Katharine Tynan

Standard Name: Tynan, Katharine
Birth Name: Katharine Tynan
Nickname: Kate
Nickname: K. T.
Nickname: Katie
Married Name: Katharine Hinkson
Married Name: K. T. Hinkson
Married Name: Mrs H. A. Hinkson
The busy writing career of Irish nationalist poet, novelist, and journalist KT spanned the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, driven partly by the need to support her family. Her more than 160 volumes include about a hundred novels (written primarily for women, many of them romance and some gothic), twenty-seven volumes of poetry (some of it inspired by Irish heritage, nationalism, and Catholicism), twenty-three collections of short stories, six volumes of autobiography, three volumes of sketches, a religious play, a book of axioms, and three volumes of biography or memoirs of other people.
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. http://www.oxforddnb.com/.
Napier, Taura S., and Louise S. Napier. Seeking a Country: Literary Autobiographies of Twentieth-Century Irishwomen. University Press of America, 2001.
She selected and edited three poetry collections and a massive volume of Irish literature, all of them important in the Irish Literary Revival, which she helped to produce. Her non-fiction covers Irish history, work for children (including a religious text and a book on behaviour), and a collaboratively written book on flowers. As a journalist she turned out articles and sketches on social, political, and gender issues. She kept an unpublished diary, and a journal of the Great War.


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Anthologization James Joyce
Yeats felt that Katharine Tynan 's inclusion of three poems by Joyce in her Irish anthology The Wild Harp in 1913 gave a material boost to his career.
Hinkson, Pamela. “The Friendship of Yeats and Katharine Tynan, II: Later Days of the Irish Literary Movement”. The Fortnightly, No. 1043 n.s., Nov. 1953, pp. 323-36.
Cultural formation Hannah Lynch
HL grew up as an urban middle-class Irishwoman with some Scottish heritage and amid nationalist influence, in a cultivated literary and political household which was also a predominantly female environment. It is described in Twenty-Five...
Family and Intimate relationships Dora Sigerson
George Sigerson , DS 's father, was a doctor specialising in nervous disorders (a new area of research), a poet, and a Gaelic scholar. He lectured on biology at the National University of Ireland ...
Family and Intimate relationships Dora Sigerson
DS 's sister, later Hester Sigerson Piatt , married the Gaelic poet and playwright Donn Piatt in about 1900, having been introduced to him by family friend Katharine Tynan . It seems that the couple...
Family and Intimate relationships Lady Cynthia Asquith
Cynthia's uncle George Wyndham was a Conservative politician (named Secretary of State for Ireland in 1900), an author, and a personal friend of the writer Katharine Tynan .
Family and Intimate relationships Mona Caird
His father, Sir James Caird (an agricultural economist and large landowner in south-west Scotland, knighted in 1882), had at some date (probably connected with inheritance) linked his own surname with that of his wife, born...
Family and Intimate relationships Alice Meynell
She bore eight children, of whom one died in infancy. As the family grew, financial worries forced her to work unceasingly. Katharine Tynan was godmother to Olivia , born in 1890, and Francis Thompson was...
Fictionalization Alice Meynell
To many of her contemporaries (especially male contemporaries), AM symbolised the perfection of Woman and Mother. Many descriptions of her suggest Woolf 's Mrs Ramsay in To the Lighthouse. Coventry Patmore and Francis Thompson
Fictionalization Amy Levy
Quite apart from the biographical errors perpetrated by James Warwick Price , other myths about her were woven from her Jewishness and her suicide. Her friend Clementina Black (perhaps feeling that her reputation needed rescue)...
Friends, Associates Alice Meynell
Following her early conquest of Tennyson , AM went on to develop a large circle of literary acquaintances. Callers on the Meynells at Palace Court included Irish writer Katharine Tynan , Aubrey Beardsley (while he...
Friends, Associates May Sinclair
She had an extremely strong sense of privacy. Though at first she was pleased by the suggestion of an American journalist, Witter Bynner , that he should interview her, and though she liked him when...
Friends, Associates Viola Meynell
During 1913 to 1914, VM became close friends with Gladys Parrish Huntington (who in 1915 was to publish Carfrae's Comedy) through a common friend, Ivy Low .
MacKenzie, Raymond N. A Critical Biography of English Novelist Viola Meynell, 1885-1956. Edwin Mellen, 2002.
110-11, 113
Soon afterwards, while doing war...
Friends, Associates Dora Sigerson
DS met Irish-nationalist poet and novelist Katharine Tynan , with whom she shared a lifelong friendship.
Tynan, Katharine, and Dora Sigerson. “Dora Sigerson: A Tribute and Some Memories”. The Sad Years, Constable, 1918, p. vii - xii.
Friends, Associates Sarah Grand
While living in Tunbridge WellsSG met the poet, popular novelist, and Irish nationalist Katharine Tynan .
Tynan, Katharine. The Middle Years. Constable, 1916.
Friends, Associates Hannah Lynch
Through her involvement with the Ladies' Land League , HL became acquainted with the League's leading force: Irish nationalist and artist Anna Parnell , to whom she dedicated her novel The Prince of the Glades...


