Women’s Writing in the British Isles from the Beginnings to the Present
Beatrix Potter
Standard Name: Potter, Beatrix
Birth Name: Helen Beatrix Potter
Married Name: Helen Beatrix Heelis
gained fame as a writer of little books for children, about animals which to some degree resemble humans, illustrated in watercolour by herself. Some of them draw on fable, riddles, and fairy stories. She also created scientific drawings of plant life. Her ambitions as an author for adults remained largely unfulfilled.
"Beatrix Potter, portrait photo" by Hulton Archive/Stringer,1892-01-01.Retrieved from https://www.gettyimages.co.uk/detail/news-photo/beatrix-potter-british-author-and-illustrator-of-childrens-news-photo/3318082.
"Beatrix Potter, jacket of "Peter Rabbit"" Retrieved from https://www.flickr.com/photos/eoskins/30132137887.
Betty Coles's first reading was Beatrix Potter
, then Lewis CarrollAlice in Wonderland and E. Nesbit
, whose Bastable stories she read over and over again. Though her parents were not bookish people she progressed at...
Rosemary Sutcliff
Rosemary's mother was probably her most important teacher. She told her stories which, no matter how outlandish and fantastic, the very young Rosemary accepted as literal truth; she later imparted all kinds of varied information...
Deborah Moggach
From her early reading DM
chose Richmal Crompton
's William Brown as her hero. She loved the way that Crompton and Beatrix Potter
used words that would be new discoveries to most of their child readers.
Moggach, Deborah. “Autobiography”. Deborah Moggach: About Deborah.
One of LC
's first teachers was her nanny, Mary Kavanagh
, who tutored Leonora and told her ghost stories. When LC
was a child she was also exposed to stories by Beatrix Potter
Margiad Evans
An important book in Peggy's early childhood was Tom Kitten by Beatrix Potter
. The delicate little home pictures of that delicious masterpiece spoke to her as potential artist.
Evans, Margiad. A Ray of Darkness. Arthur Barker, 1952.
As a very small child MF
was noisy and demanding and given to tantrums.
Forster, Margaret. Hidden Lives. Viking, 1995.
At two she talked in long sentences . . . and never stopped asking questions and wanting to try to...
Jane Gardam
When she was little Jean Mary Pearson's father (later unapproachable) would read Hans Andersen
to her, which she loved. She was considered by her family not to be intelligent, but she taught herself to read...
Family and Intimate relationships
Ann Bridge
Marie Louise (Day) Sanders
, AB
's mother, was an American from New Orleans, Louisiana (where her English husband met her on a business trip). She died in 1922
“Contemporary Authors”. Gale Databases: Literature Resource Centre-LRC.
Hoehn, Matthew, editor. Catholic Authors. St Mary’s Abbey, 1952.
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. http://www.oxforddnb.com/.
Brought up by her black Mammy...
Friends, Associates
Angela Thirkell
Twelve-year-old Angela Mackail (later AT
) received a picture-letter from Beatrix Potter
(a neighbour and a very recently published author) featuring a rabbit and two squirrels.
Strickland, Margot. Angela Thirkell: Portrait of a Lady Novelist. Duckworth, 1977.
19-20, illustration 6
Intertextuality and Influence
Louisa May Alcott
Following her death, G. K. Chesterton
in a laudatory (if sexist) review classed LMA
with Austen
as an early realist, and praised her apt depictions of human truths.
Chesterton, G. K. “Louisa Alcott”. Critical Essays on Louisa May Alcott, edited by Madeleine B. Stern, G. K. Hall, 1984, pp. 212-14.
She was a favourite writer...
Intertextuality and Influence
Maria Edgeworth
Literary memoirs and old second-hand illustrated editions testify to ME
's enormously wide juvenile audience during the Victorian period. She influenced the work of later children's writers as various as Louisa May Alcott
, Frances Hodgson Burnett
Rumer Godden
She was commissioned to write this book by Frederick Warne and Company
, Potter's publishers, having established herself as a Potter admirer by talks, an anniversary New York Times article, and her friendship with Leslie Linder
Alison Uttley
rewrote it for eventual publication by Collins
. She sent a set of the Little Grey Rabbit books as a wedding present to Princess Elizabeth
in 1947 (and had, she said, a charming thank-you...
Barbara Cartland
Part of the appeal of Camfield Place for her was its storied history: an oak tree in the garden is said to mark the place where Elizabeth I
shot her first stag, and from 1867...
Textual Features
Evelyn Sharp
In The Palace on the Floor a little boy, Prince Picotee, builds a castle for his toy soldiers; his earnestness as a builder is laughed at by a little girl, Dimples. Dimples is disciplined for...
No timeline events available.
Weatherly, Frederic E., and Beatrix Potter. A Happy Pair. Hildesheimer and Faulkner; Geo. C. Whitney, 1890.
Potter, Beatrix. Appley Dapply’s Nursery Rhymes. Frederick Warne, 1917.
Potter, Beatrix. Dear Ivy, Dear June: Letters from Beatrix Potter. Other Press, for the Friends of the Osborne and Lillian H. Smith Collections, Toronto Public Library, 1977.
Potter, Beatrix, and Katherine Sturges. Sister Anne. David McKay, 1932.
Potter, Beatrix. The Fairy Caravan. David McKay, 1929.
Potter, Beatrix. “The Fairy Clogs”. Country Life.
Potter, Beatrix et al. The Journal of Beatrix Potter from 1881-1897. Frederick Warne, 1966.
Potter, Beatrix. The Tailor of Gloucester. Frederick Warne, 1903.
Potter, Beatrix. The Tale of Johnny Town-Mouse. Frederick Warne, 1918.
Potter, Beatrix. The Tale of Little Pig Robinson. Frederick Warne, 1930.
Potter, Beatrix. The Tale of Mr. Jeremy Fisher. Frederick Warne, 1906.
Potter, Beatrix. The Tale of Mr. Tod. Frederick Warne, 1964.
Potter, Beatrix. The Tale of Peter Rabbit. Privately printed, Strangeways.
Potter, Beatrix. The Tale of Pigling Bland. Frederick Warne, 1913.
Potter, Beatrix. The Tale of Squirrel Nutkin. Frederick Warne, 1903.
Findlay, Walter Philip Kennedy et al. Wayside and Woodland Fungi. Frederick Warne, 1967.