Walter Pater

Standard Name: Pater, Walter
Used Form: Walter Horatio Pater


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Education Adrienne Rich
The girls' father also had a strong influence on their education, as he was determined that Adrienne would be a poet and Cynthia would be a novelist. The girls had the run of the family...
Education Gladys Henrietta Schütze
GHS was educated at home by governesses of several nationalities: Mademoiselle Titsie , Marie Girard , Rose Frohnstein , and the English M. L. J., on several of whom she lavished that warmth of temperament...
Education Virginia Woolf
Virginia Stephen (later VW ) began attending Latin classes taught by Clara Pater (sister of Walter ). They began on Greek in 1899, and it seems that the following year Virginia switched to private lessons.
Meisel, Perry. The Absent Father: Virginia Woolf and Walter Pater. Yale University Press.
17 andn25
Friends, Associates A. Mary F. Robinson
Her parents, who were the friends of many literary and artistic people, introduced her to an impressive social circle. Robert and Elizabeth Barrett Browning , William Michael Rossetti , Thomas Hardy , Walter Pater ,...
Friends, Associates Jane Ellen Harrison
Moving in London's social and creative circles, JEH also met Robert Browning , Walter Pater , Henry James , and Alfred Tennyson (whom she called the most openly vain man I ever met)...
Friends, Associates A. Mary F. Robinson
In June 1881 Vernon Lee stayed with AMFR 's family in London. The next month the friends visited Oxford with Mary's sister Mabel . Their Oxford social life included attending a dinner party hosted by...
Friends, Associates A. Mary F. Robinson
In addition to Henry James and Walter Pater , whom by now they regarded as old friends, they met there Marc André Raffalovich , poet and pioneer writer on homosexuality, who was born in Paris...
Friends, Associates Algernon Charles Swinburne
He had ties to writers Anne Ogle , Mary Louisa Molesworth , Ouida , and Mathilde Blind . His movement through England's literary circles also brought him into the company of Thomas Carlyle , James Anthony Froude
Friends, Associates Emilie Barrington
EB 's other literary, cultural, and civic-minded friends included writers Henry James , Walter Pater , Walter Crane (a moving spirit in the Arts and Crafts movement), and the philathropist and reformer Octavia Hill (whose...
Friends, Associates Rhoda Broughton
RB 's vitality, sincerity, and pungent wit gained her the friendship of some of the most notable people of her day.
Stephen, Sir Leslie, and Sidney Lee, editors. The Dictionary of National Biography. Smith, Elder.
Her wide circle of friends and acquaintances included Henry James (the two became extremely...
Friends, Associates Mona Caird
MC shared a particularly close friendship with William Sharp (who wrote as Fiona MacLeod ) and his wife Elizabeth (who wrote his biography). The Sharps, who lived a two minutes' walk away from MC in...
Friends, Associates Michael Field
Katharine and Edith Cooper shared a great many distinguished friends in the worlds of literature and aesthetics: Walter Pater , Oscar Wilde , Arthur Symons , Charles Shannon , Sarianna Browning , Thomas Sturge Moore
Instructor John Buchan
After going to school in several different towns as his father was allotted to various parishes, JB went on a scholarship to Glasgow University , where he specialised in classics and was taught by Gilbert Murray
Intertextuality and Influence Michael Field
Since 1890 Katharine Harris Bradley and Edith Cooper had been preparing to write a collection of poems responding to European art by touring several important galleries (including, besides the National Gallery in London, the Louvre
Intertextuality and Influence Flora Annie Steel
Through a brother-in-law of her husband's, Henry Nettleship , she had access to advice in her historical work from leading scholars: Pater , Ruskin , Benjamin Jowett , Mark Pattison , and Goldwin Smith .
Powell, Violet. Flora Annie Steel: Novelist of India. Heinemann.


1 March 1873: Walter Pater published his influential study...

Writing climate item

1 March 1873

Walter Pater published his influential study of writers, sculptors, and painters from the thirteenth through the eighteenth century: Studies in the History of the Renaissance.

4 March 1885: In Marius the Epicurean, Walter Pater established...

Writing climate item

4 March 1885

In Marius the Epicurean, Walter Pater established his view that the city was the modern topic for writers. The novel is set in Marcus Aurelius 's Rome.

24 May 1887: Walter Pater published Imaginary Portraits,...

Writing climate item

24 May 1887

Walter Pater published Imaginary Portraits, a collection of four short stories.

15 November 1889: Walter Pater published Appreciations, with...

Writing climate item

15 November 1889

Walter Pater published Appreciations, with an Essay on Style.

February 1893: Walter Pater published a selection of lectures...

Writing climate item

February 1893

Walter Pater published a selection of lectures and essays, Plato and Platonism.

21 August 1911: Leonardo da Vinci's painting La Gioconda...

Building item

21 August 1911

Leonardo da Vinci 's painting La Gioconda or the Mona Lisa was stolen from the Louvre in Paris; it was recovered two years later when the Italian thief tried to return it to the...


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