Initially, MAH
was taught by her father
, who also coached her in Formal Logic in preparation for her Cambridge Little-go (entrance) examinations. Her parents frequently took their children to the theatre to see the...
Mary Agnes Hamilton
On holidays her father
taught his children to shoot with arrows and to play on pipes which they had made themselves, to light fires, and boys and girls alike, how to row, to swim, to...
Other Life Event
Elizabeth Rigby
Some time in 1844 ER
had her picture taken by David Octavius Hill
and Robert Adamson
. The resulting Talbotype, entitled Elizabeth Rigby, was the first example of photography viewed by Prince Albert
Broomfield, Andrea, and Sally Mitchell, editors. Prose by Victorian Women. Garland, 1996.
1843: David Octavius Hill and Robert Adamson toured...