Elizabeth Robins

Standard Name: Robins, Elizabeth
Birth Name: Elizabeth Robins
Married Name: Elizabeth Parks
Pseudonym: Claire Raimond
Pseudonym: C. E. Raimond
ER 's political commitment to feminism is evident throughout her plays, novels, travel writing, and essays, in which she addresses issues ranging from women's suffrage to the rest cure and white slave trade. Through much of her writing career (which spanned a decade of the nineteenth century and four decades of the twentieth) she insisted on maintaining anonymity despite pressure from her publishers to capitalize on her fame as an actress.


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Cultural formation Christabel Pankhurst
There is some suggestion that CP may have had lesbian relationships. She excited devotion among her female followers, and at least one—novelist Elizabeth Robins —admitted to falling in love with her. CP also spent much...
Family and Intimate relationships Virginia Woolf
VW 's mother, née Julia Prinsep Jackson (1846-95), was born in India and brought to England as a toddler.
Hussey, Mark. Virginia Woolf A to Z. Facts on File, 1995.
She was a favourite niece (and subject) of photographer Julia Margaret Cameron , on whom...
Friends, Associates Evelyn Sharp
Others with whom she shared this or that memorable experience were the Meynells (Wilfrid , Alice , and Viola ), Clarence Rook and his wife, and Henry W. Nevinson , whom she eventually married...
Friends, Associates Mary Gawthorpe
Friends, Associates Margaret Haig Viscountess Rhondda
MHVR 's friends included novelist Elizabeth Robins , Theodora Bosanquet (spokesperson for British Federation of University Women and one-time secretary of Henry James ), MP Ellen Wilkinson (despite of their different stance on party politics)...
Friends, Associates Mary Elizabeth Braddon
The Maxwells had frequent house guests and entertained regularly at both their houses. Later friends and acquaintances included Robert Browning , Mary Cholmondeley , Sir Arthur Conan Doyle , Ford Madox Ford , Thomas Hardy
Friends, Associates Susan Tweedsmuir
ST 's parents made connections through friendship as remarkable as those made for them by family descent. Her mother was a friend of many writers and intellectuals of both sexes, including Marie Belloc Lowndes ,...
Friends, Associates Susan Tweedsmuir
ST made her own the friendship with Elizabeth Robins that had begun because Robins was a friend of her mother's. She was also close to playwright-producer Harley Granville-Barker and particularly to his second wife, the...
Friends, Associates George Bernard Shaw
He was an important figure in the lives and careers of almost innumerable women writers: a good friend of Annie Besant , Sylvia Pankhurst , Elizabeth Robins , and Christopher St John , a romantic...
Intertextuality and Influence Julia Constance Fletcher
Mrs Lessingham had an excellent run (thirty-three performances)
Farkas, Anna. Women’s Playwriting and the Women’s Movement. 1st ed., Routledge, 31 May 2019.
and drew both laudatory and horrified reviews. The Sketch (in a fashion report rather than a review) called Fletcher the brilliant young dramatist.
Shorter, C.K, editor. “‘George Fleming’s’ New Play”. The Sketch, Vol.
, No. 63, 11 Apr. 1894, p. 558, https://www.proquest.com/britishperiodicals/pagemap/1638146247/pageview/5F28F8E7BE774F26PQ/1?t:lb=t&accountid=14474.
The Saturday...
Leisure and Society Kate Parry Frye
When in London KPF enjoyed going to the theatre, often with John Robert Collins . She loved Votes for Women! by Elizabeth Robins in April 1907, thought Ibsen 's A Doll's House splendid in March...
Leisure and Society Anne Thackeray Ritchie
Subscribers to the portrait included Gertrude Bell , Arnold Bennett , Rhoda Broughton , Lucy Clifford , Henry James , Elizabeth Robins , the Tennyson s, Josephine Ward , and Margaret Woods .
Gérin, Winifred. Anne Thackeray Ritchie: A Biography. Oxford University Press, 1981.
Ritchie, Anne Thackeray, and Hester Helen Thackeray Fuller. Letters of Anne Thackeray Ritchie. J. Murray, 1924.
Leisure and Society Anne Thackeray Ritchie
ATR remained active into her seventies, forging friendships with newer writers such as feminist Elizabeth Robins , and entertaining her stepnieces Virginia and Vanessa Stephen . Virginia used her as the model for Mrs Hilbery...
Literary responses Henrik Ibsen
Edith Ellis wrote later that this play made her and her friends breathless with excitement. Their debates over it were restive and impetuous and almost savage. They felt it was either the end of the...
Literary responses Lady Mary Wortley Montagu
For centuries LMWM has been interpreted and re-interpreted, judged less often as writer than as an exemplar of the unacceptable female. Her fame and/or notoriety flourished during her lifetime, and posthumous publications kept it alive...


November-December 1906: Mediation in the Book WarRSC: link to other...

Writing climate item

November-December 1906

Mediation in the Book War (of the Times Book Club against the Net Book Agreement) was attempted unsuccessfully by an unofficial committee composed of several eminent authors.
Kingsford, Reginald John Lethbridge. The Publisher’s Association, 1896-1946. Cambridge University Press, 1970.

