Jonathan Swift
Standard Name: Swift, Jonathan
Connections Sort descending | Author name | Excerpt |
Anthologization | Sarah Lady Pennington | An Unfortunate Mother's Advice to her Absent Daughters quickly became a staple of composite volumes directed toward young women's conduct. At Edinburgh a volume of this kind, Instructions for a Young Lady, in every sphere... |
Dedications | Mary Barber | Swift dated his dedication of MB's Poems, written on her behalf, to Lord Orrery. Barber, Mary et al. Poems on Several Occasions. C. Rivington, 1734. iii-vii |
Education | Dorothy Wellesley | She also furthered her own education by early-morning visits to the library, sometimes permitted though sometimes stopped, during which she read everything I could lay hands on, including Tennyson, Matthew Arnold, Swift's... |
Education | Caroline Clive | CC's education took place at home. Blain, Virginia et al., editors. The Feminist Companion to Literature in English: Women Writers from the Middle Ages to the Present. Yale University Press; Batsford, 1990. |
Education | Alice Walker | On her own the child AW was always reading. At eight she identified in someone else's house a photograph of Booker T. Washington —and asked, Why don't you give it to me, please? White, Evelyn. Alice Walker. A Life. Norton, 2004. 31 |
Education | Linda Villari | During the time she spent at her great-aunt's house in Croydon, LV's novel suggests she was taught at home by a family governess, a close friend of her mother, identified there as Miss... |
Education | Jean Rhys | At a very young age, JR imagined that God was a book. She was so slow to read that her parents were concerned, but then suddenly found herself able to read even the longer words... |
Education | William Congreve | WC attended Trinity College, Dublin, where he was a fellow-student of Swift. Back in England he became a law student at the Middle Temple, but soon drifted away from the law towards a literary life. Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. |
Education | Frances Reynolds | |
Family and Intimate relationships | Virginia Woolf | He was immensely influential. As editor of the Cornhill Magazine from 1871 to 1882, he published Henry James, Thomas Hardy, Matthew Arnold, Robert Browning, and George Meredith, among others. Rosenbaum, S. P. “An Educated Man’s Daughter: Leslie Stephen, Virginia Woolf and the Bloomsbury Group”. Virginia Woolf: New Critical Essays, edited by Patricia Clements and Isobel Grundy, Vision; Barnes and Noble, 1983, pp. 32-56. 34 |
Family and Intimate relationships | Dorothy Osborne | Temple had a distinguished career as a politician, but is best known to literary history for his patronage of the young Jonathan Swift. |
Family and Intimate relationships | Jane Francesca Lady Wilde | Other relations included her maternal great-grandfather, Dr Thomas Kingsbury, who was President of the Royal College of Physicians and physician to Jonathan Swift. The gothic novelist Charles Robert Maturin, best known for Melmoth... |
Family and Intimate relationships | Hélène Barcynska | In her first book of autobiography, HB always calls Evans the man. Naomi Royde-Smith thought him the most savage satirist since Swift. HB at once quarrelled with Leslie about him. The day after... |
Family and Intimate relationships | Dorothy Richardson | |
Family and Intimate relationships | Elizabeth Griffith | Her father, Thomas Griffith, was an actor, and manager of Smock Alley Theatre (the Theatre Royal) in Dublin. He became Master of the Revels in Ireland in 1729 and opened a new Dublin theatre... |
18 January 1609: John Healey's English version of the Latin...
Writing climate item
18 January 1609
John Healey's English version of the Latin Mundus alter et idem, 1605, by satirist Joseph Hall was licensed by the Stationers' Company as A Discovery of a New World.
Borne Back Daily. 2001, .
8 September 2008
May 1704: Swift anonymously published, together, his...
Writing climate item
May 1704
Swift anonymously published, together, his first major works: A Tale of a Tub and The Battle of the Books, written about eight years earlier.
Drabble, Margaret, editor. The Oxford Companion to English Literature. 5th ed., Oxford University Press, 1985.
Johnson, Samuel. The Lives of the Poets. Editor Lonsdale, Roger, Clarendon Press, 2006, 4 vols.
3: 434n26
30 April 1709: The ninth number of The Tatler carried Jonathan...
Writing climate item
30 April 1709
The ninth number of The Tatler carried Jonathan Swift's A Description of the Morning: a mock pastoral poem with prentice boys and maidservants for shepherds and shepherdesses.
Steele, Sir Richard, editor. The Tatler. Printed for the author, 1-272.
9: 1
Swift, Jonathan. Poems. Editor Williams, Harold, Clarendon, 1958.
