Trinity College, University of Dublin


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Cultural formation John Millington Synge
He was disappointed when he wished to learn a little of the Irish language and found that Trinity College 's expert on the subject was a clergyman who made him read a crabbed version of...
Education John Millington Synge
JMS enrolled at Trinity College , Dublin, where he remained a student until he received his BA on 15 December 1892. Most notable among the courses he took were Irish and Hebrew.
Saddlemyer, Ann. “Introduction and Chronology”. The Collected Letters of John Millington Synge, Oxford University Press, 1983, p. ix - xxvi.
Education Thomas Moore
In January 1795 TM became one of the first Irish Catholic students allowed to study at Trinity College, Dublin , but he remained ineligible for scholarships.
“Dictionary of Literary Biography online”. Gale Databases: Literature Resource Center-LRC.
Education Jo Shapcott
JS took her first-class Honours BA in English at Trinity College, Dublin (after a course during the span of which she had also studied at the Dublin College of Music).
Arc Publications.
“Contemporary Authors”. Gale Databases: Literature Resource Centre-LRC.
Education William Congreve
WC attended Trinity College , Dublin, where he was a fellow-student of Swift . Back in England he became a law student at the Middle Temple , but soon drifted away from the law towards a literary life.
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography.
Education Oliver Goldsmith
After various local schools he attended Trinity College, Dublin , as a sizar: a poor student who financed his course by acting as a servant to other students. He was often in trouble with the...
Education Samuel Beckett
SB attended various schools, where he not only began writing but was also an excellent games-player, in cricket, rugby, tennis, swimming, and boxing. He went to Trinity College , Dublin, in 1923 and took his...
Education Kate O'Brien
KOB entered University College, Dublin , on a county council scholarship to read French and English (though some relations favoured a safe job instead).
Most reference works, oddly, have 1915. The prelims of the Virago
Education Anne Enright
AE enrolled for a BA in English and Philosophy at Trinity College, Dublin .
Bracken, Claire, and Susan Cahill, editors. “Introduction”. Anne Enright, Irish Academic Press, 2011, pp. 1-12.
Education E. Owens Blackburne
EOB attended Trinity College , Dublin, taking the first medal and a certificate in the exam for women.
Hays, Frances. Women of the Day. Chatto and Windus, 1885.
Education Jennifer Johnston
JJ studied English at Trinity College, Dublin . She had trouble getting in, and once she was there she became disillusioned with what was on offer—just sitting in a class of an enormous size, listening...
Education Eavan Boland
EB worked for her BA in English at Trinity College , Dublin, graduating with First Class Honours.
Sherry, Vincent B., editor. Dictionary of Literary Biography 40. Gale Research, 1985.
Welch, Robert, and Bruce Stewart, editors. The Oxford Companion to Irish Literature. Clarendon, 1996.
Education John Millington Synge
JMS took his first violin lesson in Dublin. Two years later, in November 1889, he enrolled in the Royal Irish Academy of Music while also attending Trinity College .
Saddlemyer, Ann. “Introduction and Chronology”. The Collected Letters of John Millington Synge, Oxford University Press, 1983, p. ix - xxvi.
Employer Eiléan Ní Chuilleanáin
While working on her B. Litt at Oxford, ENC began teaching Renaissance literature at Trinity College , Dublin, where she later served as Dean of the Faculty of Arts. She remained one of a...
Employer Seamus Heaney
From 1982 SH held an academic position at Harvard , where he taught for just one semester of the year. Two years into this arrangement Harvard appointed him Boylston Professor of Rhetoric and Oratory. From...


3 March 1592: Elizabeth I granted the founding charter...

National or international item

3 March 1592

Elizabeth I granted the founding charter for Trinity College, Dublin.
Maxwell, Constantia. A History of Trinity College, Dublin, 1591-1892. University Press, Trinity College, 1946.
Foster, Robert Fitzroy. Modern Ireland 1600-1972. Allen Lane, 1988.

Late 1689: John Locke published three important works:...

Writing climate item

Late 1689

John Locke published three important works: An Essay Concerning Human Understanding, his anonymous Letter concerning Toleration (in English form), and Two Treatises of Government.
Woozley, Anthony Douglas, and John Locke. “Introduction”. An Essay Concerning Human Understanding, Fontana/Collins, 1975, pp. 9-51.
O’Brien, Karen. Women and Enlightenment in Eighteenth-Century Britain. Cambridge University Press, 2009.
8, 35, 161

5 April 1867: The School of Physic (Ireland) Amendment...

National or international item

5 April 1867

The School of Physic (Ireland) Amendment Act opened several Professorships at the University of Dublin (Trinity College) to all qualified persons regardless of religious affiliation.
Law Reports: Statutes. Eyre and Spottiswoode, 1866–2025.
1867: 72-5

January 1904: Trinity College, Dublin, began admitting...

Building item

January 1904

Trinity College, Dublin, began admitting women students on equal terms with men: the first ancient university in the British Isles to do so.
Breathnach, Eibhlín. “Charting New Waters: Women’s Experience in Higher Education, 1879-1908”. Girls Don’t Do Honours: Irish Women in Education in the 19th and 20th Centuries, edited by Mary Cullen, Women’s Education Bureau, 1987, pp. 55-78.
Maxwell, Constantia. A History of Trinity College, Dublin, 1591-1892. University Press, Trinity College, 1946.
4-5, 192

31 October 1910: Frances Olive Underhill, a graduate of Royal...

National or international item

31 October 1910

Frances Olive Underhill , a graduate of Royal Holloway College , was appointed by E. W. B. Nicholson Assistant Librarian at the Bodleian : the first woman so appointed in England, after considerable infighting and...


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