Wyndham Lewis

Standard Name: Lewis, Wyndham
WL was an early twentieth-century artist and writer: novelist, poet, playwright, periodical editor, commentator on literature and society, and above all a satirist and lampooner of many of his contemporaries. He was the leading spirit in the art movement known as Vorticism. His political writings included some ill-advised praise of Hitler during the early 1930s. He also published an autobiography.


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Family and Intimate relationships Ada Leverson
AL 's three sisters all married socially prominent Jewish husbands.
Burkhart, Charles. Ada Leverson. Twayne.
The youngest, Violet , married art collector and patron Sydney Schiff ; their circle included Wyndham Lewis , T. S. Eliot , Katherine Mansfield , and Proust .
Speedie, Julie. Wonderful Sphinx: The Biography of Ada Leverson. Virago.
Family and Intimate relationships Mary Butts
Her accounts of her marriage were disingenuous in several respects. She described it as one of those War-marriages between very young people,
Blondel, Nathalie. Mary Butts: Scenes from the Life. McPherson & Company.
which was hardly accurate when she was at the time twenty-seven. Rodker...
Family and Intimate relationships Fay Weldon
During her marriage she and Edgar entertained the literary and avant-garde world: she later regaled her grand-daughter with irreverent stories of Joseph Conrad , Jean Rhys (Such a louche young woman),
Weldon, Fay. Auto da Fay. Flamingo.
Ford Madox Ford
Family and Intimate relationships Dorothy Richardson
Odle illustrated editions of Voltaire 's Candide, Swift 's Gulliver's Travels, Wilde 's The Sphinx, and Twain 's 1601, among others; his images also appeared in such periodicals as The Gypsy...
Fictionalization Dora Carrington
In Wyndham Lewis 's The Apes of God, Carrington is hinted at in Betty Blyth, a doll-like sex therapist.
Gerzina, Gretchen. Carrington: A Life of Dora Carrington, 1893-1932. John Murray.
Holroyd, Michael, and Jane Hill. “Foreword”. The Art of Dora Carrington, Herbert Press, pp. 7-9.
Fictionalization Nancy Cunard
NC was cast as Iris March in Michael Arlen's The Green Hat, as Lucy Tantamount in Aldous Huxley 's Point Counter Point, as Baby Bucktrout in Wyndham Lewis 's The Roaring Queen...
Friends, Associates Virginia Woolf
Leonard Woolf wrote to Eliot, whose Prufrock and Other Observations he had read, to invite him to send some work to the Hogarth Press . The letter led to a meeting, and ultimately to the...
Friends, Associates Storm Jameson
She was once charged by Knopf with the task of attempting to persuade Wyndham Lewis to keep them as his American publisher, which she did on a cold, rainy day as vile as his temper...
Friends, Associates Katherine Mansfield
A month before her last departure from Paris, KM met Wyndham Lewis .
Alpers, Antony. The Life of Katherine Mansfield. Oxford University Press.
Friends, Associates Edith Sitwell
By 1919 ES was also friendly with Arnold Bennett and his wife Marguerite . Wyndham Lewis became a great friend, did many drawings of her, and demonstrated a sexual interest in her as well, which...
Friends, Associates Naomi Mitchison
NM 's adult friends included artists and writers such as Gertrude Hermes , Storm Jameson , Goldie Lowes Dickinson , Julian Trevelyan , Gerald Heard , and Rudi Messel . Among the close friends were...
Friends, Associates Gertrude Stein
It was John Lane and Roger Fry who introduced them to the Bloomsbury circle. The trip did not result in a publishing contract, as GS had hoped, but it did advance her reputation. The next...
Friends, Associates Mary Butts
During this time MB became acquainted with Wyndham Lewis and Ford Madox Ford as well as Hamnett and Fry . She was a good friend of the strong feminist Wilma Meikle .
Blondel, Nathalie, and Nathalie Blondel. “Foreword”. Mary Butts: Scenes from the Life: A Biography, McPherson, p. xv - xix.
“Mary Butts Papers”. Beinecke Rare Book Room and Manuscript Library, Yale University.
Friends, Associates Marianne Moore
MMmade her modernist debut in New York in November 1915, meeting all the avant-garde.
Williams, Mary-Kay. “What a Mother”. London Review of Books, Vol.
, No. 23, p. 19021.
Her friendship with Ezra Pound began by letter in 1918. She had already written a poem titled with his...
Friends, Associates Harriet Shaw Weaver
As editor, HSW attempted to recruit Storm Jameson for the paper, but Jameson unhappily could not accept a full-time position. She also began to acquaint herself with contributors, such as H. D. , whom she...


