standard Name: Watson, Rosamund Marriott
Birth Name: Rosamund Ball
Married Name: Rosamund Armytage
Married Name: Rosamund Tomson
Self-constructed Name: Rosamund Marriott Watson
Pseudonym: Graham R. Tomson
Nickname: Rose
RMW published under several names during the later nineteenth and early twentieth century seven volumes of poetry, one novel, some articles, and many literary reviews. She edited Sylvia's Journal, as well as several other anthologies. She became particularly well known for her powerful ballads. A female aesthete, she also published works on fashion and interior design.


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Family and Intimate relationships Thomas Hardy
He remained, however, a regular visitor to London, and as a successful novelist he attracted the attention of women and proved highly susceptible to flirtation. Some time in 1889 he became involved with writer Rosamund Marriott Watson
Friends, Associates Katharine Tynan
Other women writers present at the meeting were Amy Levy , Mathilde Blind , Clementina Black , and Graham Tomson (later Rosamund Marriott Watson) .
Tynan, Katharine. Twenty-Five Years: Reminiscences. Smith, Elder.
Friends, Associates Mona Caird
She met Arthur Symons in June 1889, and in the following month Thomas Hardy carefully arranged to sit between her and Rosamund Marriott Watson (and opposite F. Mabel Robinson ) at a dinner of the...
Friends, Associates May Kendall
MK began publishing in 1885. During this decade she became friends with classical scholar and poet Andrew Lang , who advanced her career as a writer.
Birch, Catherine Elizabeth. Evolutionary Feminism in Late-Victorian Women’s Poetry: Mathilde Blind, Constance Naden and May Kendall. University of Birmingham.
Although she was never part of a literary...
Friends, Associates F. Mabel Robinson
FMR shared to the full the social involvement of her family with entertaining leading figures in London cultural life: such men as John Singer Sargent , Robert Browning , William Morris , and Oscar Wilde
Intertextuality and Influence Christina Rossetti
CR was mourned in a sonnet by Michael Field shortly after her death. Her influence extended to many other poets of her own time or close to it, including Gerard Manley Hopkins , Rosamund Marriott Watson
Literary responses Constance Naden
Those returning thanks for complimentary copies included Herbert Spencer , Samuel Smiles (full of profound truth), Charles Lapworth (an education to read), and William Tilden (who politely dissents from Lewins's opinion...
Publishing Violet Hunt
Here VH caught the attention of other journal editors, and she was soon writing a weekly column, Wares of Autolycus, for the Pall Mall Gazette (a column later taken on by Alice Meynell and...
Publishing May Kendall
White Poppies was serialized in Sylvia's Journal, thanks to its editor (apparently a friend of MK ), Rosamund Marriott Watson (Graham R. Tomson). Kendall was most likely acquainted with Watson through Andrew Lang
Textual Features Lady Margaret Sackville
Textual Production Evelyn Sharp
Lane accepted the novel in November 1894 for his series called after George Egerton 's Keynotes.
John, Angela V. Evelyn Sharp: Rebel Woman, 1869–1955. Manchester University Press.
It appeared on the recommendation of Lane's readers John Davidson and Richard Le Gallienne , with Aubrey Beardsley
Textual Production Katharine Tynan
Getting to write in the Wares of Autolycus column—for which Violet Hunt , Alice Meynell , Edith Nesbit , and Graham Thompson (Rosamund Marriott Watson) had also written—was, KT said, the summit of my hopes...


1895: Thomas Bird Mosher of Portland, Maine, began...

Writing climate item


Thomas Bird Mosher of Portland, Maine, began publishing The Bibelot. A Reprint of Poetry & Prose for Book Lovers, a monthly series later collected as an annual volume, of exquisitely produced editions in tiny press-runs.


Watson, Rosamund Marriott. A Summer Night and Other Poems. Methuen, 1891.
Watson, Rosamund Marriott. After Sunset. John Lane, Bodley Head, 1904.
Watson, Rosamund Marriott. An Island Rose. E. Nister, 1900.
Watson, Rosamund Marriott, editor. Ballads of the North Countrie. W. Scott, 1888.
Watson, Rosamund Marriott, editor. Concerning Cats. T. Fisher Unwin, 1892.
Watson, H. B. Marriott, and Rosamund Marriott Watson. “Introduction”. The Poems of Rosamund Marriott Watson, John Lane, Bodley Head, 1912, p. vii - ix.
Watson, Rosamund Marriott, editor. Selections from the Greek Anthology. W. Scott, 1901.
Watson, Rosamund Marriott. Tares. Kegan Paul, Trench, 1884.
Watson, Rosamund Marriott. The Art of the House. G. Bell and Sons, 1897.
Watson, Rosamund Marriott. The Bird-Bride. Longmans, Green, 1889.
Watson, Rosamund Marriott, and H. B. Marriott Watson. The Poems of Rosamund Marriott Watson. John Lane, Bodley Head, 1912.
Watson, Rosamund Marriott. Vespertilia and Other Verses. John Lane, Bodley Head, 1895.