University of Glasgow


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Education John Buchan
After going to school in several different towns as his father was allotted to various parishes, JB went on a scholarship to Glasgow University , where he specialised in classics and was taught by Gilbert Murray
Education Catherine Carswell
CC attended the Glasgow School of Art. On her return from Frankfurt she studied English Literature at Queen Margaret's College , the women's college which for nearly a decade had been part of Glasgow University
Education Frances Wright
During the same period she spent her winters in closet study.
qtd. in
Eckhardt, Celia Morris. Fanny Wright. Harvard University Press, 1984.
She put in a great deal of time at the University of Glasgow library, studying the history and condition of the United States.
Stephen, Sir Leslie, and Sidney Lee, editors. The Dictionary of National Biography. Smith, Elder, 1908–2025, 22 vols. plus supplements.
Eckhardt, Celia Morris. Fanny Wright. Harvard University Press, 1984.
Family and Intimate relationships Joanna Baillie
JB 's father, James Baillie , was a Presbyterian minister, a socially conscious man who saw to the medical as well as the spritual needs of his parish. He was later a professor of divinity...
Family and Intimate relationships L. M. Montgomery
In 1906 LMM became engaged to solid, sensible Ewan Macdonald , who had recently taken a position as minister of the Presbyterian church at Cavendish, P.E.I. They could not marry until her dependent grandmother no...
Family and Intimate relationships Catherine Carswell
Donald Carswell, a scholarly writer, had also worked for the Glasgow Herald and as a sub-editor in London for The Times. The two had met in Glasgow many years before this, and had worked...
Family and Intimate relationships Marie Corelli
MC 's stepfather—and possible biological father or grandfather—Charles MacKay (born 1814), was a writer and editor. Among the periodicals he worked for were the Morning Chronicle, alongside Charles Dickens ; the Daily Telegraph...
Family and Intimate relationships Mary Agnes Hamilton
MAH 's father, Robert Adamson , educated at Edinburgh University , became Professor of Logic and Metaphysics successively at Owens College (later merged in Manchester University), and the Universities of Aberdeen and then Glasgow ...
Friends, Associates Charlotte Dempster
CD met Isabella Elder , an important advocate for education and the founder of the women's medical school at Queen Margaret College in Glasgow (which became part of the University of Glasgow in 1892).
Dempster, Charlotte. The Manners of My Time. Editor Knox, Alice, Grant Richards, 1920.
“Biography of Isabella Elder”. University of Glasgow: The University of Glasgow Story.
“Queen Margaret College”. Hunterian Museum & Art Gallery, University of Glasgow: History.
Literary responses Anne Stevenson
AS says this book fell all but dead
Stevenson, Anne. Between the Iceberg and the Ship. University of Michigan Press, 1998.
from the press. But there were some good reviews in the USA, and the book was admired by Philip Hobsbaum , poet and lecturer at Glasgow .
Contemporary Authors, Autobiography Series. Gale Research, 1984–2025, Numerous volumes.
9: 284
Other Life Event Emily Davies
ED was awarded an honorary LL.D. by the University of Glasgow , in the first group of women thus honoured.
Stephen, Barbara. Emily Davies and Girton College. Constable, 1927.
Performance of text Helen Waddell
This work arose out of the W. P. Ker Lecture which HW delivered at Glasgow University on 28 October 1947, after a year's delay from the date at first proposed. Monica Blackett includes the text...
politics Liz Lochhead
Backed by the Scottish Nationalist Association , LL ran for the position of Rector of Glasgow University , for which she was in the end runner-up.
Demastes, William W., editor. British Playwrights, 1956-1995. Greenwood Press, 1996.
Walker, Alison, and Craig W. McLuckie. “Awards/Honours/Resident Writer”. Liz Lochhead: An Annotated Bibliography, 30 Oct. 2000.
Publishing Lady Arbella Stuart
Two nineteenth-century editions of LAS 's letters—by Elizabeth Cooper , 1866, and E. T. Bradley , 1889—preceded the modern scholarly one by Sara Jayne Steen (1994). The complete correspondence of Bess of Hardwick is now...
Reception Freya Stark
The text was published to rave reviews in the Sunday Times, the Observer, and other papers. For her piece in The Spectator, Vita Sackville-West wrote an open letter to the author rather...


1451: After a petition by James II of Scotland,...

Building item


After a petition by James II of Scotland , initiated by William Turnbull , the University of Glasgow was founded under a Bull of Pope Nicholas V .
The World of Learning. 47th ed., Allen and Unwin, 1997.
Rashdall, Hastings. Universities of Europe in the Middle Ages. Editors Powicke, Sir Frederick Maurice and Alfred Brotherston Emden, Clarendon, 1987, 3 vols.
II: 311-2.

1748: William Cullen, a scientist at the University...

Building item


William Cullen , a scientist at the University of Glasgow , discovered artificial refrigeration by evaporating ethyl ether into a partial vacuum.
Stephen, Sir Leslie, and Sidney Lee, editors. The Dictionary of National Biography. Smith, Elder, 1908–2025, 22 vols. plus supplements.
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography.
The old DNB mentions an essay published in 1755 by Cullen entitled An...

1748-51: Adam Smith delivered lectures on rhetoric...

Building item


Adam Smith delivered lectures on rhetoric and belles lettres at Edinburgh University : the first significant university programme devoted to the analysis of English literary discourse.
Hawkes, Terence. “Dr Blair, the Leavis of the North”. London Review of Books, 18 Feb. 1999, pp. 23-4.
O’Brien, Karen. Women and Enlightenment in Eighteenth-Century Britain. Cambridge University Press, 2009.
89-91, 144

By 13 January 1796: John H. D. Anderson, Professor of Natural...

Building item

By 13 January 1796

John H. D. Anderson , Professor of Natural Philosophy at Glasgow University, died, bequeathing money towards the funding this year of Anderson's College , also known as Anderson's Institution , in Glasgow.
Mackie, John Duncan. The University of Glasgow, 1451-1951: A Short History. Jackson, 1954.
211-12, 300
The World of Learning. 47th ed., Allen and Unwin, 1997.
Gentleman’s Magazine. Various publishers.
66 (1796): 85

November 1886: The British School of Archaeology opened...

National or international item

November 1886

The British School of Archaeology opened in Athens.
Boyd, Michael. “History of the British School at Athens”. University of Glasgow: The British School at Athens: Introduction.

1904: Sir Walter Raleigh, author of the literary...

Writing climate item


Sir Walter Raleigh , author of the literary history The English Novel, 1894, moved from Glasgow to become the first Professor of English Literature at Oxford .
Warner, William Beatty. Licensing Entertainment: The Elevation of Novel Reading in Britain, 1684-1750. University of California Press, 1998.


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