Margery Fry

Standard Name: Fry, Margery


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Education Eleanor Rathbone
ER 's university years were essential to her growth as a feminist and social reformer. Her intellectual prowess was observed at an early stage in her course: her tutor in Political Philosophy commented on her...
Family and Intimate relationships Roger Fry
His elder sister Joan Mary Fry became a social reformer. His younger sister Margery Fry became a distinguished feminist, social reformer, and Principal of Somerville College, Oxford .
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography.
under Joan Mary Fry, Margery Fry
Family and Intimate relationships Ethel Sidgwick
The younger of ES 's sisters, Margaret, did unpaid voluntary work. Rose , her elder sister, took a first-class honours degree in history and became a distinguished academic, first at Somerville College, Oxford , and...
Family and Intimate relationships Ling Shuhua
His position, teaching modern literature at the university, was made possible by his friend Margery Fry 's connections and sponsored by the Boxer Indemnity Fund . His relationship with LS began quickly: in a 22...
Friends, Associates Ling Shuhua
The artists came together at this time: Bell and Duncan Grant added small pieces to LS's friendship scroll, and LS painted some of Quentin Bell 's ceramics. LS briefly met Arthur Waley via Vanessa Bell
Friends, Associates Elizabeth Daryush
Through her mother's cousin Roger Fry , ED as a girl met many distinguished people as the friends and guests of her parents: W. B. Yeats , Ezra Pound , Henry Newbolt , Mary Coleridge
Friends, Associates Virginia Woolf
Thinking of their mutual creative influence and of Fry's place in her family, Woolf surprised herself by grieving even more deeply for Fry than she had for another great friend, Lytton Strachey , who had...
Friends, Associates Eleanor Rathbone
Both these two (Fry and Oakeley ) remained Rathbone's close friends. In a BBC broadcast in 1956, Margery Fry recalled one of her discussions with ER on the social and professional possibilities open to educated...
Friends, Associates Ling Shuhua
Margery Fry met LS in 1933 on a tour of China, which she undertook as a member of the Universities China Mission endowed by China after the 1900 Boxer Rebellion against the presence of...
Literary responses Eleanor Rathbone
Sir Edward Fry , the father of ER 's friend Margery Fry , noted that many readers were surprised by the distant, dispassionate tone taken in this work,
Pedersen, Susan. “Eleanor Rathbone (1872-1946): The Victorian Family Under the Daughter’s Eye”. After the Victorians: Private Conscience and Public Duty in Modern Britain, edited by Susan Pedersen and Peter Mandler, Routledge, 1994, pp. 105-2.
and A. C. Bradley wished that...
politics Virginia Woolf
On 10 May Germany had invaded Holland and Belgium. In the event of an invasion of England, they could indeed expect a terrible personal fate, on account of their anti-war politics, Leonard's anti-war career and...
Textual Production Virginia Woolf
She repeated her request on 8 November. On 20 June 1935 Margery Fry , Roger's sister, also asked VW to write his life. Woolf felt acutely the difficulty of trying to please, or not to...


21 April 1958: Margery Fry died as almost a national celebrity:...

Building item

21 April 1958

Margery Fry died as almost a national celebrity: criminal justice reformer, prison reformer, campaigner for victims' compensation, educationalist (briefly Principal of Somerville College ), writer on children's care and development, and latterly broadcaster (a regular...


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