Richard Le Gallienne

Standard Name: Le Gallienne, Richard


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Dedications George Egerton
GE published a fourth volume of stories in John Lane 's Keynotes series, this one entitled Fantasias, dedicated to Richard Le Gallienne , with a title-page date of 1898.
It was advertised among Books...
Family and Intimate relationships George Egerton
Among recent commentarors, White implies that both GE 's publisher, John Lane , and his reader, Richard Le Gallienne , were attracted to her, while Stetz suggests, without denying their attraction, that GE deliberately engaged...
Family and Intimate relationships E. Nesbit
After her affair with Shaw, thinks Julia Briggs, EN was more self-protective in her flirtations. By choosing a succession of admirers who were younger and less established in the world than herself, she received homage...
Friends, Associates Flora Thompson
Grayshott offered more extensive opportunities. As well as offering the usual library and penny readings, it was a centre for literary celebrities. During her work in the post-office FT observed and caught snatches of the...
Friends, Associates Constance Smedley
In Birmingham CS had become friendly with Coulson Kernahan , through whom she also met Flora Klickmann . Edgar Pemberton brought her acquainted with theatrical figures she deeply admired: Sir Charles Wyndham , and Mary Moore
Intertextuality and Influence Evelyn Sharp
Nicolete Damer in the story is called after the medieval legend of Aucassin and Nicolette just as her closest brother is called Cassy, short for Aucassin.
Richard Le Gallienne had made extensive reference to the...
Literary responses Alice Meynell
Coventry Patmore praised the volume hyperbolically in the Fortnightly Review: At rare intervals the world is startled by the phenomenon of a woman whose qualities of mind and heart seem to demand a revision...
Publishing George Egerton
After receiving Gill's advice, GE sent the manuscript to William Heinemann , who promptly returned it, saying he was not interested in publishing mediocre short stories.
Egerton, George. A Leaf from the Yellow Book. Editor White, Terence de Vere, Richards Press, 1958.
She then sent it to John Lane at...
Reception Rosamund Marriott Watson
RMW 's retirement from Sylvia's Journal did not hinder her growing literary reputation. In April 1894 she was featured (as Graham R. Tomson and with a flattering photograph) alongside E. Nesbit , Christina Rossetti ,...
Textual Features Mona Caird
The Yellow Drawing-Room provides a foretaste of what were to be the themes of New Woman fiction. MC writes about hysteria, as a penalty supposed to be paid by women who diverge from their natural...
Textual Production George Egerton
One year after this The Yellow Book published a portrait of GE by E. A. Walton . Meanwhile the literary contributors to the first issue of the magazine included Henry James , Max Beerbohm ,...
Textual Production Evelyn Sharp
Lane accepted the novel in November 1894 for his series called after George Egerton 's Keynotes.
John, Angela V. Evelyn Sharp: Rebel Woman, 1869–1955. Manchester University Press, 2009.
It appeared on the recommendation of Lane's readers John Davidson and Richard Le Gallienne , with Aubrey Beardsley
Textual Production Lady Colin Campbell
The magazine's regular contributors included Richard Le Gallienne , who wrote book reviews.
Jordan, Anne. Love Well the Hour: The Life of Lady Colin Campbell (1857-1911). Troubador Publishing Ltd., 2010.
LCC wrote the weekly music column as G. B. As well as co-editor, she was the author of roughly 6,000 words...


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