Roger Fry

Standard Name: Fry, Roger
Birth Name: Roger Eliot Fry
RF was an art critic and art historian who during the earlier part of the twentieth century was deeply influential in turning British art towards modernism.


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Employer Nina Hamnett
Back in London, NH did modelling to survive, as well as painting. She also resumed work at the Omega Workshops , and Roger Fry agreed to employ her husband as well.
Hooker, Denise. Nina Hamnett: queen of bohemia. Constable and Company Limited, 1986.
Family and Intimate relationships Nina Hamnett
Around 1916 NH 's friendship with Fry , which was largely based on their mutual respect for each other's work, developed romantically. As Fry's companion, NH entered the exclusive Bloomsbury world; yet, despite her affiliation...
Family and Intimate relationships Laurence Alma-Tadema
In London he became a highly successful painter and a member of the Royal Academy , known particularly for classical subjects handled with richly-coloured sensuous detail that suggested the seventeenth-century Dutch painters. After his death...
Family and Intimate relationships Dorothy Bussy
Simon Bussy , Dorothy's future husband, was born Albert Bussy in 1870, at Dole in the Jura, which he left in 1886. He arrived in Paris in 1896, where he studied at the Académie Carmen
Family and Intimate relationships Virginia Woolf
Virginia and Vanessa (1879-1961, the eldest of Leslie and Julia Stephen's children), were close to one another throughout their lives. In A Sketch of the Past, VW recalls that after the death of their...
Family and Intimate relationships Virginia Woolf
Leonard Woolf worked for Roger Fry as secretary of the second Post-Impressionist Exhibition, held at the Grafton Gallery from October 1912 to January 1913.
Lee, Hermione. Virginia Woolf. Chatto and Windus, 1996.
Family and Intimate relationships Amabel Williams-Ellis
He later served in the Tank Corps . AWE and her husband had three children: Susan, Charlotte, and Christopher. Susan was born shortly before the end of the war, at Roger Fry 's house. AWE
Family and Intimate relationships Lady Ottoline Morrell
LOM 's friendship with Roger Fry became intimate for a brief period of time.
Seymour, Miranda. Ottoline Morrell: Life on the Grand Scale. Farrar Straus Giroux, 1992.
Family and Intimate relationships Elizabeth Daryush
Her mother, born (Mary) Monica Waterhouse , was the daughter of well-known architect Alfred Waterhouse and a cousin of painter and critic Roger Fry . Her family had converted from Quakerism to the Church of England
Friends, Associates Nina Hamnett
Having achieved a footing of friendship with Walter Sickert and the others of the Fitzroy Street Group , NH went on through Roger Fry and Vanessa Bell to get to know the members of the...
Friends, Associates Dorothy Bussy
La Souco was visited regularly by all of their Bloomsbury Group friends, among them Lytton and the other Strachey siblings, the Vanessa and Clive Bell , Virginia and Leonard Woolf , John Maynard Keynes and...
Friends, Associates Virginia Woolf
Early members of what VW called Old Bloomsbury (to distinguish the original members of the group from later additions) included Virginia and Vanessa Stephen , Leonard Woolf , Clive Bell , E. M. Forster ,...
Friends, Associates Virginia Woolf
The cultural production of members of Bloomsbury was prodigious, embracing the imaginative, critical, and political writing of Virginia and Leonard Woolf , E. M. Forster , and Lytton Strachey , the economic theories of Maynard Keynes
Friends, Associates Nina Hamnett
She took up old friendships, making visits out of wartime London to Sophie Gaudier-Brzeska in Gloucestershire and Roger Fry at Guildford (where Lady Strachey led the party in evening literary games). She breakfasted regularly with...
Friends, Associates Mary Butts
During this time MB became acquainted with Wyndham Lewis and Ford Madox Ford as well as Hamnett and Fry . She was a good friend of the strong feminist Wilma Meikle .
Blondel, Nathalie, and Nathalie Blondel. “Foreword”. Mary Butts: Scenes from the Life: A Biography, McPherson, 1998, p. xv - xix.
“Mary Butts Papers”. Beinecke Rare Book Room and Manuscript Library, Yale University.


6 November 1910: Roger Fry organised the Manet and Post-Impressionists...

Building item

6 November 1910

Roger Fry organised the Manet and Post-Impressionists exhibition at the Grafton Galleries , which presented the art of Cézanne , Gauguin , Matisse , and Picasso to London for the first time.
Palmer, Alan, and Veronica Palmer. The Chronology of British History. Century, 1992.
Windsor, Alan, editor. Handbook of Modern British Painting 1900-1980. Scolar Press, 1992.
Ford, Boris, editor. The Cambridge Guide to the Arts in Britain. Vol. 9 vols, Cambridge University Press, 1988–2025.
8: 160
Woolf, Virginia. Roger Fry. Hogarth Press, 1940.
Anscombe, Isabelle. Omega and After: Bloomsbury and the Decorative Arts. Thames and Hudson, 1981.
Drabble, Margaret, editor. The Oxford Companion to English Literature. 5th ed., Oxford University Press, 1985.

March 1914: Wyndham Lewis formed the Rebel Art Centre,...

Building item

March 1914

Wyndham Lewis formed the Rebel Art Centre , an artists' co-operative set up as a rival group to Roger Fry 's Omega Workshops .
Anscombe, Isabelle. Omega and After: Bloomsbury and the Decorative Arts. Thames and Hudson, 1981.
Materer, Timothy. Vortex: Pound, Eliot, and Lewis. Cornell University Press, 1979.

From early summer 1915: Garsington Manor, near Oxford, the home of...

Building item

From early summer 1915

Garsington Manor, near Oxford, the home of Lady Ottoline and Philip Morrell , became a centre for many pacifists, conscientious objectors, and non-pacifist critics of the war.
Berkman, Joyce Avrech. Pacifism in England, 1914-1939. Yale University, 1967, http://U of A HSS.
Seymour, Miranda. Ottoline Morrell: Life on the Grand Scale. Farrar Straus Giroux, 1992.

22 June 1925: The Film Society was incorporated in London,...

Building item

22 June 1925

The Film Society was incorporated in London, where it operated until 1939.
Maclean, Caroline. “Gloomy Sunday Afternoons”. London Review of Books, Vol.
, 10 Sept. 2009, pp. 28-9.


Fry, Roger. Giovanni Bellini. At the Sign of the Unicorn, 1899.
Fry, Roger. Transformations. Chatto and Windus, 1926.
Fry, Roger. Vision and Design. Chatto and Windus, 1920.