86, 91
2 May 1709: Poetical Miscellanies. The Sixth Part was...
Writing climate item
2 May 1709
Poetical Miscellanies. The Sixth Part was published, including Pope's Pastorals and poems by Anne Finch (which are placed between work by Pope and Swift).
Pope, Alexander. The Poems of Alexander Pope. Editor Butt, John, Twickenham Edition, Methuen; Yale University Press, 1951–1969, 11 vols.
1: 58
3 August 1710: The Examiner, or, Remarks upon Papers and...
Writing climate item
3 August 1710
The Examiner, or, Remarks upon Papers and Occurrences was launched by Jonathan Swift with the express intention of examining and correcting false statements from other periodicals; it ran until 1716
Italia, Iona. Philosophers, Knights-Errant, Coquettes and Old Maids. Cambridge University, 1997.
8 March 1711: Jonathan Swift's periodical The Examiner...
Building item
8 March 1711
Jonathan Swift's periodical The Examiner commented on the female habit of signalling party political allegiance by different styles of muffs or fans or beauty patches.
Steele, Sir Richard, and Joseph Addison. Selections from the Tatler and Spectator. Editor Ross, Angus, Penguin, 1982.
16 February 1712: People in Dublin feared the outbreak of Catholic...
National or international item
16 February 1712
People in Dublin feared the outbreak of Catholic rebellion in the west of Ireland.
Montagu, Warren. “Forum”. Eighteenth-Century Fiction, Vol.
, No. 1, Oct. 1997, pp. 101-6. 105
11 February 1722: Jonathan Swift wrote: It is a little hard,...
Building item
11 February 1722
Jonathan Swift wrote: It is a little hard, that not one gentleman's daughter in a thousand, should be brought to read, or understand her own natural tongue, or be judge of the easiest books that...
By May 1726: Jonathan Swift published his puzzling, ambivalent...
Writing climate item
By May 1726
Jonathan Swift published his puzzling, ambivalent poetic account of his relationship with Esther Vanhomrigh: Cadenus and Vanessa.
Monthly Catalogue, 1723-1730. Gregg Press.
28 October 1726: Cloaking himself, with a great deal of obfuscation,...
Writing climate item
28 October 1726
Cloaking himself, with a great deal of obfuscation, as Captain Lemuel Gulliver, Swift published Travels into Several Remote Nations of the World (better known as Gulliver's Travels).
Hunting, Robert. Jonathan Swift. Twayne, 1967.
22 November 1729: Jonathan Swift anonymously published A Modest...
Writing climate item
22 November 1729
Jonathan Swift anonymously published A Modest Proposal for Preventing the Children of Poor People in Ireland, from being a Burden to their Parents or Country.
Monthly Catalogue, 1723-1730. Gregg Press.
5 December 1734: A notorious poem by Swift, A Beautiful Young...
Writing climate item
5 December 1734
A notorious poem by Swift, A Beautiful Young Nymph Going to Bed, first reached print. In mock -pastoral mode, it describes a professional prostitute carefully disassembling the cosmetics and prostheses by which she...
1891: Margaret Louisa Woods published Esther Vanhomrigh,...
Women writers item
Margaret Louisa Woods published Esther Vanhomrigh, a historical romance centred on one of the women Swift loved. She was an interesting subject: a poet and letter-writer herself, who pursued Swift to Ireland when he...
October 2014: Forty years after it had become one of the...
Building item
October 2014
Forty years after it had become one of the first five Oxford men's colleges to admit women, Hertford College marked the occasion by replacing its dining-hall portraits of male eminences with striking black-and-white photographs of...
Manley, Delarivier. A True Narrative of What Pass’d at the Examination of the Marquis de Guiscard. Editor Swift, Jonathan, John Morphew, 1711.
Swift, Jonathan. Gulliver’s Travels. B. Motte, 2 vols.
Swift, Jonathan. Journal to Stella. Editor Williams, Sir Harold Herbert, Clarendon Press, 1948, 2 vols.
Swift, Jonathan. Poems. Editor Williams, Harold, Clarendon, 1958.
Barber, Mary et al. Poems on Several Occasions. C. Rivington, 1734.
Swift, Jonathan, and Arthur Mainwaring. Swift vs. Mainwaring: The Examiner and The Medley. Editor Ellis, Frank H., Clarendon, 1985.
Swift, Jonathan. The Correspondence of Jonathan Swift. Editor Williams, Sir Harold Herbert, Clarendon, 1965, 5 vols.
Swift, Jonathan. The Prose Works of Jonathan Swift. Editor Davis, Herbert, Blackwell, 1968, 14 vols.