Violet Hunt
Standard Name: Hunt, Violet
Birth Name: Isabel Violet Hunt
Pseudonym: Violet Herris
Known mainly as a popular novelist,
also published book and theatre reviews, translations, short stories, non-fiction, memoirs, and a biography. Her publishing career covers the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Though often initially praised, her works began to fall out of print and critical favour during her lifetime. Readers are returning to her writing, however: critics such as , , and have begun to focus particular attention on her exploration of women's personal and creative struggles in familial, artistic, and social contexts.Timeline
Hunt, Violet. A Hard Woman. Chapman and Hall, 1895.
Hunt, Violet. Affairs of the Heart. S. T. Freemantle, 1900.
Hunt, Violet. I Have This to Say. Boni and Liveright, 1926.
Hunt, Violet. More Tales of the Uneasy. W. Heinemann, 1925.
Hunt, Violet. Sooner or Later. Chapman and Hall, 1904.
Hunt, Violet. Tales of the Uneasy. W. Heinemann, 1911.
Hunt, Violet. The Cat. A. and C. Black, 1905.
Hunt, Violet. The Celebrity at Home. Chapman and Hall, 1904.
Hunt, Violet. The Celebrity’s Daughter. Stanley Paul and Company Limited, 1913.
Hunt, Violet, and Ford Madox Ford. The Desirable Alien. Chatto and Windus, 1913.
Hunt, Violet. The Doll. Stanley Paul and Company Limited, 1911.
Hunt, Violet. The Flurried Years. Hurst and Blackett, 1926.
Hunt, Margaret, 1831 - 1912 et al. The Governess. Chatto and Windus, 1912.
Hunt, Violet. The House of Many Mirrors. Stanley Paul and Company Limited, 1914.
Hunt, Violet. The Human Interest. Methuen, 1899.
Hunt, Violet. The Last Ditch. Stanley Paul and Company Limited, 1918.
Hunt, Violet. The Maiden’s Progress. Osgood, McIlvaine, 1894.
Hunt, Violet. The Way of Marriage. Chapman and Hall, 1896.
Hunt, Violet. The Wife of Altamont. W. Heinemann, 1910.
Hunt, Violet. The Wife of Rossetti. John Lane, Bodley Head, 1932.
Hunt, Violet. The Workaday Woman. T. Werner Laurie, 1906.
Hunt, Violet. Their Hearts. Stanley Paul and Company Limited, 1921.
Hunt, Violet, and Ford Madox Ford. Their Lives. Stanley Paul and Company Limited, 1916.
Hunt, Violet. Unkist, Unkind!. Chapman and Hall, 1897.
Hunt, Violet. White Rose of Weary Leaf. W. Heinemann, 1908.