was a friend of L. P. Hartley
and of Stevie Smith
, both of whom she met when they contributed to World Review, of which she and her husband were editors. Her sudden...
also forged a lasting friendship with novelist and critic L. P. Hartley
. She and her husband regularly invited Hartley over for dinners and visits, and he, in turn, allowed them to stay in...
Iddesleigh, Elizabeth Northcote, Countess of et al. “List of Books by Mrs Belloc Lowndes, Foreword”. Diaries and Letters of Marie Belloc Lowndes, 1911-1947, edited by Susan Lowndes Marques and Susan Lowndes Marques, Chatto and Windus, 1971, pp. prelims, 1 - 3.
Friends, Associates
Lady Cynthia Asquith
Cynthia was also a friend of Viola Meynell
and of Enid Bagnold
, whose Sussex homes were close to that of the Asquiths during the Second World War. Thirkell, as well as Lawrence, Bagnold, and...
Leisure and Society
Elizabeth Taylor
wrote that she liked routine and was always disconcerted when I am asked for my life story, for nothing sensational, thank heavens, has ever happened.
qtd. in
“Dictionary of Literary Biography online”. Gale Databases: Literature Resource Center-LRC.
She had a passion for modern painting, and...
Literary responses
Christine Brooke-Rose
The reviewer for the Times Literary Supplement found the regressive narrative disconcerting and tiring.
qtd. in
Birch, Sarah. Christine Brooke-Rose and Contemporary Fiction. Clarendon Press, 1994.
Novelist L. P. Hartley
, writing in the London Magazine, expressed the view that the technique was a misuse...
Literary responses
Ivy Compton-Burnett
L. P. Hartley
, reviewing Elders and Betters in the Sketch dated 23 February 1944, voiced a frequent response to ICB
: that despite her anti-realistic methods, she came closer to portraying reality than did...
Literary responses
Ivy Compton-Burnett
Of this novel ICB
wrote, I have never had such superficial reviews.
qtd. in
Spurling, Hilary. Secrets of a Woman’s Heart. Hodder and Stoughton, 1984.
At Mrs. Lippincote's set the tone for reception of ET
by attracting very mixed reviews. She treasured praise from L. P. Hartley
, Richard Church
(who was reminded of Woolf
's Mrs Dalloway), and...
Literary responses
Susan Hill
Critic Hermione Lee
, reviewing the collection for the Guardian, praised SH
's tender attention to detail, and likened her to L. P. Hartley
and Elizabeth Bowen
Lee, Hermione. “Like Buttons in a Box”. Guardian Unlimited, 19 July 2003.
Literary responses
Edna O'Brien
Literary reviews were generally positive. The Times of London praised EOB
's gift of quick, sensitive observation.
qtd. in
Book Review Digest. H. W. Wilson, 1913–2025.
(1960): 1012
In the New StatesmanV. S. Naipaul
praised O'Brien for simply offer[ing] her characters, [who] come...
Edith Sitwell
She wrote to L. P. Hartley
about the ceremony: It will amuse you to know that as I advanced towards the Queen to get my decoration, the band played Annie, Get Your Gun.
During the war years Kennedy felt London was too dangerous for her children and they therefore remained at Hendre. This arrangement meant that Kennedy and Davies spent the duration of the war travelling between Wales...
Textual Production
Penelope Fitzgerald
She planned to write something about Harold Monro
and the Poetry Bookshop
, which she felt to have been unfairly eclipsed by the much-heard-of Bloomsbury group.
qtd. in
Hill, Rosemary. “Making Do and Mending”. London Review of Books, Vol.