Unitarian Church


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Anthologization Frances Power Cobbe
The agnostic FPC wrote her best-known hymn, beginning For life, for health I bless Thee; it was popular later in the century in Unitarian and non-denominational hymn books.
Mitchell, Sally. Frances Power Cobbe: Victorian Feminist, Journalist, Reformer. University of Virginia Press.
Cultural formation Anne Marsh
AM was born into a family of the English gentry—though her father was half-Scots and originated from a much lower class. He and his family had been only two years at Talke at the time...
Cultural formation Mary Scott
MS grew up in a prosperous, middle-class household, in which religion was the centre of everyday life and activity. Most sources agree that her family were Protestant Dissenters.
Though Anna Seward said they were Anglicans
Cultural formation Lydia Maria Child
She had a strong sense of her American identity, but in religion she was a seeker who found it hard to feel at home in any denomination. Rejecting the strict Calvinism in which she was...
Cultural formation Julia Wedgwood
Her parents were connected to the Unitarian tradition descending in the family from Josiah Wedgwood as well as to the largely Anglican evangelical and philanthropic Clapham Sect centred close to their home in South London...
Cultural formation Isabella Neil Harwood
Not much is known about INH 's early life or her life beyond her writing, except that she was born to Scottish and English parents of the professional class, who were Unitarians . As Richard Garnett
Cultural formation Harriet Martineau
The English Martineaus came from French Huguenot stock: the first member of the family (according to HM herself) had settled in Norwich in 1688. She made a point, in a correction to the information provided...
Cultural formation Sarah Wentworth Morton
SWM , born into a comfortable rank in British colonial society, became a proud American. She was proud also of her father's Welsh heritage.
Pendleton, Emily, and Milton Ellis. Philenia. University of Maine Press.
13, 16, 18
Her Lines to the Mansion of My Ancestors...
Cultural formation Mary Scott
MS became a Unitarian like John Taylor before she married him. It has been said that she followed him again in his further change of religious affiliation, becoming a Quaker in 1790.
Cultural formation Isabella Neil Harwood
Her father's family had a Baptist background, but there is no record that Phillip himself was ever a member of a Baptist church. By the time INH was born, he had already been a Unitarian
Cultural formation Catharine Maria Sedgwick
Born into a wealthy upper-class American family, she was for several years a member of Dr Mason's Congregationalist Church . She abandoned this denomination, however, in 1821 when she followed her dying father's example, and...
Cultural formation Sara Coleridge
Sara received Anglican baptism sooner after her birth than her elder siblings had, which shows that her father 's Unitarian convictions were slackening. Though little is known about her own early religious beliefs, she was...
Cultural formation Ann Hawkshaw
As the daughter of a dissenting clergyman, AH was born into an English, middle-class, and presumably white family. Her father's parents were described in one source as of respectable character and station, engaged in agricultural...
Cultural formation Florence Nightingale
Her forebears on both sides were Unitarian but, at her mother's urging, the family became Anglican to match their social class. Despite the public conversion, William Nightingale held strongly to his Unitarian background and was...
Cultural formation Mary Sewell
Both of MS 's parents were members of the Society of Friends , as were her husband's family. She remained a Friend, or Quaker, until 1835, when she joined the Church of England after flirting...


1749: David Hartley published Observations on Man,...

Building item


David Hartley published Observations on Man, his Frame, his Duties, and his Expectations, which established a materialist theory of the human mind.

1771: Political thinker Richard Price (who was...

Building item


Political thinker Richard Price (who was later a Unitarian ) published probably the best-known attack on enclosures, Observations on Reversionary Payments, which went through six editions.

17 April 1774: The inaugural service was held at the first...

Building item

17 April 1774

The inaugural service was held at the first Unitarian chapel, in Essex Street, London.

April 1792: Mobs attacked houses and mills owned by Unitarians...

Building item

April 1792

Mobs attacked houses and mills owned by Unitarians in Nottingham; two months later, meeting-houses in Manchester were sacked, and, in November, mills in Belper.

11 May 1792: Edmund Burke in his Speech on the Petition...

Building item

11 May 1792

Edmund Burke in his Speech on the Petition of the Unitarians argued that Unitarians, who denied the doctrine of the Trinity, could not claim toleration like Catholics , Presbyterian s, Quakers , and others.

1796: Joseph Priestley published at Philadelphia...

Building item


Joseph Priestley published at PhiladelphiaUnitarianism Explained and Defended, in a Discourse Delivered in the Church of the Universalists, at Philadelphia.

1813: An Act of Parliament conferred legal status...

National or international item


An Act of Parliament conferred legal status on the Unitarians by absolving them of the official charge of blasphemy.

October 1891: The Labour Church, an organization professing...

Building item

October 1891

The Labour Church , an organization professing Christian Socialism, held its first service, in Manchester. Its founder, John Trevor , had been a Unitarian minister.

29 September 1904: Gertrude von Petzold, a German Unitarian,...

Building item

29 September 1904

Gertrude von Petzold , a German Unitarian , became the first woman to act as a minister in England since before the Victorian age.


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