Eleanor Marx

Standard Name: Marx, Eleanor


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Family and Intimate relationships Karl Marx
His youngest daughter, Eleanor Marx , was born in January 1855. She became an important British socialist and feminist.
Family and Intimate relationships Anna Wickham
AW 's mother, Alice (Whelan) Harper , was an eccentric, flamboyant woman of many talents.
Blain, Virginia et al., editors. The Feminist Companion to Literature in English: Women Writers from the Middle Ages to the Present. Yale University Press; Batsford.
Brought up in a poor family in Camden Town, she became a teacher with the London School Board ...
Friends, Associates Amy Levy
They included Olive Schreiner , the future Beatrice Webb , Dollie Maitland Radford , Margaret Harkness , Clementina Black (whose sister Constance had been a school friend of AL ), and Eleanor Marx . Through...
Friends, Associates E. Nesbit
Through her political interests she got to know George Bernard Shaw (with whom she had a brief affair but a succeeding steady friendship), Sidney Webb , Sydney Olivier , Annie Besant , Eleanor Marx ,...
Friends, Associates Olive Schreiner
In England she also formed close friendships and intellectual bonds with feminist and socialist intellectual Eleanor Marx , barrister and mathematics professor Karl Pearson , and socialist pioneer Edward Carpenter . Others she met in...
Friends, Associates Annie Besant
The public animosity between [AB ] and Eleanor Marx was inevitably put down to sexual rivalry,
Taylor, Anne. Annie Besant: A Biography. Oxford University Press.
but the debts that Aveling had accrued, and for which the Freethought Publishing Company took responsibility, had...
Friends, Associates Jane Francesca, Lady Wilde
As in Dublin, she became known for her salons, which were held on Saturdays from 5 to 7 p.m. until their popularity demanded bi-weekly gatherings. The cream of London's literati and intelligentsia attended, including George Bernard Shaw
Friends, Associates Clementina Black
Besides her friendship with Eleanor MarxCB became close friends with Amy Levy , whom she met in London in the late 1870s. She introduced Levy's work Xantippe to publishers.
Cameron, Mary. “Clementina Black: A Character Sketch”. The Young Woman, Vol.
, pp. 315-16.
When Levy committed suicide...
Friends, Associates Katharine Bruce Glasier
Her involvement in socialist circles led her to acquaintance with Sidney and Beatrice Webb , Edward Hulton (editor of the Sunday Chronicle), and Robert Blatchford , for whom she wrote several articles.
Thompson, Laurence. The Enthusiasts. Victor Gollancz Limited.
Friends, Associates Margaret Harkness
Probably through sisters Kate Potter Courtney (whose house Harkness often stayed at) and Beatrice Potter (later Webb) , MH began to associate with the intellectuals who frequented the Reading Room of the British Museum ...
Friends, Associates Emily Hickey
Other members of the Browning Society (besides the joint founder with EH , Frederick James Furnivall ) included Eleanor Marx and Frances Buss .
Benzie, William. Dr. F. J. Furnivall: Victorian Scholar Adventurer. Pilgrim Books.
Intertextuality and Influence E. Nesbit
In this an advanced woman, Nora, smokes as a protest against existing prejudices.
Briggs, Julia. A Woman of Passion: The Life of E. Nesbit, 1858-1924. Hutchinson.
The heroine's name suggests that either Nesbit or Bland had been quick off the mark in digesting the message of Ibsen
Intertextuality and Influence Sarah Waters
Nance is almost a colourless character apart from her capacity for passion. (In an apparently non-literary book, a tradition of steamy fiction is evoked when her desire to make Kitty sorry makes her think of...
Literary responses Amy Levy
The Jewish press was outraged by what it saw as the antisemitism of this novel. The Jewish Chronicle did not review it, but implied strong disapprobation in an article entitled Critical Jews. The Jewish...
Performance of text Henrik Ibsen
HI 's A Doll's House received a private reading at the home of Eleanor Marx and Edward Aveling in Bloomsbury, London.
Durbach, Errol. “A century of Ibsen criticism”. The Cambridge Companion to Ibsen, edited by James McFarlane and James McFarlane, Cambridge University Press, pp. 233-51.


16 January 1855: Eleanor Marx, leading British socialist (and...

Building item

16 January 1855

Eleanor Marx , leading British socialist (and daughter of Karl Marx ), was born in London.

2 May 1857: A grand dome designed by Panizzi was opened...

Building item

2 May 1857

A grand dome designed by Panizzi was opened in what had been the central courtyard of the British Museum .

1871: At sixteen years of age Eleanor Marx was...

Women writers item


At sixteen years of age Eleanor Marx was already acting as her father 's personal secretary, as well as travelling with him to various international conferences.

1882: Eleanor Marx took acting lessons from Mrs...

Building item


Eleanor Marx took acting lessons from Mrs Hermann Vezin .

December 1884: Eleanor Marx, William Morris, and Edward...

National or international item

December 1884

Eleanor Marx , William Morris , and Edward Aveling were among those who formed the Socialist League after abandoning the Social Democratic Federation in protest over H. M. Hyndman 's leadership.

1886: Eleanor Marx, as Eleanor Marx Aveling, published...

Writing climate item


Eleanor Marx , as Eleanor Marx Aveling, published her English translation of Gustave Flaubert 's Madame Bovary from the original French.

1886: Eleanor Marx published the socialist polemic...

Women writers item


Eleanor Marx published the socialist polemicThe Woman Question with her partner Edward Aveling .

1888: Eleanor Marx's translation of An Enemy of...

Writing climate item


Eleanor Marx 's translation of An Enemy of the People by Ibsen appeared in The Pillars of Society and Other Plays, edited by Havelock Ellis .

1895: Eleanor Marx, as Eleanor Marx Aveling, published...

Women writers item


Eleanor Marx, as Eleanor Marx Aveling , published her English translation of Georgii Valentinovich Plekhanov 's Anarchism and Socialism.

1896: Eleanor Marx edited a collection of her father's...

Writing climate item


Eleanor Marx edited a collection of her father 's essays, Revolution and Counter-Revolutions or Germany in 1848, as Eleanor Marx Aveling.

31 March 1898: Eleanor Marx, socialist, feminist, and writer,...

Building item

31 March 1898

Eleanor Marx , socialist, feminist, and writer, committed suicide.


Ibsen, Henrik. “Note”. The Pillars of Society and Other Plays, edited by Havelock Ellis, translated by. William Archer et al., Walter Scott, 1888, p. xxxi.