William Shakespeare

Standard Name: Shakespeare, William


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Occupation Ngaio Marsh
Later, as the detective novels kept coming, directing highlights for her included King LearWilliam Shakespeare at the Civic Theatre in Christchurch in 1956, Macbeth in 1962, and Henry V to inaugurate the new James Hay Theatre...
Occupation Mary Elizabeth Braddon
If biographer Jennifer Carnell is correct, this means that she went on stage at the age of seventeen.
Carnell, Jennifer. The Literary Lives of Mary Elizabeth Braddon: A Study of Her Life and Work. Sensation Press.
She later described her career in The Press Album (1909) as a thing to be spoken...
Occupation Clemence Dane
During the intensive bombing of the London Blitz, CD gave readings of Shakespeare in restaurants to anyone who cared to listen.
Jeffrey John Archer, Earl Amherst,. Wandering Abroad: the Autobiography of Jeffrey Amherst. Secker and Warburg.
Occupation Mary Elizabeth Braddon
She played male parts in plays by Shakespeare and others, not as burlesque, but as straight parts after the style of Charlotte Cushman . At least one reviewer, in Coventry's Era, objected to...
Occupation Christopher St John
They began annual memorial performances of Shakespeare 's plays in Terry's honour. In 1929, their opening season, CSJ appeared in A Midsummer Night's Dream
Glendinning, Victoria. Vita. Penguin.
Other Life Event Isabella Banks
IB christened the Queen's memorial oak, which was planted by the actor Samuel Phelps in Primrose Hill in London as part of the Shakespeare Tercentenary Celebration.
Burney, Edward Lester. Mrs. G. Linnaeus Banks. E. J. Morten.
76, 85
Stephen, Sir Leslie, and Sidney Lee, editors. The Dictionary of National Biography. Smith, Elder.
Performance of text Liz Lochhead
LL has written several plays for children and adolescents. These include Disgusting Objects, a play about schoolgirls' first encounter with sexism written for the Scottish Youth Theatre in 1982, and Shanghaied, a play...
Performance of text John Oliver Hobbes
In the same year JOH and Moore also collaborated on the one-act comedy Journeys End in Lovers' Meeting (titled from Shakespeare ), which was performed in June 1895 (according to her father's memoir)
Richards, John Morgan, and John Oliver Hobbes. “Pearl Richards Craigie: Biographical Sketch by her Father”. The Life of John Oliver Hobbes, J. Murray.
Performance of text Elaine Feinstein
EF 's best-known play, the feminist piece Lear's Daughters, written in collaboration with the Women's Theatre Group , a prequel revisioning Shakespeare 's story, was staged in London.
“Contemporary Authors”. Gale Databases: Literature Resource Centre-LRC.
Performance of text Alison Fell
AF was a constant source of scenes, burlesques, and improvisations for performance by the Women's Liberation Street Theatre Group . She also wrote for a number of underground or radical papers: Ink, Islington Gutter...
Performance of text Carol Ann Duffy
On the four hundredth anniversary of Shakespeare's death, seven typically touching and witty poems by CAD on Shakespeare the man were performed as Shakespeare Masque, in a musical setting by Sally Beamish , in...
Performance of text Clemence Dane
CD 's experimental play Will Shakespeare was first performed at the Shaftesbury Theatre , London.
Weintraub, Stanley, editor. Dictionary of Literary Biography 10. Gale Research.
10: 133
Author summary Henrietta Maria Bowdler
HMB , who published mainly in the early nineteenth century, was an editor, conduct-book writer, theological writer, poet, and novelist. She was also the originator of the project for rendering Shakespeare inoffensive to delicate ears...
Author summary Charlotte Stopes
CS was a keen researcher who wrote extensive criticism on Shakespeare . In the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, she published prolifically to support her family. An active feminist, she spoke and wrote widely...
Author summary Mary Cowden Clarke
MCC was a leading nineteenth-century Shakespearean scholar, who (in collaboration with her husband, Charles Cowden Clarke ) annotated editions, compiled a concordance, and wrote a key or encyclopaedia, and on her own account produced an...



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