John Buchan

Standard Name: Buchan, John
Birth Name: John Buchan
Pseudonym: H. de V.
Pseudonym: Cadmus
Titled: Baron Tweedsmuir of Elsfield
JB began writing and publishing before the end of the nineteenth century and continued through the first forty years of the twentieth. His output was large (especially for a man with a busy professional, non-literary career) and varied: poetry, essays, biography, history, travel writing, political writing, and serious fiction. He is best remembered for his thrillers.


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Dedications Catherine Carswell
She helped W. G. Fay to write his history of the Abbey Theatre , Dublin, The Fays of the Abbey Theatre: An Autobiographical Record (1935), which emphasises the actors and those who managed the...
Family and Intimate relationships Susan Tweedsmuir
In 1935 the pattern of ST 's life changed when her husband was created Baron Tweedsmuir and appointed Governor-General of Canada. From now on she was Lady Tweedsmuir, and for the next five years she...
Family and Intimate relationships Susan Tweedsmuir
ST 's Canadian years came to an abrupt end with her husband 's death of a cerebral thrombosis on 11 February 1940, not long after the outbreak of the Second World War.
Friends, Associates Mary Webb
MW was a friend of critic Adrian Bury and was close to Welsh writer and critic Caradoc Evans , who met her in London and in whom she confided her hopes and fears.
His widow's...
Friends, Associates Alison Uttley
By the time AU 's mentor, Professor Alexander, died (deeply upset about Hitler's rule in Germany), she had met another father-figure and important friend, the poet Walter de la Mare . She also developed friendships...
Intertextuality and Influence Winifred Maxwell Countess of Nithsdale
Extended accounts of WMCN have often been fictional. In Tales of the Peerage and the Peasantry, 1835, written by Arabella Jane Sullivan but edited by Barbarina Brand, Lady Dacre , her life story occupies...
Literary responses Elspeth Huxley
British Book News considered that EH had drawn to good effect on an intimate knowledge of African landscape, politics, and race issues and displayed great narrative skill, though a little lacking in psychological subtlety.
British Book News. British Council.
(1957): 451
Literary responses Mary Webb
Susan Tweedsmuir later wrote that Gone to Earth had opened a new door to me,
Tweedsmuir, Susan. A Winter Bouquet. G. Duckworth, 1954.
while her husband, John Buchan , wrote of one passage: If this is not magic I do not know...
Material Conditions of Writing Susan Tweedsmuir
ST 's first publication after her husband 's death and her return to England was Canada, one of The British Commonwealth in Pictures series, a slim volume covering history and geography.
Solo: Search Oxford University Libraries Online. 18 July 2011,
Author summary Susan Tweedsmuir
ST , still Susan Buchan and married to a more famous author, John Buchan , began publishing in collaboration with him. From their joint novel, published just after the First World War, she continued on...
Publishing Susan Tweedsmuir
Susan Buchan (later ST ) and her husband John Buchan together privately published a colloquy on world politics
qtd. in
OCLC WorldCat. 1992–1998, Accessed 1999.
entitled The Island of Sheep, using the pseudonyms Cadmus and Harmonia.
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography.
under John Buchan
Solo: Search Oxford University Libraries Online. 18 July 2011,
Textual Production Susan Tweedsmuir
In July 1946 there appeared ST 's first edited volume of her late husband's work: The Clearing House, a Survey of One Man's Mind: A Selection from the Writings of John Buchan, with a...
Textual Production Catherine Carswell
Letters exchanged by John Buchan with CC and her husband are in the National Library of Scotland . Her son carefully preserved tin trunks full of her manuscripts and papers, which he sorted through at...
Textual Production Susan Tweedsmuir
Susan Buchan (later ST ) wrote and published a number of one-act plays and adaptations, mostly dating from 1932 or shortly afterwards. These include The Little House, Christmas Time, 'Bromides', A Play...
Theme or Topic Treated in Text Susan Tweedsmuir
The opening proper of this volume invokes with some trepidation George Sand 's statement that there is nothing more tedious than the dregs of an old régime.
Tweedsmuir, Susan. A Winter Bouquet. G. Duckworth, 1954.
Again the structure of the book is...


1901: The publication of George Douglas Brown's...

Writing climate item


The publication of George Douglas Brown 's novel The House with the Green Shutters marked the first attack on the Scottish school of fiction that was afterwards known as Kailyard.
Campbell, Ian. Kailyard. Ramsay Head, 1981.
Blake, George. Barrie and the Kailyard School. Arthur Barker, 1951.
Dickson, Beth. “Annie S. Swan and O. Douglas: Legacies of the Kailyard”. A History of Scottish Women’s Writing, edited by Douglas Gifford et al., Edinburgh University Press, 1997, pp. 329-46.
329, 340
Hart, Francis Russell. The Scottish Novel: From Smollett to Spark. Harvard University Press, 1978.

1911: Flemington, a historical novel by Scottish...

Women writers item


Flemington, a historical novel by Scottish poet and fiction-writer Violet Jacob (1863-1946), drew a long letter of praise from John Buchan .
Tweedsmuir, Susan. The Lilac and the Rose. G. Duckworth, 1952.


Buchan, John. A Book of Escapes and Hurried Journeys. T. Nelson, 1922.
Buchan, John. A History of the Great War. T. Nelson and Sons, 1922, 4 vols.
Buchan, John. Greenmantle. Hodder and Stoughton, 1916.
Buchan, John. Memory Hold-the-Door. Hodder and Stoughton, 1940.
Buchan, John. Mr. Standfast. Hodder and Stoughton, 1919.
Buchan, John. Poems, Scots and English. T.C. & E.C. Jack, 1917.
Buchan, John. Prester John. T. Nelson and Sons, 1910.
Buchan, John. Scholar Gipsies. MacMillan & Co., 1896.
Buchan, John. Sick Heart River. Hodder and Stoughton, 1941.
Buchan, John. Sir Walter Raleigh. T. Nelson & sons, 1911.
Buchan, John. The half-hearted. Isbister & co., 1900.
Buchan, John. The Thirty-Nine Steps. W. Blackwood and Sons, 1915.