E. Nesbit

Standard Name: Nesbit, E.
Birth Name: Edith Nesbit
Nickname: Daisy
Indexed Name: E. Nesbit
Married Name: Edith Bland
Pseudonym: Ethel Mortimer
Pseudonym: Fabian Bland
Married Name: Edith Tucker
EN , writing in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century, was an immensely prolific poet, journalist, novelist, and occasionally a playwright, who is remembered today almost entirely for her enduringly popular story-books for children (which number about forty). Her children's books are highly imaginative and full of fun. They involve their child protagonists in encounters, often magical, with worlds beyond their own: not only in literary, historical, and fantasy encounters, but also in those which raise social and political issues in terms that children can understand. Her writing for adults includes novels, poetry, short stories, plays, magazine contributions and editing, political commentary, and everything that might possibly be undertaken by a hard-up woman of letters.


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Education Agatha Christie
By the time Agatha was born, Clara Miller believed that girls ought not to learn to read before the age of eight. Defiantly, Agatha taught herself to read at five. She eagerly devoured Lewis Carroll
Education Elizabeth Taylor
Betty Coles's first reading was Beatrix Potter , then Lewis CarrollAlice in Wonderland and E. Nesbit , whose Bastable stories she read over and over again. Though her parents were not bookish people she progressed at...
Education Berta Ruck
BR studied art first at Lambeth School of Art, then, on a London County Council scholarship, at the Slade School of Art in London, where she was taught by Henry Tonks . She then...
Education Noel Streatfeild
NS and her sisters had a governess at home, although they also attended day-schools. (The eldest, Ruth, was away for long periods staying with the grandparents because of her delicate health.) Their mother taught them...
Education Dervla Murphy
DM was a passionate reader as a child, devouring children's adventure books (especially series like W. E. Johns 's Biggles and Arthur Ransome 's Swallows and Amazons), rejecting classical stories like those of Louisa Alcott
Education J. K. Rowling
Formative early reading included Richard Scarry and Kenneth Grahame 's The Wind in the Willows. Joanne Rowling did not care for Enid Blyton as a young child but acquired a taste for her later...
Education Anne Ridler
Her education began with her mother and a governess. At six she began attending a class run by the sister of another Rugby master. Later came visits to a piano teacher, and at home a...
Family and Intimate relationships Fay Weldon
During her marriage she and Edgar entertained the literary and avant-garde world: she later regaled her grand-daughter with irreverent stories of Joseph Conrad , Jean Rhys (Such a louche young woman),
qtd. in
Weldon, Fay. Auto da Fay. Flamingo, 2002.
Ford Madox Ford
Friends, Associates Amber Reeves
AR 's parents' circle of friends quickly grew to include most of the Fabians: Beatrice and Sidney Webb , Edith Nesbit and her husband Hubert Bland , George Bernard Shaw and H. G. Wells .
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. http://www.oxforddnb.com/.
under William Pember Reeves
Friends, Associates Ethel Lilian Voynich
Back in London, Ethel Lilian Boole was further pulled into revolutionary causes after her friend Charlotte Wilson (then an anarchist journalist, later a leader of the Fabian Women's Group ) introduced her to exiles Sergei Kravchinskii
Friends, Associates George Bernard Shaw
He was an important figure in the lives and careers of almost innumerable women writers: a good friend of Annie Besant , Sylvia Pankhurst , Elizabeth Robins , and Christopher St John , a romantic...
Friends, Associates May Kendall
MK began publishing in 1885. During this decade she became friends with classical scholar and poet Andrew Lang , who advanced her career as a writer.
Birch, Catherine Elizabeth. Evolutionary Feminism in Late-Victorian Women’s Poetry: Mathilde Blind, Constance Naden and May Kendall. University of Birmingham, Apr. 2011.
Although she was never part of a literary...
Friends, Associates Olive Schreiner
In England she also formed close friendships and intellectual bonds with feminist and socialist intellectual Eleanor Marx , barrister and mathematics professor Karl Pearson , and socialist pioneer Edward Carpenter . Others she met in...
Friends, Associates Berta Ruck
BR developed a close personal friendship with the writer E. Nesbit (mother of her art-student friend Iris Bland ). They vacationed together at Grez-sur-Marne in France, and Nesbit stayed for a week with Ruck's...
Friends, Associates Beatrice Webb
Their closest friends were statesman R. B. Haldane , Labour leader Arthur Henderson , Liberal politician Herbert Samuel , G. B. Shaw , and political psychologist Graham Wallas , the last two both Fabians. They...