July 1889: Women's Suffrage: A Reply appeared in the...

Building item

July 1889

Women's Suffrage: A Reply appeared in the Fortnightly Review to counter Mary Augusta Ward 's Appeal Against Female Suffrage in the previous month's Nineteenth Century.
“Women’s Suffrage: A Reply”. Fortnightly Review, Vol.
, July 1889, pp. 123-39.

1890: The year following Irish nationalist Ellen...

Women writers item


The year following Irish nationalist Ellen O'Leary 's death from breast cancer on 15 October 1889, her Lays of Country, Home and Friends (many of them political) were collected and published.
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. http://www.oxforddnb.com/.

1895: Thomas Bird Mosher of Portland, Maine, began...

Writing climate item


Thomas Bird Mosher of Portland, Maine, began publishing The Bibelot. A Reprint of Poetry & Prose for Book Lovers, a monthly series later collected as an annual volume, of exquisitely produced editions in tiny press-runs.
“An Exhibition of Books from the Press of Thomas Bird Mosher, from the collection of Norman H. Strouse, January 16th - March 12th 1967”. The Free Library of Philadelphia, Logan Square.

November 1908: Bean na h-Eireann (whose title means Woman...

Writing climate item

November 1908

Bean na h-Eireann (whose title means Woman of Ireland) began publishing in Dublin as the organ of the nationalist group Inighnidhe na h-Eireann , Daughters of Ireland.
Haverty, Anne. Constance Markievicz: An Independent Life. Pandora, 1988.
61-2, 72-3, 77, 79


Tynan, Katharine. A Cluster of Nuts. Lawrence and Bullen, 1894.
Tynan, Katharine. A Lover’s Breast-Knot. Elkin Mathews, 1896.
Tynan, Katharine. A Nun, Her Friends, and Her Order. Kegan Paul, 1891.
Tynan, Katharine. “A Word for Shopgirls”. Times, No. 43698, p. 10.
Tynan, Katharine. An Isle in the Water. A. and C. Black, 1895.
Tynan, Katharine. Ballads and Lyrics. Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner, 1891.
Tynan, Katharine. Cuckoo Songs. Elkin Mathews and John Lane, 1894.
Tynan, Katharine, and Dora Sigerson. “Dora Sigerson: A Tribute and Some Memories”. The Sad Years, Constable, 1918, p. vii - xii.
Tynan, Katharine. Evensong. B. Blackwell, 1922.
Tynan, Katharine. Experiences. A. H. Bullen, 1908.
Tynan, Katharine. Flower of Youth. Sidgwick and Jackson, 1915.
Tynan, Katharine. Herb O’ Grace. Sidgwick and Jackson, 1918.
Tynan, Katharine, and Eva Gore-Booth. In Memoriam: Dora Sigerson, 1918-1923. Privately printed by Clement Shorter, 1923.
Tynan, Katharine. Innocencies. A. H. Bullen; Maunsel, 1905.
Tynan, Katharine, editor. Irish Love-Songs. T. F. Unwin, 1892.
Tynan, Katharine. Irish Poems. Sidgwick and Jackson, 1913.
Tynan, Katharine. Julia. Smith, Elder, 1904.
Tynan, Katharine. Late Songs. Sidgwick and Jackson, 1917.
Tynan, Katharine. Lord Edward. John Murray, 1916.
Tynan, Katharine. Louise de la Vallière. Kegan Paul, Trench, 1885.
Tynan, Katharine. New Poems. Sidgwick and Jackson, 1911.
Tynan, Katharine. “Our Daughters’ Future: Independence or Idleness?”. Times, No. 43003, p. 10.
Tynan, Katharine. “Our Daughters’ Future: The Marriage Problem; Girls as Colonists; A Dowry System Suggested”. Times, No. 43019, p. 19.
Tynan, Katharine et al., editors. Poems and Ballads of Young Ireland. M. H. Gill and Son, 1888.
Tynan, Katharine. “Santa Christina”. The Bookman, Vol.
, pp. 185-90.