Ezra Pound

Standard Name: Pound, Ezra
EP , American poet, critic, editor, translator, and key figure in the literary modernist movement, lived in London from 1908 to 1921, in Paris from 1921 to 1924, and then in Italy until the end of the Second World War. His vociferous, antisemitic support for Italian fascism earned him thirteen years in a US hospital for the criminally insane. He worked from 1917 until near the end of his life on his massive and generically multiple epic poem Cantos, which he published in serial fragments.


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Literary responses H. D.
Ezra Pound dismissed HD's comment on Moore by saying that she could not write criticism. His own critique of Moore came two years later, and is often mentioned as if it had been the earliest...
Material Conditions of Writing Christine Brooke-Rose
She began work on this book in 1964, but was not able to finish it for three years, until, while staying with Ezra Pound 's daughter, Mary de Rachewiltz , in the Italian Tyrol...
Occupation Margaret Haig Viscountess Rhondda
Occupation Nancy Cunard
Her purpose in founding the press was to publish mainly contemporary poetry of an experimental kind. Virginia Woolf warned her that Your hands will always be covered with ink,
Ford, Hugh, editor. Nancy Cunard: Brave Poet, Indomitable Rebel 1896-1965. Chilton Book Company, 1968.
but the Hours Press became...
Occupation Ford Madox Ford
After months of negotiation, FMF and Ezra Pound persuaded patron John Quinn to finance the new review. Quinn, who was angry with James Joyce over issues involving manuscripts, demanded that Joyce should be excluded from...
Occupation Ford Madox Ford
Ernest Hemingway was associate editor. The magazine published modernist writers including Djuna Barnes , Jean Rhys , Gertrude Stein , William Carlos Williams , Ezra Pound , and e. e. cummings .
Stang, Sondra J., editor. “Introduction and Editorial Materials”. The Ford Madox Ford Reader, Carcanet, 1986, p. various pages.
Occupation Natalie Clifford Barney
NCB and Ezra Pound formed Bel Esprit, a short-lived patronage scheme which Pound described as a sort of consumers' league to pay for quality rather than quantity in literature and the fine arts.
qtd. in
Sieburth, Richard. “Ezra Pound: Letters to Natalie Barney”. Paideuma: A Journal Devoted to Ezra Pound Scholarship, Vol.
, 1976, pp. 279-95.
Occupation Natalie Clifford Barney
Ezra Pound , a friend and regular visitor at the salon during and after the interwar years, collaborated with NCB on a couple of unsuccessful literary ventures.
Occupation Natalie Clifford Barney
A few years later, in 1925, Barney approached Pound with her ideas for a new bilingual literary magazine, which she planned to edit with Sinclair Lewis .
Sieburth, Richard. “Ezra Pound: Letters to Natalie Barney”. Paideuma: A Journal Devoted to Ezra Pound Scholarship, Vol.
, 1976, pp. 279-95.
Pound was discouraging, telling her that he...
Occupation Wyndham Lewis
WL was an avant-garde painter and writer. His paintings were shown in the second Post-Impressionist exhibit, held in London in 1912, and for a time he worked with Roger Fry and the Omega Workshops ...
Occupation Harriet Shaw Weaver
The Egoist Press went on to publish Dora Marsden's The Definition of the Godhead, Eliot 's The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock, Pound 's Dialogues of Fontenelle, Lewis 's Tarr,...
Occupation Harriet Shaw Weaver
In November 1915, after Joyce 's novel had been rejected by various publishers, HSW offered to publish it. But it was difficult for her to find a printer who was not frightened by the prospect...
politics Nancy Cunard
NC 's anti-fascist political convictions are centrally motivating throughout her productive life. In 1946 she wrote to Ezra Pound : Your address was sent me by a person in England who had a letter from...
politics H. D.
H. D. , a staunch anti-fascist, broke off contact with her long-time friend Ezra Pound . Barbara Guest , however, reads her as responding to personal behaviour rather than to Pound's support for fascism and anti-semitism.
Guest, Barbara. Herself Defined: The Poet H.D. and Her World. Collins, 1985.
Robinson, Janice S. H.D.: The Life and Work of an American Poet. Houghton Mifflin, 1982.
politics Natalie Clifford Barney
Abandoning her formerly held pacifist views, NCB supported Mussolini and the Fascists. In 1940 she presented Ezra Pound with a radio and a letter praising Lord Ha Ha 's pro-Nazi broadcasts for their exceptionally far-sweeping...


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