April 1893: The Studio: An Illustrated Magazine of the...

Writing climate item

April 1893

The Studio: An Illustrated Magazine of the Fine and Applied Arts was founded this month by Charles Holme and first edited by Cleeson White .

1911: The Camden Town Group, a group of experimental...

Building item


The Camden Town Group , a group of experimental Post-Impressionist British painters influenced by the work of Walter Sickert , was formed; it excluded women from its membership of sixteen.

: Madame Strindberg opened the Cave of the...

Building item


Madame Strindberg opened the Cave of the Golden Calf , an avant-garde night club located in a basement off Regent Street in London. Many notable artists of the day helped decorate the club, especially...

March 1914: Wyndham Lewis formed the Rebel Art Centre,...

Building item

March 1914

Wyndham Lewis formed the Rebel Art Centre , an artists' co-operative set up as a rival group to Roger Fry 's Omega Workshops .

2 July 1914: The first issue of the magazine Blast, edited...

Building item

2 July 1914

The first issue of the magazine Blast, edited by Wyndham Lewis , formally announced the arrival of Vorticism, an avant-garde movement in art.

10 June 1915: The first Vorticist exhibition opened at...

Building item

10 June 1915

The first Vorticist exhibition opened at the Doré Gallery in London; it included work by Henri Gaudier-Brzeska , Wyndham Lewis , Jessica Dismorr , and Helen Saunders .

20 July 1915: The second and final issue of Wyndham Lewis's...

Writing climate item

20 July 1915

The second and final issue of Wyndham Lewis 's Vorticist magazine, Blast, included artwork and literary pieces by Helen Saunders , Jessie Dismorr , and Dorothy Shakespear , along with poems by Ezra Pound and T. S. Eliot .

December 1919: The last issue of The Egoist: An Individualist...

Writing climate item

December 1919

The last issue of The Egoist: An Individualist Review was published.


Lewis, Wyndham, and Naomi Mitchison. Beyond This Limit. Jonathan Cape, 1935.
Lewis, Wyndham, editor. Blast. Klaus Reprint Corporation.
Lewis, Wyndham. Blasting and Bombardiering. Eyre and Spottiswoode, 1937.
Lewis, Wyndham. Hitler. Chatto and Windus, 1931.
West, Rebecca. “Indissoluble Matrimony”. Blast, edited by Wyndham Lewis.
Lewis, Wyndham. Men Without Art. Cassell, 1934.
Lewis, Wyndham. One-Way Song. Faber and Faber, 1933.
Lewis, Wyndham. Self Condemned. Methuen, 1954.
Ros, Amanda McKittrick et al. St. Scandalbags. Editor Mercer, T. Stanley, Merle Press, 1954.
Lewis, Wyndham. Tarr. Egoist, 1918.
Lewis, Wyndham. The Apes of God. Arthur Press, 1930.
Lewis, Wyndham. The Art of Being Ruled. Chatto and Windus, 1926.
Lewis, Wyndham, editor. The Enemy.
Lewis, Wyndham. The Jews, Are They Human?. Allen and Unwin, 1939.
Lewis, Wyndham. The Roaring Queen. Editor Allen, Walter, Secker and Warburg, 1973.
Lewis, Wyndham. Time and Western Man. Chatto and Windus, 1927.