Women’s Writing in the British Isles from the Beginnings to the Present
Jane Ellen Harrison
Standard Name: Harrison, Jane Ellen
Birth Name: Jane Ellen Harrison
Classics scholar JEH
devoted much of her career to radically unorthodox studies of the development of ritual and religion in early Greek culture. Her findings, issuing in both monographs and articles, were highly publicized and often controversial during her own time, but fell into neglect before receiving sharply increased attention from the late 1980s forward. As recent studies have demonstrated, it is difficult to overestimate the impact of Harrison's work on her specific scholarly field (Greek ritual, art, and myth), on women in academia, or on a range of creative writers. She also published a personal memoir.
was born into a wealthy business family which struck Virginia Woolf as typical[ly] English
Woolf, Virginia. The Letters of Virginia Woolf. Editors Nicolson, Nigel and Joanne Trautmann, Hogarth Press, 1975–1980, 6 vols.
3: 200
(though in fact both of her parents were Scots). She converted to Roman Catholicism
in the late 1920s....
Cultural formation
Hope Mirrlees
Jane Harrison
is the only intimate companion linked to HM
by current critics or historians. Mary Beard
notes that Mirrlees was talked about in ways that pointed to her homosexuality.
Beard, Mary. The Invention of Jane Harrison. Harvard University Press, 2000.
returned to France in early 1915, when she and Jane Harrison
spent several months in Paris: they lived at the Hôtel de l'Élysée and studied Russian at the École des Langues Orientales
. (...
Mary Agnes Hamilton
Women were permitted to attend lectures at Kiel only by express permission from each professor involved. Mary Agnes improved her German, learned a great deal about ancient Greece, and also saw productions of most of...
She had also studied English and modern history during her degree. In her first year she discovered Jane Ellen Harrison
's Prolegomena to the Study of Greek Religion (1903). Harrison's work, which suggests that the...
Constance Garnett
She later recorded that she occasionally saw the great Miss Harrison—who, however had no active connection with Newnham at this date, since she had graduated, and was not yet a Fellow. Constance reached the...
Family and Intimate relationships
Hope Mirrlees
Soon after HM
arrived at Newnham
, she and Harrison
began to develop a personal relationship. Frequently corresponding by letter whether they were both present in Cambridge
or not, the two formulated an exclusive, fantastic...
Family and Intimate relationships
Hope Mirrlees
Apart from this unusual communcation, HM
and Harrison
studied and published, travelled, and lived together for nearly two decades. Harrison was nursed by HM
through her last illness and after her death in 1928, Mirrlees...
Family and Intimate relationships
Frances Cornford
She was the first among the young Darwin women to be married.
Raverat, Gwen. Period Piece: A Cambridge Childhood. Faber and Faber, 1977.
She had been introduced to Francis Cornford the previous year by Jane Harrison
, who knew Frances well, had been an intimate...
Friends, Associates
Virginia Woolf
While woolgathering for her upcoming Women and Fiction lectures at Cambridge
, VW
met with Jane Ellen Harrison
for the last time; in her diary she described her as very aged & rather exalted.
Woolf, Virginia. The Diary of Virginia Woolf. Editors Bell, Anne Olivier and Andrew McNeillie, Hogarth Press, 1977–1984, 5 vols.
3: 175-6
Friends, Associates
Virginia Woolf
The classical scholar Jane Ellen Harrison
made a great impact on Woolf's views on women in scholarship and women in history. The Hogarth Press
published her Reminiscences of a Student's Life, 1925.
Back in Italy after the end of the First World War, VL
continued to read widely. She returned to Dante
, Shakespeare
, and Goethe
. She introduced herself to newer writings on philosophy, science...
No timeline events available.
Harrison, Jane Ellen. Alpha and Omega. Sidgwick and Jackson, 1915.
Harrison, Jane Ellen. Epilegomena to the Study of Greek Religion. Cambridge University Press, 1921.
Harrison, Jane Ellen. Introductory Studies in Greek Art. T. Fisher Unwin, 1885.
Harrison, Jane Ellen, and Pausanias. Mythology and Monuments of Ancient Athens. Translator Verrall, Margaret, Macmillan, 1890.
Harrison, Jane Ellen. Myths of the Odyssey in Art and Literature. Rivington, 1882.
Harrison, Jane Ellen. Prolegomena to the Study of Greek Religion. Cambridge University Press, 1903.
Harrison, Jane Ellen. Reminiscences of a Student’s Life. Hogarth Press, 1925.
Garnett, Ray. The Book of the Bear. Translators Harrison, Jane Ellen and Hope Mirrlees, Nonesuch, 1926.
Mirsky, Dimitri Svyatopolk. The Life of the Archpriest Avvakum by Himself. Translators Harrison, Jane Ellen and Hope Mirrlees, L. and V. Woolf, 1924.
Harrison, Jane Ellen. Themis. Cambridge University Press, 1912.