's poem Pastoral appeared in the London Mercury: it was collected in Cape
's The Best Poems of 1932 in the same year.
Dowson says Best Poetry, but that title was not...
Lucille Iremonger
's fiction and essays appeared in many publications, both collections and periodicals. She figured in British as well as Caribbean anthologies: in Adventure and Discovery for Boys and Girls (a series published by Jonathan Cape
Family and Intimate relationships
Olivia Manning
As a very young woman OM
began an affair with the charistmatic Hamish Miles
(Edward Garnett
's assistant at the publishing firm of Jonathan Cape
, and editor of a little magazine). He was...
Hamish Miles
, an editor of the magazine, became her lover and an important career influence. Though he rejected the novel manuscript she first submitted to him at Cape
(and refused point-blank to introduce her...
Literary responses
Olivia Manning
Edward Garnett
, the reader for Cape
, thought he had not seen such an impressive novel as this second one since D. H. Lawrence
's The White Peacock. It was to discuss this...
Literary responses
Dorothy Whipple
The reader's report for Cape
spoke of her extraordinary sense of humour and remarkable powers of characterization.
Whipple, Dorothy. Random Commentary. Michael Joseph.
Material Conditions of Writing
E. H. Young
She began on this story as early as 1941 and went back to it after the Second World War, when she was already suffering from her last illness. She sent it to Jonathan Cape
Material Conditions of Writing
Margaret Forster
's next novel was written during the evenings while she worked as a teacher, which she found exhausting. It was, however, accepted by Jonathan Cape
in spring 1963. Its acceptance brought her a £150...
Dorothy Whipple
Again she felt sure the book would be a failure, judging it not properly thought out in the beginning, about nothing—stale, flat.
Whipple, Dorothy. Random Commentary. Michael Joseph.
Nevertheless she giggled at the thought of it as a defective offspring...
Deborah Levy
took a new direction with a dialogue poem An Amorous Discourse in the Suburbs of Hell, published through Jonathan Cape
with illustrations by Andrzej Borkowski
And Other Stories Publishing.
Naomi Mitchison
Jonathan Cape
objected to the words poor bloody tarts
Mitchison, Naomi. You May Well Ask: A Memoir 1920-1940. Gollancz.
in a poem she had written for this volume; she dropped the poem. The book was reprinted in the Travellers' Library
in 1931.
Mitchison, Naomi. You May Well Ask: A Memoir 1920-1940. Gollancz.
Elizabeth Bowen
The novel was published by Gollancz
, which did well financially out of it. But Victor Gollancz
, who had commissioned it, apparently found Bowen intimidating. He did not refer at all to the novel...
Stevie Smith
's Novel on Yellow Paper was published by Jonathan Cape
after rejection by Chatto and Windus
; she had written it, she said, in ten weeks.
Smith, Stevie. Me Again. Editors Barbera, Jack and William McBrien, Vintage.
Cooke, Rachel, and Stevie Smith. “Introduction”. Novel on Yellow Paper, Virago.
E. H. Young
changed her publisher to Jonathan Cape
for her next novel, William, which ten years later appeared as one of the first ten titles under the new Penguin
Mezei, Kathy, and Chiara Briganti. “’She must be a very good novelist’: Rereading E. H. Young (1880-1949)”. English Studies in Canada, Vol.
, No. 3, pp. 303-31.
330, 308
1921: Jonathan Cape publishing house was founded...
The Incredible Journey, a landmark novel about Australian aboriginal women, was published by Catherine Martin
, as C. E. M. Martin, through Jonathan Cape
11 November 1929: Ernest Hemingway's war novel A Farewell to...
Writing climate item
11 November 1929
Ernest Hemingway
's war novelA Farewell to Arms, about an American soldier on the Italian front, was advertised by Jonathan Cape
as due to be published in London on Remembrance Day, six weeks...
Amis, Martin. Experience. Jonathan Cape, 2000.
Barker, Ernest, and Naomi Mitchison. “Preface”. The Conquered, Jonathan Cape, 1954.
Beauvoir, Simone de. The Second Sex. Translator Parshley, H. M., Jonathan Cape, 1953.
Bennett, Dorothy Cheston. Arnold Bennett: A Portrait done at Home. Jonathan Cape, 1935.
Bowen, Elizabeth. A Day in the Dark and Other Stories. Jonathan Cape.
Bowen, Elizabeth. The Demon Lover and Other Stories. Jonathan Cape.
Bowen, Elizabeth. The Last September. Jonathan Cape, 1948.
Bowes Lyon, Lilian. A Rough Walk Home, and Other Poems. Jonathan Cape, 1946.
Bowes Lyon, Lilian, and Cecil Day-Lewis. Collected Poems. Jonathan Cape, 1948.
Bowes Lyon, Lilian. Evening in Stepney, and Other Poems. Jonathan Cape, 1943.
Bowes Lyon, Lilian. The Buried Stream. Jonathan Cape, 1929.
Bowes Lyon, Lilian. The White Hare, and Other Poems. Jonathan Cape, 1934.
Bradley, Ian. The Call to Seriousness: The Evangelical Impact on the Victorians. Jonathan Cape, 1976.
Brookner, Anita. A Closed Eye. Jonathan Cape, 1991.
Brookner, Anita. A Family Romance. Jonathan Cape, 1993.
Brookner, Anita. A Friend from England. Jonathan Cape, 1987.
Brookner, Anita. A Misalliance. Jonathan Cape, 1986.
Brookner, Anita. A Private View. Jonathan Cape, 1994.
Brookner, Anita. A Start in Life. Jonathan Cape, 1981.
Brookner, Anita. Altered States. Jonathan Cape, 1996.
Brookner, Anita. Brief Lives. Jonathan Cape, 1990.
Brookner, Anita. Family and Friends. Jonathan Cape, 1985.
Brookner, Anita. Fraud. Jonathan Cape, 1992.
Brookner, Anita. Hotel du Lac. Jonathan Cape, 1984.
Brookner, Anita. Incidents in the Rue Laugier. Jonathan Cape, 1995.