Gilbert Murray

Standard Name: Murray, Gilbert


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Cultural formation Una Troubridge
Spiritualism, or the belief that the dead can contact the living through mediums, became wildly popular in England during the First World War, when the idea of death was all-pervasive. Troubridge and Hall first became...
Education Elizabeth Taylor
Her first school, where she went at the age of six, was a little private establishment called Leopold House, which gave a grounding in English and maths and team games.
Beauman, Nicola. The Other Elizabeth Taylor. Persephone Books, 2009.
When Betty was eleven...
Education Enid Bagnold
This small, progressive school, which emphasized the study of art, literature, and theatre, was founded and headed by Julia (Mrs Leonard) Huxley , mother of Aldous Huxley and sister of the novelist Mary Augusta Ward
Family and Intimate relationships Mary Agnes Hamilton
MAH 's father, Robert Adamson , educated at Edinburgh University , became Professor of Logic and Metaphysics successively at Owens College (later merged in Manchester University), and the Universities of Aberdeen and then Glasgow ...
Family and Intimate relationships Jane Ellen Harrison
Apart from R. A. Neil , to whom Hope Mirrlees said she was engaged, Harrison was particularly close, in an emotional although a non-sexual way, to some of her other scholarly colleagues, Gilbert Murray and...
Family and Intimate relationships Frances Cornford
She was the first among the young Darwin women to be married.
Raverat, Gwen. Period Piece: A Cambridge Childhood. Faber and Faber, 1977.
She had been introduced to Francis Cornford the previous year by Jane Harrison , who knew Frances well, had been an intimate...
Friends, Associates Rose Macaulay
Through correspondence RM became a life-long friend of Gilbert Murray , Regius Professor of Greek at Oxford , and Chairman of the Executive of the League of Nations Union . He was fifteen years her...
Instructor Mary Renault
Her godmother Aunt Bertha lent her the funds to attend Oxford. She was greatly influenced by the lectures of Gilbert Murray , Regius Professor of Greek, who lectured on Greek drama and had also founded...
Instructor John Buchan
After going to school in several different towns as his father was allotted to various parishes, JB went on a scholarship to Glasgow University , where he specialised in classics and was taught by Gilbert Murray
Intertextuality and Influence Jane Ellen Harrison
Though her influence is not always explicitly acknowledged, JEH made a profound impact on twentieth-century classical scholarship. Her work colours studies not only by Gilbert Murray and Francis Cornford (discussed above), but also by E. R. Dodds
Intertextuality and Influence Violet Hunt
VH was fascinated by the mysterious throughout her life. As a small girl, she loved to listen to her mother talk about the White Lady, a spirit haunting the kitchen of Margaret Hunt 's...
Intertextuality and Influence Eleanor Rathbone
This work was an extension of a declaration released by the press on 31 January 1937. In that declaration, signatories including the Duchess of Atholl , Winston Churchill , David Lloyd George , Robert Cecil
Intertextuality and Influence Jane Ellen Harrison
Harrison was always engaged in debates with her colleagues at Cambridge and elsewhere: her writing here was inspired in part by Gilbert Murray 's unorthodox translation of Euripides ' Hippolytus, published in 1902. Both...
Literary responses H. D.
T. S. Eliot wrote that HD's versions of these choruses were allowing for errors and even occasional omissions of difficult passages, much nearer to both Greek and English than those of the then renowned scholar...
Occupation Florence Farr
The lecture proved quite popular, and Clifford's Inn had to turn people away. Over the following years, FF put on many such readings, performing works by Homer , Shelley , Yeats , Lady Gregory ...


5 October 1942: Gilbert Murray helped found the Oxford Committee...

Building item

5 October 1942

Gilbert Murray helped found the Oxford Committee for Famine Relief , better-known as Oxfam.
Palmer, Alan, and Veronica Palmer. The Chronology of British History. Century, 1992.
Hassan, Antonia, and Chrissie Webb. “The Oxfam Archive”. Bodleian Library Record, Vol.
, No. 2, Oct. 2014, pp. 205-10.


Wells, H. G., and James Francis Horrabin. The Outline of History. Editors Barker, Ernest et al., George Newnes, 1919, 24 vols.