Scholar Cynthia Lawford
notes that Stuart was the maiden name of Jerdan's mother, and that this name is a variant of that of the famous Lady Arbella Stuart
, who had briefly stayed in LEL's...
Friends, Associates
Lady Anne Clifford
Among her early friends was Lady Arbella Stuart
Spence, Richard T. Lady Anne Clifford, Countess of Dorset, Pembroke and Montgomery. Sutton Publishing, 1997.
Literary Setting
Felicia Hemans
The volume takes its epigraphs and historical starting-points from a wide range of sources, including major male Romantics—Wordsworth
, Byron
, Coleridge
, Goethe
, Schiller
—and lesser-known contemporaries including women—Elizabeth Ogilvy Benger
Christopher Marlowe
Meanwhile records from summer 1587 indicate that Marlowe was already performing valuable secret services for the queen
: that is, he was employed as an intelligence agent or spy, perhaps in the network which Sir Francis Walsingham
Mary Oxlie
This work listed MO
as one of its Women among the moderns eminent for poetry. Phillips, nephew and pupil of John Milton
, seems quite interested in the existence of women poets. Others in his...
Textual Features
Beatrice Harraden
Its heroine, Beryl, like Childie before her, has a white kitten and a doll with a literary name: Arbella Stuart
. She is visited at unexpected moments by fairies in unusual categories like The Bread-Fairies...
Textual Production
Elizabeth Hamilton
Early in her life EHhad recourse to the pen by stealth.
Benger, Elizabeth Ogilvy. Memoirs of the late Mrs. Elizabeth Hamilton. Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme and Brown, 1818, 2 vols.
1: 51-2
She produced a Highland travel journal which her aunt showed to people and which was then published in a magazine, and...
Textual Production
Isabella Neil Harwood
published three plays in one volume, entitled Arabella Stuart
; The Heir of Linne; Tasso.
Pall Mall Gazette. J. K. Sharpe, 1-57.
4558 (1 October 1879)
Textual Production
Aemilia Lanyer
accompanied her title poem with elaborate paratextual matter, both to introduce and to conclude it. Before the narrative come nine individual prefatory addresses or dedications to powerful ladies of the court, all except one...
Theme or Topic Treated in Text
Agnes Strickland
It appears from the book that the element of fresh and painstaking research has declined in comparison with the sisters' earlier works of the same type. The lives written by Agnes included those of Lady Margaret Clifford
Theme or Topic Treated in Text
Isabella Neil Harwood
The first play, Arabella Stuart, is a historical romance set at the court of King James I
, following the love affair of Arabella (or Arbella)
, the king's cousin and a possible claimant...
Theme or Topic Treated in Text
Alice Meynell
The title essay links the colour of life to the weight, density, and lushness of the body and its skin. AM
writes that the true colour of life is not red. . . . The...
No timeline events available.
Stuart, Lady Arbella. “Introduction and Textual Introduction”. The Letters of Lady Arbella Stuart, edited by Sara Jayne Steen et al., Oxford University Press, 1994, pp. 1-113.
Smith, Emily Tennyson, and Lady Arbella Stuart. Life of the Lady Arabella Stuart. R. Bentley and Son, 1889, 2 vols.
Stuart, Lady Arbella. The Letters of Lady Arbella Stuart. Editor Steen, Sara Jayne, Oxford University Press, 1994.
Cooper, Elizabeth, fl. 1865 - 1874, and Lady Arbella Stuart. The Life and Letters of Lady Arabella Stuart. Hurst and Blackett, 1866, 2 vols.