Ernest Hemingway

Standard Name: Hemingway, Ernest


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Education Harold Pinter
Books borrowed from Hackney Public Library were also important to HP 's education: the moderns (Woolf , Lawrence , Hemingway , Eliot ), and also Dostoyevsky .
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography.
Family and Intimate relationships Bryher
Though emotionally empty, the marriage was artistically productive. Most significantly, Bryher's introductions and family funds allowed McAlmon to establish his influential press, Contact Editions . Thus, Bryher's money and social connections enabled the publication of...
Family and Intimate relationships Isak Dinesen
The wedding took place the day after her arrival there, with Prince Wilhelm of Sweden as their witness. They spent their honeymoon at Lake Naivasha. Bror was rapidly developing into the African white hunter...
Friends, Associates Natalie Clifford Barney
By the 1920s the salon attracted an impressive array of prominent writers, artists, and intellectuals, including Paul Valéry , Colette , Jean Cocteau , Gabriele D'Annunzio , Rabindranath Tagore , Ernest Hemingway , F. Scott
Friends, Associates Dorothy Richardson
The Montparnasse group with whom they visited included Ernest and Hadley Hemingway , Sylvia Beach , Mary Butts , Nancy Cunard , Cecil Maitland , Mina Loy , and Nina Hamnett . Richardson was disappointed...
Friends, Associates Sylvia Beach
Among the first subscribers were Thérèse Bertrand (later Fontaine) , André Gide , Dorothy and Ezra Pound , and Gertrude Stein .
Beach, Sylvia. Shakespeare and Company. Harcourt, Brace, 1959.
22, 26-7
With the loyal support of French literary figures such as Valery Larbaud
Friends, Associates Sylvia Beach
On 26 August 1944, Hemingway came rolling down rue de l'Odéon with four BBC cars and liberated the rue de l'Odéon. SB writes that she heard four shots on the roofs and that was the...
Friends, Associates H. D.
In the 1920s, while HD and Bryher were living rootlessly, sometimes in London, sometimes in Europe, HD's list of acquaintances grew to include Gertrude Stein , Alice B. Toklas , Ernest Hemingway , James Joyce
Friends, Associates Ling Shuhua
The couple travelled together: in January 1936, for instance, they went to Beijing, where they met such people as the English writer Harold Acton and Chinese watercolour artist Qi Baishi . LS read fiction...
Friends, Associates Gertrude Stein
Ernest Hemingway came to dinner at 27 rue de Fleurus: It was a vital day for me when I stumbled upon you,
qtd. in
Brinnin, John Malcolm, and John Ashbery. The Third Rose: Gertrude Stein and her World. Addison-Wesley, 1959.
he wrote to his hostess GS a year later.
qtd. in
Brinnin, John Malcolm, and John Ashbery. The Third Rose: Gertrude Stein and her World. Addison-Wesley, 1959.
249, 252
Health Ezra Pound
On 7 May 1958, at the age of seventy-two, EP was officially released from St Elizabeth's in response to petitions instigated by several writers, including Robert Frost , Archibald MacLeish , Ernest Hemingway , and T. S. Eliot .
Nadel, Ira Bruce, editor. “Chronology; Introduction”. The Cambridge Companion to Ezra Pound, Cambridge University Press, 1999, pp. xvii - xxxi; 1.
“Contemporary Authors”. Gale Databases: Literature Resource Centre-LRC.
Intertextuality and Influence Edna O'Brien
EOB 's imaginative development was nourished by her wide reading, and consideration of a number of writers helped to shape her own style and vision. She has said in (April 2002) that one learns the...
Intertextuality and Influence Elizabeth Taylor
ET began writing stories early. She finished several in late 1941 and early 1942 which satisfied her at the time without shaking her convictioon that she was not yet writing well. None of these survive...
Leisure and Society Sylvia Beach
Ernest Hemingway and Stephen Spender gave the last readings held at SB 's Les Amis de Shakespeare and Company .
Fitch, Noel Riley. Sylvia Beach and the Lost Generation: A History of Literary Paris in the Twenties and Thirties. W. W. Norton, 1983.
Leisure and Society Sylvia Beach
Hemingway was scheduled to read alone but was frightfully anxious, so he asked Stephen Spender , whom he had met in Spain, to come along and read too. Hemingway was still nervous on the...


By June 1927: Ernest Hemingway's first major novel, The...

Writing climate item

By June 1927

Ernest Hemingway 's first major novel, The Sun Also Rises, which had appeared in the USA the previous October under its enduring title, was issued in Britain as Fiesta.
“New Novels: Fiesta”. Times Literary Supplement, No. 1326, 30 June 1927, p. 454.
Borne Back Daily. 2001, .
22 October 2010

11 November 1929: Ernest Hemingway's war novel A Farewell to...

Writing climate item

11 November 1929

Ernest Hemingway 's war novel A Farewell to Arms, about an American soldier on the Italian front, was advertised by Jonathan Cape as due to be published in London on Remembrance Day, six weeks...

10 May 1933: Following a speech from Joseph Goebbels,...

Building item

10 May 1933

Following a speech from Joseph Goebbels , over 40,000 people participated in burning books to cleanse German literature and root out Jewish intellectualism.
Bernard, Bruce, editor. Century. Phaidon, 2002.
313, 347
“Book Burning”. Holocaust Encyclopedia.
“Fighting the Fires of Hate: America and the Nazi Book Burnings”. United States Holocaust Memorial Museum.

21 October 1940: US novelist Ernest Hemingway published his...

Writing climate item

21 October 1940

US novelist Ernest Hemingway published his Spanish Civil War novel, For Whom the Bell Tolls, his biggest success since A Farewell to Arms in 1929.
Borne Back Daily. 2001, .
21 October 2008

End of May 1942: Beryl Markham, horsewoman and aviator, published...

Women writers item

End of May 1942

Beryl Markham , horsewoman and aviator, published her memoir of her life in Africa, West with the Night, a work often compared with Out of Africa by Karen Blixen (Isak Dinesen) .
Lovell, Mary S. Straight On Till Morning. Hutchinson, 1987.
3, 234-6, 241

2 July 1961: The sixty-one-year-old US novelist Ernest...

Writing climate item

2 July 1961

The sixty-one-year-old US novelist Ernest Hemingway killed himself.
Borne Back Daily. 2001, .
2 July 2009

1 July 2007: British publisher Tank Books released a series...

Writing climate item

1 July 2007

British publisher Tank Books released a series of classic books, Tales to Take Your Breath Away, designed to mimic cigarette packets—the same size, packaged in flip-top cartons with silver foil wrapping and sealed in cellophane.
TankBooks: Tales to Take Your Breath Away.
Campbell, Duncan, journalist. “Battle ahead for ’cigarette pack’ books”. Guardian Unlimited Books, 16 Jan. 2008.
TankBooks: Tales to Take Your Breath Away.


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