Jean Rhys

Standard Name: Rhys, Jean
Birth Name: Ella Gwendoline Rees Williams
Pseudonym: Jean Rhys
Pseudonym: Ella Gray
Jean Rhys wrote a number of novels and short stories focusing on her own geographical and emotional alienation, as well as an unfinished autobiography. Her fiction from between the two world ward was largely forgotten when her final novel, Wide Sargasso Sea, brought her major success. After this her novels and short-story collections were translated into many languages, including French, Dutch, Belgian, Swedish, German, Danish, Finnish, Norwegian, Hungarian, Italian, Yugoslavian, Japanese, Czech, Spanish, and Turkish. Her autobiography was translated into French. Several of her novels and stories have been adapted for radio, film and television.


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Family and Intimate relationships Charlotte Eliza Humphry
Their daughter, Helen Pearl Humphry (later known as H. Pearl Adam), was born in the same area of London in 1882 (her birth being registered in the second quarter), and, like her mother, she pursued...
Family and Intimate relationships Ford Madox Ford
FMF began an affair with novelist Jean Rhys , who moved in with Ford and his common-law wife, Stella Bowen , for a time.
Angier, Carole. Jean Rhys: Life and Work. Little, Brown, 1990.
131, 133, 156-7
Family and Intimate relationships Fay Weldon
During her marriage she and Edgar entertained the literary and avant-garde world: she later regaled her grand-daughter with irreverent stories of Joseph Conrad , Jean Rhys (Such a louche young woman),
qtd. in
Weldon, Fay. Auto da Fay. Flamingo, 2002.
Ford Madox Ford
Friends, Associates Anna Kavan
After her relationship with Stuart Edmonds ended, AK developed a large and close circle of friends who doted on her. Her friends were almost exclusively homosexual men, and she developed a reputation for not getting...
Friends, Associates Diana Athill
DA 's various memoirs mention too many friends to list them all here. She became a good friend of some of her authors: Jean Rhys , for instance, and V. S. Naipaul (with whom there...
Intertextuality and Influence Zoë Fairbairns
Most of the novel is spent uncovering truths about these two major characters: Heather, who seeks knowledge about her birth father (and enters briefly into rivalry with her mother, Julia, over the same man), and...
Intertextuality and Influence U. A. Fanthorpe
With this volume, says UAF , I entered the different world of S. Martin's, Lancaster, and of France; and I was just beginning to have things to say about the condition of women...
Intertextuality and Influence Elaine Feinstein
Home in this collection opens, Where is that I wonder? It then evokes comfortable, elegant settings of both childhood and adult life, and also a place where the poet awakes from dreaming of her dead...
Intertextuality and Influence Ruth Prawer Jhabvala
The screenplay (as well as the Parisian location for the shooting) emphasizes the topographical background to a degree that Rhys herself had not; the rendering of Rhys's original is arguably diluted in the finished...
Intertextuality and Influence Elma Napier
Critic Elaine Campbell commends EN 's handling of social inequalities: issues of sexual and racial social imbalance are presented with a poise and control that preserve the novel from deteriorating into a polemical tract.
Campbell, Elaine. “An Expatriate at Home: Dominica’s Elma Napier”. Kunapipi, Vol.
, No. 1, Dangaroo Press, 1982, pp. 82-93.
Intertextuality and Influence Elma Napier
Recuperative efforts by critics of Caribbean women's literature, such as Elaine Campbell , Evelyn O'Callaghan , Alison Donnell , and Sarah Lawson Welsh , have recovered EN 's work and placed it within the literary...
Intertextuality and Influence Marina Warner
Warner also researched the history of British trade development in the Caribbean, which led her to emphasise how the hunger for sugar has pervaded our world over centuries. Histories and personal accounts of soldiers, botanists...
Intertextuality and Influence Edna O'Brien
EOB has named many women writers as important to her: she includes among these Jane Austen , Emily Dickinson , Elizabeth Bowen , Anna Akhmatova , Anita Brookner , and Margaret Atwood , adding: Every...
Intertextuality and Influence Charlotte Brontë
Jane Eyre has also been subject to a host of feminist revisions. Beatrice Kean Seymour 's The Hopeful Journey (1923) presents a response to, and The Second Mrs. Conford (1951) a reworking of, the novel's...
Literary responses Patricia Highsmith
Critic Bob Wake discusses Highsmith's complex point-of-view techniques—a literary style begun by Henry James —and her modelling The Talented Mr Ripley on his novel The Ambassadors (1903). He notes her humorous plays on the James...


1 January 1916: The British edition of Vogue (an American...

Building item

1 January 1916

The British edition of Vogue (an American fashion magazine) began publishing from Condé Nast in Hanover Square, London.
Winship, Janice. Inside Women’s Magazines. Pandora, 1987.
White, Cynthia L. Women’s Magazines 1693-1968. Michael Joseph, 1970.
British Library Catalogue.
Spawls, Alice. “Does one flare or cling?”. London Review of Books, Vol.
, No. 9, 5 May 2016, pp. 40-2.


Rhys, Jean. After Leaving Mr Mackenzie. 1st ed., Jonathan Cape.
de Nève, Edward. Barred. Translator Rhys, Jean, Desmond Harmsworth.
Rhys, Jean. Good Morning, Midnight. 1st ed., Constable.
Wyndham, Francis, and Jean Rhys. “Introduction”. Jean Rhys Letters, 1931-1966, Deutsch, 1984, pp. 9-12.
Athill, Diana, and Jean Rhys. “Jean Rhys and her Autobiography”. Smile Please, Deutsch, 1979, pp. 5-15.
Rhys, Jean. Jean Rhys Letters, 1931-1966. Editors Wyndham, Francis and Diana Melly, 1st ed., Deutsch, 1984.
Rhys, Jean. My Day: Three Pieces by Jean Rhys. 1st ed., Frank Hallman.
Carco, Francis. Perversity. Translator Rhys, Jean, Pascal Covici.
Wyndham, Francis et al. “Preface”. Wide Sargasso Sea, edited by Judith Raiskin, W. W. Norton, 1999, p. ix - xiii.
Rhys, Jean. Quartet. 1st ed., Chatto and Windus.
Rhys, Jean. Sleep It Off Lady: Stories by Jean Rhys. 1st ed., Deutsch.
Rhys, Jean, and Diana Athill. Smile Please: An Unfinished Autobiography. 1st ed., Deutsch, 1979.
Rhys, Jean, and Ford Madox Ford. The Left Bank, and Other Stories. 1st ed., Jonathan Cape.
Rhys, Jean, and Ford Madox Ford. Tigers Are Better-Looking. 1st ed., Deutsch.
Rhys, Jean. “Vienne”. transatlantic review, edited by Ford Madox Ford and Ford Madox Ford, Vol.
Rhys, Jean. Voyage in the Dark. 1st ed., Constable.
Rhys, Jean, and Francis Wyndham. Wide Sargasso Sea. 1st ed., Deutsch.
Rhys, Jean, and Francis Wyndham. Wide Sargasso Sea. Editor Raiskin, Judith, W. W. Norton, 1999.