Barbara Guest

Standard Name: Guest, Barbara


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Literary responses H. D.
HD's prose fictions met with less critical success than the poetry which she had published hitherto. Their word-play, symbolic structures, and manipulation of myth were seen as arbitrary, as distractions from rather than as elements...
politics H. D.
H. D. , a staunch anti-fascist, broke off contact with her long-time friend Ezra Pound . Barbara Guest , however, reads her as responding to personal behaviour rather than to Pound's support for fascism and anti-semitism.
Guest, Barbara. Herself Defined: The Poet H.D. and Her World. Collins.
Robinson, Janice S. H.D.: The Life and Work of an American Poet. Houghton Mifflin.
Textual Features H. D.
This volume, says the Feminist Companion, already reflects her philhellenism.
Blain, Virginia et al., editors. The Feminist Companion to Literature in English: Women Writers from the Middle Ages to the Present. Yale University Press; Batsford.
The Greek influence was blended, Imagist style, with those of the French symbolists and of Japanese haiku. Biographer Barbara Guest considers these poems as...
Textual Production Bryher
Desmond MacCarthy had launched Life and Letters in June 1928; it issued its last number this month, and Bryher's new publication first appeared in September. It merged it with the London Mercury after May 1939...
Textual Production H. D.
These appeared in London and New York from Oxford University Press (the first in 1944 and the second and third in 1945 and 1946 respectively). The first remains unlisted in the OCLC Worldcat.
Barbara Guest
Textual Production H. D.
Various dates are given for its composition, the longest span being offered by Barbara Guest : 1918 to 1948. Its original title, Madrigal (which went back to the early 1920s, when HD was working on...
Textual Production H. D.
The major archive of HD's papers is held at Yale University (along with several other deposits of material relevant to her). Eight other collections of some importance are listed by her biographer Barbara Guest ...
Travel H. D.
Barbara Guest writes: Between 1922 and 1923 there are so many trips, the landscape flicks by, Christmases in Florence . . . Capri . . . Egypt . . . . shifting cities and countrysides...


No timeline events available.


Guest, Barbara. Herself Defined: The Poet H.D. and Her World. Collins, 1985.