January 1888: The Star was launched as a radical evening...

Writing climate item

January 1888

The Star was launched as a radical evening paper in London.
Briggs, Julia. A Woman of Passion: The Life of E. Nesbit, 1858-1924. Hutchinson, 1987.

4 February 1888: Annie Besant and W.T. Stead edited the first...

Women writers item

4 February 1888

Annie Besant and W.T. Stead edited the first weekly issue of The Link: A Journal for the Servants of Man / Law and Liberty League, published in London.
Doughan, David, and Denise Sanchez. Feminist Periodicals, 1855-1984. Harvester Press, 1987.

1964: When Julia Ballam (an undergraduate at St...

Building item


When Julia Ballam (an undergraduate at St Hilda's College, Oxford , who later became the scholar Julia Briggs) got pregnant, the college stripped her of her scholarship, but more remarkably for this date they did...

1977: The Guardian Award for Children's Books went...

Women writers item


The Guardian Award for Children's Books went to Charmed Life by Diana Wynne Jones , about an ambitious young enchantress holed up in a castle,
Ashby, Melanie. “Diana Wynne Jones”. Mslexia, No. 26, July 2005, pp. 46-8.
which, she says, revisits the trope of the isolated...


Nesbit, E. A Pomander of Verse. John Lane, 1895.
Nesbit, E. Ballads and Lyrics of Socialism, 1883-1908. Fabian Society; A. C. Fifield, 1908.
Nesbit, E. Daphne in Fitzroy Street. George Allen and Sons, 1909.
Nesbit, E. Dormant. Methuen, 1911.
Boulger, Dorothy, and E. Nesbit. Dulcie’s Lantern and Other Stories. Griffith, Farran, 1895.
Nesbit, E., and H. R. Millar. Five Children and It. T. Fisher Unwin, 1902.
Nesbit, E. Grim Tales. A. D. Innes, 1893.
Nesbit, E., and H. R. Millar. Harding’s Luck. Hodder and Stoughton, 1909.
Nesbit, E. Lays and Legends. Longmans, Green, 1886.
Nesbit, E. et al. Long Ago When I Was Young. Whiting and Wheaton, 1966.
Nesbit, E. Many Voices. Hutchinson, 1922.
Nesbit, E. et al. New Treasure Seekers. T. Fisher Unwin, 1904.
Nesbit, E., and Gerald Spencer Pryse. Salome and the Head. Alston Rivers, 1909.
Nesbit, E. Something Wrong. A. D. Innes, 1893.
Nesbit, E. Songs of Love and Empire. A. Constable, 1898.
Nesbit, E., and H. R. Millar. The House of Arden. T. Fisher Unwin, 1908.
Nesbit, E. The Incredible Honeymoon. Harper and Brothers, 1916.
Nesbit, E. The Lark. Hutchinson, 1922.
Nesbit, E., and H. R. Millar. The Magic City. Macmillan, 1910.
Nesbit, E. et al., editors. The Neolith.
Nesbit, E., and H. R. Millar. The Phoenix and the Carpet. G. Newnes, 1904.
Nesbit, E. The Pilot.
Nesbit, E., and Hubert Bland. The Prophet’s Mantle. Henry Drane, 1888.
Nesbit, E., and Charles Edmund Brock. The Railway Children. Wells, Gardner, Darton, 1906.
Nesbit, E. The Rainbow and the Rose. Longmans, Green, 1905.