Esther Vanhomrigh

Standard Name: Vanhomrigh, Esther


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Family and Intimate relationships Jonathan Swift
His first involvement, which began in 1695, was with Jane Waring or Varina, who undoubtedly hoped to marry him. Esther Johnson or Stella, whom he met as a child at Sir William Temple's...
Textual Features Maria Riddell
MR 's own twenty poems include prefatory verses as editor, written for the occasion. She prints work by the late Henrietta O'Neill (the well-known Ode to the Poppy), Georgiana Duchess of Devonshire (St...
Textual Features Dorothea Du Bois
After seven pages on grammar, she offers pattern letters: those in verse are in effect an anthology of epistolary poems by women, a patriotically generous selection of Irish writers (Mary Monck , Mary Barber
Textual Production Lucie Duff Gordon
LDG made a foray into fiction with her translation of Léon de Wailly 's Stella and Vanessa, a French novel based on Jonathan Swift 's life.
British Library Catalogue.


By May 1726: Jonathan Swift published his puzzling, ambivalent...

Writing climate item

By May 1726

Jonathan Swift published his puzzling, ambivalent poetic account of his relationship with Esther Vanhomrigh : Cadenus and Vanessa.
Monthly Catalogue, 1723-1730. Gregg Press.


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