William Carlos Williams

Standard Name: Williams, William Carlos


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Education Ali Smith
After completing her studies at Aberdeen, Smith began working towards a doctorate at Newnham College, Cambridge (still a women-only body). Continuing her work on the area of her MLitt, she determined to focus on the...
Family and Intimate relationships Bryher
Bryher proposed marriage to McAlmon shortly before her return to England. Through the union, she gained independence from and approval from her family, while she promised McAlmon funds for his literary pursuits.
Bryher,. The Heart to Artemis: A Writer’s Memoirs. Collins, 1963.
McAlmon wrote...
Friends, Associates Harriet Shaw Weaver
As editor, HSW attempted to recruit Storm Jameson for the paper, but Jameson unhappily could not accept a full-time position. She also began to acquaint herself with contributors, such as H. D., whom she...
Friends, Associates Gertrude Stein
Over the years, the old crowd had begun to disperse and the Saturday evening salons were frequented more by writers and less by artists. Although GS had published only a few volumes and had often...
Friends, Associates H. D.
In addition to Pound and her classmate Marianne Moore, HD's friends from her teenage years in Pennsylvania included another poet, William Carlos Williams.
Robinson, Janice S. H.D.: The Life and Work of an American Poet. Houghton Mifflin, 1982.
Friends, Associates H. D.
In Chicago on her US visit of 1920-1, HD met with Harriet Monroe. In New York she renewed her acquaintance with friends from her early days in Pennsylvania: Marianne Moore and William Carlos Williams
Friends, Associates Denise Levertov
In the USA, DL soon became friends with Robert Creeley and Kenneth Rexroth. From October 1951 she corresponded with William Carlos Williams, to whom she remained close until the end of his life...
Friends, Associates Natalie Clifford Barney
By the 1920s the salon attracted an impressive array of prominent writers, artists, and intellectuals, including Paul Valéry, Colette, Jean Cocteau, Gabriele D'Annunzio, Rabindranath Tagore, Ernest Hemingway, F. Scott
Intertextuality and Influence Ali Smith
The book's narrator is an unnamed, ungendered arborist in mourning for his or her unnamed, ungendered partner, a literary academic whose spectre lingers about the book both figuratively, in the form of unfinished lectures, and...
Intertextuality and Influence Jo Shapcott
This volume (with epigraph from William Carlos Williams) includes more Mad Cow poems, together with a number of animal poems, like Pig, Hedgehog, Rhinoceros. JS's intensely sensuous imagination issues in...
Intertextuality and Influence Denise Levertov
DL's warm, rich correspondence with William Carlos Williams, an important influence on her work, was published by New Directions Press in 1998.
“Contemporary Authors”. Gale Databases: Literature Resource Centre-LRC.
Her even fuller and richer correspondence with Robert Duncan (who was...
Literary responses Dorothy Richardson
Some of Richardson's readers considered that she, like Joyce, focused more than necessary on the seamier details of life. Reviewers were not altogether impressed by this novel. Reviewing Richardson again in the Athenæum in...
Literary responses Ezra Pound
William Carlos Williams felt that this work represented one of EP's failures: Pound has sought to communicate his poetry to us and failed. It is a tragedy, since he is our best poet.
qtd. in
“Contemporary Authors”. Gale Databases: Literature Resource Centre-LRC.
Occupation Ford Madox Ford
Ernest Hemingway was associate editor. The magazine published modernist writers including Djuna Barnes, Jean Rhys, Gertrude Stein, William Carlos Williams, Ezra Pound, and e. e. cummings.
Stang, Sondra J., editor. “Introduction and Editorial Materials”. The Ford Madox Ford Reader, Carcanet, 1986, p. various pages.
politics Nancy Cunard
NC's anti-fascist political convictions are centrally motivating throughout her productive life. In 1946 she wrote to Ezra Pound: Your address was sent me by a person in England who had a letter from...


December 1920: Contact, an American Quarterly Review began...

Writing climate item

December 1920

Contact, an American Quarterly Review began irregular publication in New York.
Hanscombe, Gillian, and Virginia L. Smyers. Writing for Their Lives: The Modernist Women, 1910-1940. Women’s Press, 1987.

June 1923: Contact, an American Quarterly Review ceased...

Writing climate item

June 1923

Contact, an American Quarterly Review ceased publication in New York.
Hanscombe, Gillian, and Virginia L. Smyers. Writing for Their Lives: The Modernist Women, 1910-1940. Women’s Press, 1987.

1931: US poet William Carlos Williams published...

Writing climate item


US poet William Carlos Williams published his Collected Poems, with a preface by his fellow-poet Wallace Stevens.
Burt, Stephen. “Chicory and Daisies”. London Review of Books, 7 Mar. 2002, pp. 22-4.


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