Anne Stevenson

Standard Name: Stevenson, Anne
Birth Name: Anne Katharine Stevenson
AS is an important contemporary poet, an heir to both the US and the British traditions. She experimented with drama and fiction early in her career. She writes fine criticism, and has edited the poems of others.


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
death Frances Horovitz
On 3 December her friends and family held a Frances Horovitz Memorial Celebration at the Young Vic Theatre. Harold Pinter , Anne Stevenson , Roger Garfitt , Michael Horovitz , and others read, sang, and performed her poetry.
Horovitz, Michael, and Frances Horovitz. A Celebration of and for Frances Horovitz (1938-1983). New Departures, 1984.
Family and Intimate relationships Catherine Byron
Michael Farley , editor of Taxus Press , left his wife, poet Anne Stevenson , and came to Leicester, where he lived with CB for three years.
Byron, Catherine, and Jane Haslett. Emails about Catherine Byron to Jane Haslett. Nov.–Jan. 1997.
Friends, Associates Frances Horovitz
Among FH 's literary friends were poets or writers Anne Stevenson , Harold Pinter , Henry Williamson , Gillian Clarke , Kathleen Raine , Dom Sylvester Houédard , Inge Laird , Jeff Nuttall , and...
Friends, Associates Ruth Fainlight
The friendship of herself and her husband with Ted Hughes survived Plath's death. RF later remembered Hughes and Assia Wevill sharing their wretchedness in the weeks immediately after the catastrophe, but remembered also making Assia...
Friends, Associates Elizabeth Bishop
In 1963 EB began a new friendship with the American-British poet Anne Stevenson . Stevenson wrote to Bishop, having undertaken to produce a monograph on her for the Twayne series, and a rich epistolary relationship developed.
Astley, Neil. “Elizabeth Bishop: A Bibliography; Elizabeth Bishop: Chronology”. Elizabeth Bishop: Poet of the Periphery, edited by Linda Anderson and Jo Shapcott, Bloodaxe Books, 2002, pp. 175-00.
Health Frances Horovitz
FH was diagnosed with cancer after having gone to the doctor for severe ear pain.
Sources disagree on what kind of cancer she had, but Anne Stevenson in the Oxford Dictionary of National Biography says...
Intertextuality and Influence Emily Dickinson
Among our contemporary poets, Adrienne Rich has offered this reading of ED 's life and works: Emily Dickinson—viewed by her bemused contemporary Thomas Higginson as partially cracked, by the twentieth century as fey or...
Intertextuality and Influence Emily Dickinson
Because of the extent to which ED 's concentrated and elusive verse, as well as her dissent from religious and social orthodoxies, seem to presage modernism, she has been considered the sole serious writer among...
Intertextuality and Influence Sylvia Kantaris
The poems here are full of places—real ones, like St Ives, Zennor, a rain-forest in Queensland, Australia; also the dystopias of Snapshotland (where everyone is happy all the time.)
Kantaris, Sylvia. The Sea at the Door. Secker and Warburg, 1985.
Literary responses Sheenagh Pugh
Anne Stevenson , in a poetry review in the Times Literary Supplement, gave two sentences to this as one of three recently published books that are in danger of slipping by unnoticed. She credited...
Literary responses Sheenagh Pugh
Again the Times Literary Supplement reviewer, two years after publication, was Anne Stevenson . She called the set on a ruined earth carefully angled, unimpassioned, bitterly ironic descriptions of what we ought to cherish on...
Literary responses Sheenagh Pugh
Another poet of Wales, Anne Stevenson , recording the fact SP has sometimes been criticised for thinking in a masculine manner, commented: Good for Shelagh Pugh!
Stevenson, Anne. Between the Iceberg and the Ship. University of Michigan Press, 1998.
SP herself, recording another charge against her, that...
Literary responses Gillian Clarke
GC is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Literature, and has been awarded an honorary MA from the University of Wales . She was made an Honorary Fellow of Aberystwyth , Cardiff and Swansea College
Literary responses Seamus Heaney
Denis Donoghue in the New York Times Book Review called this the most eloquent and far-reaching book that SH had written, a perennial poetry offered at a time when many of us have despaired of...
Literary responses Judith Kazantzis
Fellow-poet Anne Stevenson found here a tenderness and a wry insight.
Judith Kazantzis. 2008,


No timeline events available.


Stevenson, Anne. Astonishment. Bloodaxe , 2012.
Stevenson, Anne. Between the Iceberg and the Ship. University of Michigan Press, 1998.
Stevenson, Anne. Bitter Fame. Viking, 1989.
Stevenson, Anne. Black Grate Poems. Inky Parrot Press, 1985.
Stevenson, Anne. Collected Poems, 1955-1995. Oxford University Press, 1996.
Stevenson, Anne. Correspondences: A Family History in Letters. Wesleyan University Press, 1974.
Stevenson, Anne. Elizabeth Bishop. Twayne, 1966.
Stevenson, Anne. Enough of Green. Oxford University Press, 1977.
Stevenson, Anne. Five Looks at Elizabeth Bishop. Bellew, 1998.
Stevenson, Anne. Four and A Half Dancing Men. Oxford University Press, 1993.
Stevenson, Anne. Granny Scarecrow. Bloodaxe Books, 2000.
Stevenson, Anne. “Hearing the downpour”. Times Literary Supplement, No. 4059, p. 65.
Stevenson, Anne. In the Orchard—Poems with Birds. Enitharmon Press, 2016.
Stevenson, Anne. “Inheriting My Grandmother’s Nightmare”. Poetry, Vol.
, No. 2, pp. 92-3.
Gittings, Robert, and Frances Bellerby. “Introduction”. Selected Poems, edited by Anne Stevenson and Anne Stevenson, Enitharmon Press, 1986.
Stevenson, Anne. “Is the Emperor of Ice-Cream Wearing Clothes?”. New Review, p. 43.
Stevenson, Anne. “Letter”. Poetry, Vol.
, No. 3, pp. 244-5.
Stevenson, Anne, and X. J. Kennedy. Living in America. Generation Press, 1965.
Stevenson, Anne. Minute by Glass Minute. Oxford University Press, 1982.
Stevenson, Anne. Poems 1955-2005. Bloodzxe, 2005.
Stevenson, Anne. Reversals. Wesleyan University Press, 1969.
Bellerby, Frances, and Robert Gittings. Selected Poems. Editor Stevenson, Anne, Enitharmon Press, 1986.
Stevenson, Anne. Selected Poems, 1956-1986. Oxford University Press, 1987.
Stevenson, Anne. The Fiction-Makers. Oxford University Press, 1985.
Stevenson, Anne. “The Geographical Mirror”. Elizabeth Bishop: Poet of the Periphery, edited by Linda Anderson and Jo Shapcott, Bloodaxe Books, 2002, pp. 31-41.