John Singer Sargent

Standard Name: Sargent, John Singer


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Friends, Associates F. Mabel Robinson
FMR shared to the full the social involvement of her family with entertaining leading figures in London cultural life: such men as John Singer Sargent , Robert Browning , William Morris , and Oscar Wilde
Friends, Associates A. Mary F. Robinson
AMFR and Vernon Lee attended a tea-party at John Singer Sargent 's London studio.
Colby, Vineta. Vernon Lee: A Literary Biography. University of Virginia Press, 2003.
Friends, Associates Vernon Lee
In Nice, Violet Paget (later VL ) and her family met the Fitzwilliam Sargent family. Violet became close to Mrs Mary Sargent , who fostered her literary ambition and passion for Italy, and to...
Leisure and Society Anne Thackeray Ritchie
ATR 's friends presented her with her portrait painted by John Singer Sargent .
Gérin, Winifred. Anne Thackeray Ritchie: A Biography. Oxford University Press, 1981.
Leisure and Society Vernon Lee
John Singer Sargent painted her portrait in 1881, looking [a]usterely boyish.
Dillon, Brian. “At Tate Britain”. London Review of Books, Vol.
, No. 17, 7 Sept. 2017, p. 27.
Leisure and Society Lady Cynthia Asquith
LCA , who was renowned for her beauty, was painted in her youth by Sir Edward Burne-Jones . She wrote later of his Garden Studio at The Grange in North End Lane, Fulham that its...
Leisure and Society Viola Tree
In 1907 John Singer Sargent did a portrait of VT which remains today in a private collection.
John Singer Sargent Virtual Gallery.
under Viola Tree
Leisure and Society Angela Thirkell
Three years into this marriage, the future AT was painted by John Singer Sargent . The work was thought to be particularly successful because of her strong character as a sitter: her combination of tremulous...
Publishing Alice Meynell
She was unhappy that Sargent 's portrait of her was reproduced as the frontispiece, but was otherwise pleased with the book and its sales. It included four previously unpublished essays, two of them on the...
Textual Features Vernon Lee
Oke of Okehurst, narrated by a painter based in part on VL 's friend John Singer Sargent ,conjures up the ghostly feel of a Jacobean house set in the rainy Kentish, where the...
Textual Features Ada Leverson
In this novel Valentia Wyburn, another clever woman, has been five years married and has a lover (though their sexual relationship is never particularised) besides her husband. But she breaks with him when she discovers...


4-22 May 1914: Militant suffragettes slashed several paintings...

Building item

4-22 May 1914

Militant suffragettes slashed several paintings at the Royal Academy and the National Gallery , including Sargent 's portrait of Henry James .
Wees, William C. Vorticism and the English Avant-Garde. University of Toronto Press, 1972.


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