Mary Louisa Molesworth

Standard Name: Molesworth, Mary Louisa
Birth Name: Mary Louisa Stewart
Married Name: Mary Louisa Molesworth
Indexed Name: Mrs Molesworth
Pseudonym: Ennis Graham
MLM , writing in the later nineteenth century, was immensely prolific and successful as a writer for children. Of her publications (just over a hundred titles) only a few novels and volumes of stories are for adults, but these deserve to be better known.


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Education Susan Tweedsmuir
She was, however, always reading as a child: she and her sister had few books, but knew by heart whole chapters of the ones they did have. As a child Susan hated Mrs Mortimer 's...
Education Agatha Christie
By the time Agatha was born, Clara Miller believed that girls ought not to learn to read before the age of eight. Defiantly, Agatha taught herself to read at five. She eagerly devoured Lewis Carroll
Education Anne Ridler
Her education began with her mother and a governess. At six she began attending a class run by the sister of another Rugby master. Later came visits to a piano teacher, and at home a...
Education G. B. Stern
At first Gladys was taught at home by governesses: the stout, comical angel Fräulein Sanders,
Stern, G. B. Monogram. Chapman and Hall.
followed by several lunatics, one elderly nymphomaniac (unsuccessful) and a prostitute
Stern, G. B. Monogram. Chapman and Hall.
(that is, a governess who was dismissed...
Friends, Associates Algernon Charles Swinburne
He had ties to writers Anne Ogle , Mary Louisa Molesworth , Ouida , and Mathilde Blind . His movement through England's literary circles also brought him into the company of Thomas Carlyle , James Anthony Froude
Friends, Associates Anne Ogle
The success of AO 's first novel introduced her to England's literary circles. She knew the BrowningRobert Browning s, the CarlyleThomas Carlyle s, the ThackerayWilliam Makepeace Thackeray s, Tennyson , and Swinburne . She also kept company with Mary Louisa Molesworth .
Blain, Virginia et al., editors. The Feminist Companion to Literature in English: Women Writers from the Middle Ages to the Present. Yale University Press; Batsford.
Meyers, Terry L. “Swinburne Reshapes His Grand Passion: A Version by ’Ashford Owen’”. Victorian Poetry, Vol.
, No. 1, West Virginia University, pp. 111-15.
Intertextuality and Influence Anne Ogle
She may have had the help or collaboration of Swinburne during its conception (many years before its eventual publication). They probably met on 17 August 1858 at Wallington in Northumberland. They both stayed there...
Occupation Constance Smedley
Since the Langham Place Group had provided a social space for women in 1860, several organizations had already challenged the flourishing institution of men's clubs. The Lyceum Club came on the scene at a time...
Reception Charlotte Mary Brame
CMB 's novels became a publishing brand, and her names (her most-used pseudonym, Bertha M. Clay, as well as her name itself and its mutilated form as Braeme) were freely used by later...
Textual Features G. B. Stern
A listing of books which GBS feels to be particularly her own includes Jane Austen , Edna St Vincent Millay , Dorothy Parker , and Rebecca West 's essays. But most of the women authors...
Textual Production Marghanita Laski
ML edited and introduced Victorian Tales for Girls, which includes tales by Mary Louisa Molesworth , Charlotte Yonge , Frances Hodgson Burnett , Juliana Ewing , Annie Fellows-Johnston , and one anonymous author.
Ewing, Juliana Horatia et al. Victorian Tales for Girls. Editor Laski, Marghanita, Pilot Press.
Textual Production Marghanita Laski
ML dedicated to Mary Lascelles (who had taught her at Somerville College ) her bio- critical work on three Victorian writers for children: Mrs. Ewing , Mrs. Molesworth , and Mrs. Hodgson Burnett.
Laski, Marghanita. Mrs. Ewing, Mrs. Molesworth, and Mrs. Hodgson Burnett. A. Barker.
Maxwell, Mrs. “Ladies of Quality”. Times Literary Supplement, No. 2528, p. 438.
Textual Production L. T. Meade
She gave up her editorship only when other writing commitments and her growing children made it impossible to continue. During those six years she used to eat breakfast at half past seven, receive her first...
Textual Production Noel Streatfeild
In 1961 NS had the honour of appearing in Bodley Head 's series of monographs on children's writers, where she joined such household names as Mary Louisa Molesworth , Juliana Horatia Ewing , Lewis Carroll


September 1854: The British landed in Crimea, unopposed by...

National or international item

September 1854

The British landed in Crimea, unopposed by the Russians they had come to make war with. They went on to lay siege to Sebastopol that October and to win important victories at Balaklava (25...


Molesworth, Mary Louisa, and Walter Crane. "Carrots": Just a Little Boy. Macmillan, 1876.
Molesworth, Mary Louisa, and Walter Crane. A Christmas Child. Macmillan, 1880.
Molesworth, Mary Louisa, and Gertrude Demain Hammond. Fairies Afield. Macmillan, 1911.
Molesworth, Mary Louisa. Hathercourt Rectory. Hurst and Blackett, 1878.
Molesworth, Mary Louisa, and Mary Ellen Edwards. Hoodie. Routledge, 1882.
Ewing, Juliana Horatia et al. “Introduction”. Victorian Tales for Girls, edited by Marghanita Laski, Pilot Press, 1947, pp. 7-12.
Molesworth, Mary Louisa. Lettice. Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1884.
Molesworth, Mary Louisa. Lover and Husband. Skeet, 1870.
Molesworth, Mary Louisa. Marrying and Giving in Marriage. Longmans, 1887.
Molesworth, Mary Louisa, and Walter Crane. Tell Me a Story. Macmillan, 1875.
Molesworth, Mary Louisa, and Walter Crane. The Adventures of Herr Baby. Macmillan, 1881.
Molesworth, Mary Louisa, and Walter Crane. The Cuckoo Clock. Macmillan, 1877.
Molesworth, Mary Louisa. The Girl in Black, and Bronzie. Chatto and Windus, 1889.
Molesworth, Mary Louisa, and Bevil R. Molesworth. The Wrong Envelope, and Other Stories. Macmillan, 1906.
Ewing, Juliana Horatia et al. Victorian Tales for Girls. Editor Laski, Marghanita, Pilot Press, 1947.