qtd. in
Russell, Arthur et al. “Faithful to Delight: A Portrait Sketch”. Ruth Pitter: Homage to a Poet, edited by Arthur Russell, Rapp and Whiting, 1969, pp. 19-40.
Connections Sort descending | Author name | Excerpt |
Characters | Amabel Williams-Ellis | In this text the husband and wife team set out to capture the flavour of life at Portmeirion, at a time when a damaging hydro-electric scheme was proposed for the region.It is written in... |
Cultural formation | Mary Renault | |
Education | Anne Enright | As a student she discovered and spent much of her time in two worlds which deeply influenced her writing: the theatre and psychoanalysis. She involved herself in student drama (already writing for the theatre) and... |
Education | Ruth Pitter | At home her parents used to make her and her sister and brother learn poems by heart, and they paid for the learning, at a penny to sixpence a poem according to length. qtd. in Russell, Arthur et al. “Faithful to Delight: A Portrait Sketch”. Ruth Pitter: Homage to a Poet, edited by Arthur Russell, Rapp and Whiting, 1969, pp. 19-40. 20 |
Family and Intimate relationships | Phyllis Bentley | PB
's father died of a stroke on 4 December 1926. She blamed the shock of the General Strike, which had begun on the same day that her father fell ill, the third of May... |
Family and Intimate relationships | Caroline Blackwood | CB
made her first marriage, at Chelsea register office, to the dashing young painter Lucian Freud
(grandson to Sigmund Freud
), who divorced his wife to marry her. Schoenberger, Nancy. Dangerous Muse, A Life of Caroline Blackwood. Phoenix, 2002. 93 Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. http://www.oxforddnb.com/. |
Family and Intimate relationships | Jean Rhys | Later, in Sylvia Beach
's bookshop in Paris, she bought a book on psychoanalysis in an attempt to determine why her experiences with Mr Howard affected her so deeply. She would later write that she... |
Family and Intimate relationships | Dorothy Bussy | James Beaumont Strachey
(1887-1967) was analysed by Freud
(with his wife, Alix Sargant-Florence
), translated Freud's work into English for the Hogarth Press
, and became a pyschoanalyst himself. |
Family and Intimate relationships | Mavis Gallant | During her teenage years her legal guardians were a New York woman and her psychiatrist husband who had assisted and been analyzed by Sigmund Freud
. Besner, Neil K. The Light of Imagination: Mavis Gallant’s Fiction. University of British Columbia Press, 1988. 2, 3 Grant, Judith Skelton. Mavis Gallant and Her Works. ECW, 1989. 5 |
Family and Intimate relationships | Ruth Pitter | Years later RP
spoke satirically of her first experience of falling in love. He had yellow curls reaching almost to his shoulders, and lovely blue eyes. He would do. He would have to do. When... |
Friends, Associates | H. D. | In the 1920s, while HD and Bryher
were living rootlessly, sometimes in London, sometimes in Europe, HD's list of acquaintances grew to include Gertrude Stein
, Alice B. Toklas
, Ernest Hemingway
, James Joyce |
Friends, Associates | H. D. | HD built friendships with important figures in psychoanalysis, such as Hanns Sachs
, Walter
and Melitta Schmideberg
, Barbara Low
, Stephen Guest
, and Mary Chadwick
. Later, in analytic sessions with Walter Schmideberg... |
Friends, Associates | Virginia Woolf | VW
visited Sigmund Freud
at Hampstead. Bishop, Edward. A Virginia Woolf Chronology. Macmillan, 1989. 204 |
Health | H. D. | H. D.
underwent her crucial and transforming psychoanalysis with Freud Blain, Virginia et al., editors. The Feminist Companion to Literature in English: Women Writers from the Middle Ages to the Present. Yale University Press; Batsford, 1990. H. D.,. Tribute To Freud. Pantheon, 1956. 2-3 |
Health | Stella Benson | SB
consulted Willi Gutmann
, a Viennese psychiatrist and a colleague of Freud
's, on the boat from Shanghai in 1925. While he thought her an interesting subject for analysis, he cautioned her against it... |
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