
Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Occupation E. Arnot Robertson
During the Second World War, EAR worked as a government adviser on films. After the war she returned to reviewing films on radio. She was a broadcaster of note, particularly as a panellist on The...
Occupation Irene Handl
She was still working in the last year of her life, when she played another spiritualist medium role in Never Say Day, which was shown on BBC Channel Four.
Other Life Event E. Arnot Robertson
On 27 September 1946 MGM complained to the BBC about an allegedly hostile review by EAR . This led her to a court battle. The High Court awarded her £1,500 in libel damages, but on...
Other Life Event Jean Rhys
An actress, Selma vas Diaz , had adapted Rhys's Good Morning, Midnight as a radio play and needed her permission to perform it for a BBC broadcast. A public performance had already been set for...
Performance of text Winsome Pinnock
WP 's radio play Clean Trade was performed on the BBC .
“Winsome Pinnock”. Kingston University London.
Performance of text Meiling Jin
It was read on BBC Radio 4 in August 1997.
Performance of text Margiad Evans
ME 's talk on epilepsy was broadcast in the Silver Lining series on the BBC Light Programme.
Dearnley, Moira. Margiad Evans. University of Wales Press, 1982.
61, 76
Performance of text Daisy Ashford
In July 1919, DA did a reading of a chapter of the book at a private party, which went better than anticipated, despite her nerves. She was offered an opportunity to do a lecture tour...
Performance of text E. H. Young
The following year Cape produced a collected edition of EHY 's works, going back as far as Yonder. Miss Mole was reprinted by Virago Press in 1984 (edited by Sally Beauman), and read aloud...
Performance of text Winsome Pinnock
WP has worked on various television programmes: on South of the Border, shown from 1988 to 1990 on BBC One ; Chalkface, 1989, and Bitter Harvest (an episode of Screenplay, 1992), both...
Performance of text Margiad Evans
After this ME worked on a never-completed novel called The Widower's Tale, set in a forest community on the English side of the Welsh border in the later nineteenth century. She received an advance...
Performance of text Michelene Wandor
Her radio play entitled The Courtier, the Prince and the Lady, drawing from Machiavelli and Castiglione with music from the Renaissance composer Josquin Desprez and his contemporaries, was produced by Piers Plowright for BBC Radio 3
Performance of text Mary Stewart
One of MS 's four radio plays written this year (or this and the previous year), Lift from a Stranger, was broadcast on BBC radio.
Friedman, Lenemaja. Mary Stewart. Twayne Publishers, 1990.
“Contemporary Authors”. Gale Databases: Literature Resource Centre-LRC.
Performance of text Michelene Wandor
Since the early 1990s, MW has turned her attention to music. Her libretti and radio plays include works based on poems by John Cornford , John Milton , and Ariosto : Spain, first performed...
Performance of text Iris Murdoch
IM 's verse play with music, The One Alone, had its world premiere, at 9.15 p.m. on BBC Radio Three.
Fletcher, John, 1937 -, and Cheryl Bove. Iris Murdoch: A Descriptive Primary and Annotated Secondary Bibliography. Garland Publishing, 1994.


3 November 1956: Prime Minister Anthony Eden made one of a...

National or international item

3 November 1956

Prime Minister Anthony Eden made one of a series of ministerial broadcasts on the recent Suez crisis, which was covered by BBC television and ITV as well as the BBC radio service at home and...

24 September 1957: BBC television for schools began broadca...

Building item

24 September 1957

BBC television for schools began broadcasting.
BBC Handbook: 1960. BBC, 1960, http://U of A HSS HE 8690 B86.
Briggs, Asa. The BBC: The First Fifty Years. Oxford University Press, 1985.

21 April 1958: Margery Fry died as almost a national celebrity:...

Building item

21 April 1958

Margery Fry died as almost a national celebrity: criminal justice reformer, prison reformer, campaigner for victims' compensation, educationalist (briefly Principal of Somerville College ), writer on children's care and development, and latterly broadcaster (a regular...