11 December 1906: Millicent Garrett Fawcett gave a banquet...

Building item

11 December 1906

Millicent Garrett Fawcett gave a banquet at the Savoy Hotel in London to celebrate the release from Holloway Prison of suffragists arrested on 23 October.
Holton, Sandra Stanley. Suffrage Days: Stories from the Women’s Suffrage Movement. Routledge, 1996.
Gawthorpe, Mary. Up Hill to Holloway. Traversity Press, 1962.

June 1908: The Women Writers' Suffrage League was established...

National or international item

June 1908

The Women Writers' Suffrage League was established by Cicely Hamilton and Bessie Hatton .
Norquay, Glenda. Voices and Votes: A Literary Anthology of the Women’s Suffrage Campaign. Manchester University Press, 1995.
Stowell, Sheila. A Stage of Their Own. University of Michigan Press, 1992.
2, 40, 102, 126n1
Cockin, Katharine. Edith Craig (1869-1947): Dramatic Lives. Cassell, 1998.
Whitelaw, Lis. The Life and Rebellious Times of Cicely Hamilton. Women’s Press, 1990.
Liggins, Emma. “The ’Sordid Story’ of an Unwanted Child: Militancy, Motherhood, and Abortion in Elizabeth Robins’s Votes for Women and Way Stations”. Women’s Writing, Vol.
, No. 3, Aug. 2018, pp. 347-61.

10 December 1908: The inaugural meeting of the Actresses' Franchise...

National or international item

10 December 1908

The inaugural meeting of the Actresses' Franchise League was held at the Criterion Restaurant in London.
Stowell, Sheila. A Stage of Their Own. University of Michigan Press, 1992.
John, Angela V. Elizabeth Robins: Staging a Life, 1862-1952. Routledge, 1995.
Hayman, Carole, and Dale Spender, editors. How the Vote Was Won: and Other Suffragette Plays. Methuen, 1985.
Cockin, Katharine. Edith Craig (1869-1947): Dramatic Lives. Cassell, 1998.
Whitelaw, Lis. The Life and Rebellious Times of Cicely Hamilton. Women’s Press, 1990.
Theatre historian Sheila Stowell notes that the League arose from recognising the propaganda...

28 March 1912: The Conciliation Bill (on suffrage) was defeated...

National or international item

28 March 1912

The Conciliation Bill (on suffrage) was defeated in a House of Commons vote, after passing its second reading (the previous year) with a huge majority.
Holton, Sandra Stanley. “Women and the Vote”. Women’s History: Britain, 1850-1945, edited by June Purvis and June Purvis, University College London, 1995, pp. 277-05.
Tickner, Lisa. The Spectacle of Women: Imagery of the Suffrage Campaign, 1907-1914. University of Chicago Press, 1988.
Hume, Leslie Parker. The National Union of Women’s Suffrage Societies, 1897-1914. Garland, 1982.
Frye, Kate Parry. Campaigning for the Vote: Kate Parry Frye’s Suffrage Diary. Editor Crawford, Elizabeth, Francis Boutle Publishers, 2013.

14 May 1920: Time and Tide began publication, offering...

Building item

14 May 1920

Time and Tide began publication, offering a feminist approach to literature, politics, and the arts: Naomi Mitchison called it the first avowedly feminist literary journal with any class, in some ways ahead of its time...


Robins, Elizabeth. A Dark Lantern. Heinemann, 1905.
Bell, Florence, and Elizabeth Robins. Alan’s Wife. Henry, 1893.
Robins, Elizabeth. Ancilla’s Share. 1st ed., Hutchinson, 1924.
Robins, Elizabeth. Ancilla’s Share. Second Edition, Hyperion Press, 1976.
Robins, Elizabeth. Both Sides of the Curtain. Heinemann, 1940.
Robins, Elizabeth. Camilla. Dodd, Mead, 1918.
Robins, Elizabeth. Come and Find Me. Heinemann, 1908.
Robins, Elizabeth. George Mandeville’s Husband. Heinemann, 1894.
Robins, Elizabeth. Ibsen and the Actress. Hogarth Press, 1928.
Robins, Elizabeth. Raymond and I. Hogarth Press, 1956.
Robins, Elizabeth. The Alaska-Klondike Diary of Elizabeth Robins, 1900. Editors Moessner, Victoria Joan and Joanne E. Gates, University of Alaska Press, 1999.
Robins, Elizabeth. The Convert. Methuen, 1907.
Robins, Elizabeth. The Magnetic North. Heinemann, 1904.
Robins, Elizabeth. The Messenger. The Century, 1919.
Robins, Elizabeth. The New Moon. Heinemann, 1895.
Robins, Elizabeth. The Open Question. Heinemann, 1898.
Robins, Elizabeth. The Secret That Was Kept. Harper and Brothers, 1926.
Harraden, Beatrice, and Elizabeth Robins. “The Sussex Hospital”. Times Literary Supplement, No. 934, p. 750.
James, Henry. Theatre and Friendship. Editor Robins, Elizabeth, J. Cape, 1932.
Robins, Elizabeth. Time Is Whispering. Harper and Brothers, 1923.
Robins, Elizabeth. Votes for Women. Mills & Boon, 1907.
Robins, Elizabeth. Way Stations. Hodder and Stoughton, 1913.
Robins, Elizabeth. Where Are You Going To. ?. Heinemann, 1913.