During the five years of their engagement, John Austin decided that Sarah was in need of a rigorous intellectual education in accordance with his religious, political, and philosophical bent of mind.
Frank, Katherine. Lucie Duff Gordon: A Passage to Egypt. Hamish Hamilton, 1994.
He provided her...
Family and Intimate relationships
Linda Villari
He was born in Naples on 3 October 1827, and had already become known as a historian when he published Archivo Storico Italiano in 1856.
The Encyclopedia Americana. Vol. XXVIII, 1920, p. 91.
under Pasquale Villari
He was a professor of history at...
Intertextuality and Influence
Charlotte Perkins Gilman
The name of the heroine, Benigna Machiavelli, suggests on the one hand benignity or benevolence and on the other hand the ruthless political manipulation associated with the methods of the historical Niccolò Machiavelli
. Benigna...
Performance of text
Michelene Wandor
Her radio play entitled The Courtier, the Prince and the Lady, drawing from Machiavelli
and Castiglione
with music from the Renaissance composer Josquin Desprez
and his contemporaries, was produced by Piers Plowright
for BBC Radio 3
Textual Features
Emma Robinson
Her protagonist Caesar or Cesare
(illegitimate son of a Pope, brother to Lucrezia Borgia
, example much cited by Niccolò Machiavelli
) had a career that moved in the opposite direction from Richelieu's: he was...
Textual Features
Anne Dowriche
's chosen metre, poulter's measure, consists of alexandrines (lines of twelve syllables or six feet) alternating with lines of fourteen syllables or seven feet). She embroiders her prose sources with invented speeches for her...
Textual Production
Linda Villari
This was designed to replace an earlier English translation by Leonard Horner
, which had appeared in 1863. Pasquale Villari had approved that version, but evidently believed that Linda could do better. Other works of...
Theme or Topic Treated in Text
T. S. Eliot
These essays thus represent a radical shift in thinking. They are much concerned with reputation. That on Machiavelli
observes that he is a man uniquely misunderstood, whose reputation is uniquely skewed. Eliot argues that Baudelaire
1532: Five years after the death of Niccolò Machiavelli,...
Writing climate item
Five years after the death of Niccolò Machiavelli
, there was published his treatise on political education (generally known in English as The Prince).
Bozman, Ernest Franklin, editor. Everyman’s Encyclopaedia. 4th Edition, J. M. Dent, 1958, 12 vols.