14 July 1958: The BBC transmitted its first live television...

National or international item

14 July 1958

The BBC transmitted its first live television broadcast from Africa via Eurovision : coverage of Bastille Day in Algiers.
Briggs, Asa. The BBC: The First Fifty Years. Oxford University Press, 1985.

4 November 1958: BBC television broadcast the coronation of...

National or international item

4 November 1958

BBC television broadcast the coronation of Pope John XXIII via Eurovision .
Briggs, Asa. The BBC: The First Fifty Years. Oxford University Press, 1985.

Up to 8 October 1959: The BBC for the first time gave coverage...

National or international item

Up to 8 October 1959

The BBC for the first time gave coverage in its news broadcasts to a General Election campaign.
Briggs, Asa. The BBC: The First Fifty Years. Oxford University Press, 1985.

20 June 1960: Nan Winton became the first woman reader...

National or international item

20 June 1960

Nan Winton became the first woman reader of television network news on the BBC .
Briggs, Asa. The BBC: The First Fifty Years. Oxford University Press, 1985.

25 December 1960: Queen Elizabeth II's first pre-recorded Christmas...

National or international item

25 December 1960

Queen Elizabeth II 's first pre-recorded Christmas message was broadcast on BBC television.
Briggs, Asa. The BBC: The First Fifty Years. Oxford University Press, 1985.

1962: Publisher John Calder and writer's widow...

Writing climate item


Publisher John Calder and writer's widow Sonia Orwell together organised at Edinburgh the first, highly successful Writers' Conference.
Drabble, Margaret. “Pressure to Perform”. The Author, Vol.
, No. 4, 1 Dec.–28 Feb. 2001, pp. 162-4.

15 January 1963: The BBC removed its ban preventing comedy...

Building item

15 January 1963

The BBC removed its ban preventing comedy programmes from discussing politics, sex, religion, or royalty.
Seymour, David, and Emily Seymour, editors. A Century of News. Contender Books, 2003.

New Year's Day 1964: The popular and long-running BBC programme...

Building item

New Year's Day 1964

The popular and long-running BBC programme Top of the Pops was launched The presenter was Jimmy Savile , who years later was posthumously disgraced as a paedophile.
O’Hagan, Andrew. “Light Entertainment”. London Review of Books, Vol.
, No. 21, 8 Nov. 2012, pp. 5-8.

1965: Peter Watson's The War Game, a television...

National or international item


Peter Watson 's The War Game, a television film which imagines conditions in Britain in the aftermath of a nuclear attack, was withdrawn by the BBC in response to government pressure.
Rose, David. “The Closest Call”. The Observer, 3 Mar. 2002, p. Review 15.
Review 15

16 December 1966: The BBC screened its famous Wednesday play...

Building item

16 December 1966

The BBC screened its famous Wednesday playCathy Come Home, a drama about a homeless family written by Jeremy Sandford (husband of Nell Dunn ), produced by Tony Garnett , and directed by Ken Loach .
Gilbey, Ryan. “Putting the Manifesto before the Movie”. London Review of Books, 31 Oct. 2002, pp. 34-5.
Cathy Come Home.

1967: The BBC began the first regular colour television...

National or international item


The BBC began the first regular colour television service in Europe.
Briggs, Asa. The BBC: The First Fifty Years. Oxford University Press, 1985.

30 September 1967: The BBC's Third Programme was renamed Radio...

Building item

30 September 1967

The BBC 's Third Programme was renamed Radio 3 , and revised to cut down the proportion of spoken word material broadcast in favour of classical music.
“Third Programme Starts”. BBC Four: Timeline: The Lost Decade, 1945-1955.
Childs, Peter, and Mike Storry, editors. Encyclopedia of Contemporary British Culture. Routledge, 1999.


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