Virginia Woolf

Standard Name: Woolf, Virginia
Birth Name: Adeline Virginia Stephen
Nickname: Ginia
Married Name: Adeline Virginia Woolf
Thousands of readers over three or four generations have known that Virginia Woolf was—by a beadle—denied access to the library of a great university. They may have known, too, that she was a leading intellect of the twentieth century. If they are feminist readers they will know that she thought . . . back through her mothers and also sideways through her sisters and that she contributed more than any other in the twentieth century to the recovery of women's writing.
Marcus, Jane. “Introduction”. New Feminist Essays on Virginia Woolf, edited by Jane Marcus, Macmillan, p. i - xx.
Educated in her father's library and in a far more than usually demanding school of life, she radically altered the course not only of the English tradition but also of the several traditions of literature in English.
Froula, Christine. Virginia Woolf and the Bloomsbury Avant-Garde. Columbia University Press.
She wrote prodigiously—nine published novels, as well as stories, essays (including two crucial books on feminism, its relation to education and to war), diaries, letters, biographies (both serious and burlesque), and criticism. As a literary journalist in a wide range of forums, she addressed the major social issues of her time in more than a million words.
Woolf, Virginia. “Introduction; Editorial Note”. The Essays of Virginia Woolf, edited by Andrew McNeillie, Hogarth Press, pp. vols. 1 - 4: various pages.
She left a richly documented life in words, inventing a modern fiction, theorising modernity, writing the woman into the picture. She built this outstandingly influential work, which has had its impact on both writing and life, on her personal experience, and her fictions emerge to a striking degree from her life, her gender, and her moment in history. In a sketch of her career written to Ethel Smyth she said that a short story called An Unwritten Novelwas the great discovery . . . . That—again in one second—showed me how I could embody all my deposit of experience in a shape that fitted it.
Woolf, Virginia. The Letters of Virginia Woolf. Editors Nicolson, Nigel and Joanne Trautmann, Hogarth Press.
4: 231


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Literary responses Eudora Welty
Not all responses were favourable. Lionel Trilling likened Welty to Woolf , which he did not intend to be complimentary.
American National Biography.
The aforementioned TLS reviewer, who hailed the humour of the title piece, noted that in...
Literary responses Vera Brittain
The book was widely and favourably reviewed. Lady Rhondda found it [e]xtraordinarily interesting. I sat up reading it till long past my usual bedtime and have been reading it again all this morning.
Gorham, Deborah. Vera Brittain: A Feminist Life. Blackwell.
Virginia Woolf
Literary responses Harriette Wilson
Contemporary admirers of HW on literary grounds included Walter Scott , who praised her dialogue and intelligence, and thought her out and out
Thirkell, Angela. The Fortunes of Harriette. Hamish Hamilton.
a better writer than Teresia Constantia Phillips or others in the...
Literary responses Percy Bysshe Shelley
For generations PBS appeared the quintessential image of the Romantic poet, whose work influenced such poets as Mathilde Blind , Amy Levy , Alice Meynell , Sarojini Naidu —though for some of them he was...
Literary responses Elizabeth Barrett Browning
EBB 's reputation fell sharply after the turn of the century. Virginia Woolf wittily remarked in the 1930s: fate has not been kind to Mrs Browning as a writer. Nobody reads her, nobody discusses her...
Literary responses Helen Dunmore
This novel won the McKitterick Prize for 1994.
Taylor, Debbie. “Interview with Helen Dunmore”. Mslexia, Vol.
, pp. 39-40.
The work was a fine first novel by a sure hand, observed the unsigned Times reviewer; HD 's poetic incandescence also compared favourably with Virginia Woolf 's style.
“Dictionary of Literary Biography online”. Gale Databases: Literature Resource Center-LRC.
Literary responses Elinor Mordaunt
Johnson thought these stories less successful that EM 's novels. He may have been influenced by his declared belief that women have seldom excelled in short fiction.
Johnson, R. Brimley. Some Contemporary Novelists (Women). Books for Libraries Press.
Woolf , too, was less warm in...
Literary responses Enid Bagnold
Not surprisingly, the article came under attack from many directions. Dame Ethel Smyth responded in the next issue of the Sunday Times: It surprises me that so brilliant an intelligence should not remember that...
Literary responses Jane Welsh Carlyle
Virginia Woolf declared in Geraldine and Jane (in The Second Common Reader) that JWC 's letters owe their incomparable brilliancy to the hawk-like swoop and descent of her mind upon facts.
Woolf, Virginia, and Virginia Woolf. “Geraldine and Jane”. The Second Common Reader, Hogarth Press, pp. 186-01.
Literary responses John Galsworthy
JG 's literary reputation, established with his first Forsyte novel, was strong in the late Edwardian period and the early 1920s, but deteriorated later in the decade (though he remained very popular with the public)...
Literary responses Emmeline Pethick-Lawrence
EPL 's involvement in the militant suffrage movement was necessarily controversial: contemporaries both lauded and reviled her. In her diary Virginia Woolf described EPL 's style of public speaking in 1918 with some disdain. I...
Literary responses Charlotte Brontë
Jane Eyre has become a sensitive barometer of feminist criticism. With its author it became the focus of Victorian women critics, including Anne Thackeray Ritchie and Charlotte Mew . Virginia Woolf admired the poetry of...
Literary responses Charlotte Mew
May Sinclair thought Madeleine magnificent, having depths & depths of passion & of sheer beauty.
Raitt, Suzanne. May Sinclair: A Modern Victorian. Clarendon Press.
She also enjoyed the high Victorian melodrama of Mew's reading aloud.
Raitt, Suzanne. May Sinclair: A Modern Victorian. Clarendon Press.
Despite her efforts to bring The Farmer's...
Literary responses Rose Allatini
Meanwhile the Times Literary Supplement saw the novel as well-written—evidently the work of a woman. The reviewer judged that as a frank and sympathetic study of certain types of mind and character, it is of...
Literary responses Elizabeth Robins
The young Virginia Stephen (usually a reviewer hard to please) praised this book warmly: few living novelists are so genuinely gifted as Miss Robins, or can produce work to match hers for strength and sincerity...


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