Olive Custance

Standard Name: Custance, Olive


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Textual Features Lady Margaret Sackville
This early anthology of poetry by women includes poems by Jane Barlow, Anna Bunston, Frances Cornford, Olive Custance, Michael Field (Katharine Harris Bradley and Edith Cooper), Harriet Hamilton King
Textual Features Germaine Greer
Women are a minority here, but well represented: Fleur Adcock, Anna Letitia Barbauld, Amy Clampitt, Olive Custance (Lady Alfred Douglas), Emily Dickinson, Freda Downie, U. A. Fanthorpe, Vicki Feaver
Theme or Topic Treated in Text Ella D'Arcy
This memoir presents extended word-pictures of Henry Harland and Frederick Rolfe (who satirised her in his Nicholas Crabbe, which was as yet unpublished during her career, but circulating in manuscript). She writes touchingly about...


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