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Performance of text Dorothy L. Sayers
DLS organised an experimental radio mystery play, The Scoop, by herself and Detection Club members E. C. Bentley , Anthony Berkeley , Freeman Wills Crofts , and Clemence Dane . It was broadcast serially on the BBC .
Sayers, Dorothy L. et al. “The Scoop: Parts I-XII”. The Listener, Vol.
Performance of text Philip Larkin
Still struggling, PL published in 1954 an untitled leaflet of poems with the Fantasy Press of Eynsham in Oxfordshire (number 21 of their Fantasy Poets). His poems were also by this time being read...
Performance of text Samuel Beckett
SB 's first radio play, All That Fall, was broadcast by the BBC .
Tayler, Christopher. “Under–the–Table–Talk”. London Review of Books, Vol.
, No. 6, 19 Mar. 2015, pp. 19-23.
Performance of text Shena Mackay
Three of these stories had been read on BBC Radio 3 in 1982.
Mackay, Shena. Collected Short Stories. Penguin, 1994.
vii, viii
The volume appeared in paperback from Abacus in 1984.
British Library Catalogue.
Performance of text Harold Pinter
A recording of this sketch was broadcast by BBC Radio 3 the following day. It appeared in print in Harold Pinter Plays 4, 2012.
“Harold Pinter (1930 - 2008)”. Playwrights.
Performance of text Elizabeth Jennings
The Leamington Poetry Society published a 4-page leaflet (plus cover) of EJ 's poems, titled with her name, in March 1987.
Solo: Search Oxford University Libraries Online. 18 July 2011,
Twelve years later the British Council published an audiocassette of poetry which features her...
Performance of text E. H. Young
The actress Gladys Young read aloud on a BBC radio programme an unascribed story about a haunted country house which was apparently by her sister EHY .
Mezei, Kathy, and Chiara Briganti. “’She must be a very good novelist’: Rereading E. H. Young (1880-1949)”. English Studies in Canada, Vol.
, No. 3, Sept. 2001, pp. 303-31.
Performance of text Dorothy L. Sayers
DLS 's retelling of the Nativity, He That Should Come, was broadcast on the BBC 's Children's Hour.
Brabazon, James. Dorothy L. Sayers. Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1981.
171, 191
Gilbert, Colleen B. A Bibliography of the Works of Dorothy L. Sayers. Macmillan, 1978.
Performance of text Lilian Bowes Lyon
LBL 's poem Battlefield appeared in the Listener after having been read aloud on BBC wireless, or radio.
Dowson, Jane, editor. Women’s Poetry of the 1930s: A Critical Anthology. Routledge, 1996.
Performance of text Caryl Churchill
CC 's radio play The Ants was aired on the BBC .
Demastes, William W., editor. British Playwrights, 1956-1995. Greenwood Press, 1996.
Performance of text Richmal Crompton
The BBC filmed a play entitled Just William for television. The play was based on RC 's William books, and was then playing at the Granville Theatre in Fulham.
“William; Just William”. BBC: Guide to Comedy.
Performance of text E. H. Young
Later stories, like The Grey Mare (17 February 1948) and Cow's Tail (20 September 1950) were also read on the BBC .
Briganti, Chiara, and Kathy Mezei. Domestic Modernism, the Interwar Novel, and E. H. Young. Ashgate, 2006.
Performance of text Dorothy L. Sayers
DLS 's cycle of plays on the life of Christ, The Man Born to be King, was broadcast on the BBC .
Gilbert, Colleen B. A Bibliography of the Works of Dorothy L. Sayers. Macmillan, 1978.
politics Violet Trefusis
VT broadcast on literary topics for La France libre via the BBC . This work earned her the Légion d'Honneur , awarded in 1950.
Souhami, Diana. Mrs. Keppel and Her Daughter. Flamingo, 1997.
Trefusis, Violet, and Philippe Jullian. Don’t Look Round. Hutchinson, 1953.
politics Marghanita Laski
The committee had been convened by the Labour government after a long gestation. Its various recommendations included continuing the BBC licence fee, setting up a fourth television channel, and keeping strict curbs on commercial television...


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