Elizabeth A. Sharp

Standard Name: Sharp, Elizabeth A.


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Anthologization Rosamund Marriott Watson
RMW was by this time establishing a name for herself as an poet. In 1890 Elizabeth A. Sharp included three of her poems in Women Poets of the Victorian Era. The anthology also features...
Friends, Associates Mona Caird
MC shared a particularly close friendship with William Sharp (who wrote as Fiona MacLeod ) and his wife Elizabeth (who wrote his biography). The Sharps, who lived a two minutes' walk away from MC in...
Reception Constance Naden
The same year Elizabeth Sharp included two of CN 's poems in her feminist anthology Women Poets of the Victorian Era.
Sharp, Elizabeth A., editor. Women Poets of the Victorian Era. Walter Scott.
Travel Mona Caird
MC travelled a good deal in Continental Europe. She was abroad for her health in 1889, and she spent the winter of 1890-1 in Rome with William and Elizabeth Sharp .
Forward, Stephanie. “A Study in Yellow: Mona Caird’s ’The Yellow Drawing-Room’”. Women’s Writing, Vol.
, No. 2, pp. 295-07.
Heilmann, Ann. New Woman Strategies: Sarah Grand, Olive Schreiner, Mona Caird. Manchester University Press.


1887: Elizabeth A. Sharp published, as Mrs William...

Women writers item


Elizabeth A. Sharp published, as Mrs William Sharp, Women's Voices: An Anthology of the Most Characteristic Poems by English, Scotch, and Irish Women.

1890: Elizabeth A. Sharp, as Mrs William Sharp,...

Women writers item


Elizabeth A. Sharp , as Mrs William Sharp, published the anthologyWomen Poets of the Victorian Era.


Sharp, Elizabeth A. “The Author of ’John Halifax, Gentleman’”. The Woman’s World, edited by Oscar Wilde, Vol.
, pp. 111-14.
Sharp, Elizabeth A., editor. Women Poets of the Victorian Era. Walter Scott, 1889.