F. Mabel Robinson

Standard Name: Robinson, F. Mabel
Birth Name: Frances Mabel Robinson
Pseudonym: William Stephenson Gregg
FMR published six novels during the 1880s and 1890s that are daring both in subject-matter and handling, broaching such topics as women's status, seduction, and illegitimacy. She also produced a political history of Ireland and translations from French. In 1890 she was regarded as one of the leading authors of the day,
Bainton, George, editor. The Art of Authorship. J. Clarke, 1890.
but her reputation has worn less well than that of her sister.


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Dedications A. Mary F. Robinson
AMFR published her eighth poetry collection, Images and Meditations, A Book of Poems, as by Mary Duclaux, and with a dedication to her only sister, dearest friend,
Robinson, A. Mary F. Images and Meditations. T. Fisher Unwin, 1923.
Mabel Robinson .
“Dictionary of Literary Biography online”. Gale Databases: Literature Resource Center-LRC.
Dedications A. Mary F. Robinson
The dedication to Mary's sister Mabel , her first critic, earliest audience,
Robinson, A. Mary F. Songs, Ballads, and a Garden Play. T. Fisher Unwin, 1888.
reads: dear Novelist (in memory of the days when you meant to be nearly everything else under the sun, but never a...
Education Hannah Lynch
After she had left school and begun earning a living, according to Mabel Robinson , HLperfected her French and learned Greek and Spanish.
qtd. in
Murphy, James H. Irish Novelists and the Victorian Age. Oxford University Press, 2011.
Family and Intimate relationships A. Mary F. Robinson
Frances Mabel Robinson , Mary's younger sister, thought of being an artist but became a novelist. They remained committed companions to each other throughout their lives.
“Dictionary of Literary Biography online”. Gale Databases: Literature Resource Center-LRC.
Family and Intimate relationships A. Mary F. Robinson
After her father's death in 1897, she was joined in Paris by her mother and her sister .
Colby, Vineta. Vernon Lee: A Literary Biography. University of Virginia Press, 2003.
Friends, Associates A. Mary F. Robinson
In June 1881 Vernon Lee stayed with AMFR 's family in London. The next month the friends visited Oxford with Mary's sister Mabel . Their Oxford social life included attending a dinner party hosted by...
Friends, Associates Hannah Lynch
Through her involvement with the Ladies' Land League , HL became acquainted with the League's leading force: Irish nationalist and artist Anna Parnell , to whom she dedicated her novel The Prince of the Glades...
Friends, Associates Mona Caird
She met Arthur Symons in June 1889, and in the following month Thomas Hardy carefully arranged to sit between her and Rosamund Marriott Watson (and opposite F. Mabel Robinson ) at a dinner of the...
Friends, Associates Augusta Webster
She also knew Frances Power Cobbe , Vernon Lee , Florence Fenwick Miller , and Mabel Robinson (likely, too, her sister A. Mary F. Robinson , who also wrote for the Athenæum at the same...
Intertextuality and Influence A. Mary F. Robinson
She dedicates A Ballad of Forgotten Tunes to Vernon Lee , and addresses her by name in its closing stanza. She parodies the style of Pope in Celia's Homecoming, written for her sister Mabel
Publishing Edna Lyall
Dedicated to her dear friend Mary Davies (chief songstress of Wales),
Lyall, Edna. Derrick Vaughan, Novelist. Methuen, 1889.
it was the first book published by the then new firm of Methuen .
TLS Centenary Archive Centenary Archive [1902-2012]. http://www.gale.com/c/the-times-literary-supplement-historical-archive.
1947 (27 May 1939): 310
Derrick Vaughan, Novelist reached...
Reception Edna Lyall
The publisher's material in F. Mabel Robinson 's The Plan of Campaign quoted various flattering reviews of Derrick Vaughan, Novelist. The Academy said that EL had written nothing more artistic or morally stimulating than...
Residence A. Mary F. Robinson
After the death of their mother , sisters AMFR and F. Mabel Robinson moved Paris addresses, settling into adjoining apartments at 88 rue de Varennes.
Colby, Vineta. Vernon Lee: A Literary Biography. University of Virginia Press, 2003.
Residence A. Mary F. Robinson
AMFR left Paris (to which the Second World War looked quite likely to bring street fighting) with her sister F. Mabel Robinson for the safer surroundings of remote Aurillac in the Auvergne.
“Dictionary of Literary Biography online”. Gale Databases: Literature Resource Center-LRC.
Textual Features A. Mary F. Robinson
The Red Clove, set in Italy, is dedicated to Vernon Lee ,, while Two Sisters, a memory of childhood, addresses Robinson's sister Mabel . Several poems draw heavily on the world of...


No timeline events available.


Robinson, F. Mabel. A Woman of the World. Smith, Elder, 1890, 3 vols.
Robinson, F. Mabel. Chimæra. W. Heinemann, 1895.
Robinson, F. Mabel. Disenchantment. Vizetelly, 1886.
Robinson, F. Mabel. Irish History for English Readers. Vizetelly, 1886.
Robinson, F. Mabel. Mr. Butler’s Ward. Vizetelly, 1885.
Robinson, F. Mabel. The Plan of Campaign. Vizetelly, 1888, 2 vols.
Robinson, F. Mabel. The Plan of Campaign. Third edition, Methuen, 1890.