
Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Anthologization Bryony Lavery
BL has written a number of plays for schoolchildren to perform. Two of these appeared in the BBC 's school radio series, Drama Workshop Plays, in 1984. Other unpublished children's plays by BL are...
Anthologization Deborah Moggach
DM has published two volumes of short stories: Smile and Other Stories, 1987, and Changing Babies and Other Stories, 1995, which contains fifteen stories. Her short fiction has been anthologised in Back Rubs...
Characters E. M. Delafield
EMD defiantly maintains a light, satirical tone despite the gravity of the situation. She focuses deliberately on amusing characters and situations: evacuees who return to London because they cannot tolerate country life; a bureaucrat at...
Cultural formation Marghanita Laski
Though ML grew up in the Jewish tradition, in a childhood faith which she later described with warmth but with some later distance, she became in time a self-professed and publicly-acknowledged atheist. Her journey from...
Cultural formation Cecily Mackworth
English with some past admixture of French on her mother's side, Welsh on her father's, she grew up with a strong cosmopolitan or internationalist streak, as well as a tendency to eccentricity or disregard of...
Dedications Noel Streatfeild
NS published in book form The Bell Family, illustrated by Shirley Hughes and dedicated to Josephine Plummer , who had produced her series of the same name on the BBC radio programme Children's Hour in 1949-51.
Streatfeild, Noel, and Shirley Hughes. The Bell Family. Collins.
Wilson, Barbara Ker. Noel Streatfeild. Bodley Head.
Huse, Nancy. Noel Streatfeild. Twayne.
Education Mary Gawthorpe
Apprenticeship included some part-time attendance at the Pupil-Teacher Centre in the LeedsSchool Board offices. There MG continued with largely the same subjects as at school, with the addition of French, educational theory, psychology, and...
Employer Diana Athill
An ex-pacifist when the second world war broke out, DA recoiled from joining the forces or undertaking other war work, but eventually got an office job (the merest fetching and carrying) with the BBC at...
Employer Naomi Jacob
NJ went to work, displaying the energy of five women,
Bailey, Paul. Three Queer Lives: An Alternative Biography of Fred Barnes, Naomi Jacob and Arthur Marshall. Hamish Hamilton (Penguin).
as a Second World War lecturer with the Ministry of Information , awelfare supervisor with ENSA, the Entertainments National Service Association , and a...
Employer Antonia Fraser
While bringing up her children, AF persevered with the writing career she had already launched. As the wife of a wealthy man, she did voluntary work of various kinds, chairing the Prison Committee and, for...
Employer Pamela Hansford Johnson
PHJ worked occasionally for the BBC from the late 1940s. She later became one of the Critics team (which meant regular recording sessions), and sat on the committee of the Book Society , which she...
Employer Gillian Clarke
Between receiving her BA degree and getting married, Gillian Williams (later GC ) worked as a news researcher for the BBC in London.
“Contemporary Authors”. Gale Databases: Literature Resource Centre-LRC.
Employer Cecily Mackworth
In summer 1945, as the date of the general election approached, CM began working for the Labour Party : quite a good job in the research dept, but we are drowned in work.
Hewett, Christopher, editor. The Living Curve : Letters to W. J. Strachan, 1929-1979. Taranman.
Employer Monica Furlong
She wanted to be a journalist, but was rejected for the first job she applied for, on the Church Times (whose editor was then Rosamund Essex ). She was taken on as secretary to a...
Employer Joan Aiken
JA 's first job was as a librarian at the UN Information Centre. After that she became features editor on the US pulp fiction magazine Argosy (not to be confused with the British periodical The...


21 November 1748: John Cleland published the first volume of...

Writing climate item

21 November 1748

John Cleland published the first volume of his soft-porn novelFanny Hill.

14 November 1922: Daily wireless (radio) broadcasting began...

National or international item

14 November 1922

Daily wireless (radio) broadcasting began in Britain from the London station of the British Broadcasting Company (later the British Broadcasting Corporation ).

14 November 1922: Daily wireless (radio) broadcasting began...

National or international item

14 November 1922

Daily wireless (radio) broadcasting began in Britain from the London station of the British Broadcasting Company (later the British Broadcasting Corporation ).

5 December 1922: Children's Hour was first broadcast on the...

Building item

5 December 1922

Children's Hour was first broadcast on the BBC .

24 December 1922: The first play written for radio, Phyllis...

Building item

24 December 1922

The first play written for radio, Phyllis Twigg 's The Truth About Father Christmas, was broadcast in the UK by the BBC .

13 February 1923: The BBC opened a radio station at Cardiff,...

Building item

13 February 1923

The BBC opened a radio station at Cardiff, Wales; it made its first broadcast in Welsh on 8 November.

2 May 1923: Under the supervision of Margaret Bondfield...

Building item

2 May 1923

Under the supervision of Margaret Bondfield and the Women's Advisory Committee , the BBC 's radio programme Women's Hour began its two-year run.

11 July 1923: With a radio programme about film, the BBC...

Building item

11 July 1923

With a radio programme about film, the BBC began its first broadcasts of arts criticism.

28 September 1923: The BBC released the first issue of the Radio...

Building item

28 September 1923

The BBC released the first issue of the Radio Times, a weekly publication providing information and programme listings.

31 December 1923: The chimes of Big Ben were first broadcast...

Building item

31 December 1923

The chimes of Big Ben were first broadcast on the BBC to usher in the New Year.

31 January 1924: The BBC presented the first broadcast story,...

Writing climate item

31 January 1924

The BBC presented the first broadcast story, by A. J. Alan (pseudonym of Leslie H. Lambert ).

5 February 1924: The BBC began broadcasting the Greenwich...

National or international item

5 February 1924

The BBC began broadcasting the Greenwich time signal.

6 March 1924: The BBC presented the first broadcast poetry...

Writing climate item

6 March 1924

The BBC presented the first broadcast poetry reading, by the poet John Drinkwater .

4 April 1924: The BBC began its national radio broadcasts...

National or international item

4 April 1924

The BBC began its national radio broadcasts to schools, with an item by Sir Walford Davies .

23 April 1924: The British Empire Exhibition opened at Wembley...

Building item

23 April 1924

The British Empire Exhibition opened at Wembley with a speech by King George V —his first broadcast speech on the BBC .


BBC Handbook: 1960. BBC, 1960, http://U of A HSS HE 8690 B86.
The Listener. BBC.
Aiken, Joan, and Quentin Blake. Arabel’s Raven. BBC, 1972.
Brophy, Brigid. Pussy Owl. BBC, 1976.
Westcott, Kathryn. “The Day the World Lit Up”. BBC News, BBC.
White, Antonia. BBC at War. BBC, 1942.