William Shakespeare

Standard Name: Shakespeare, William


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Reception Jane Austen
Austen's status in the English-speaking world is not so far equalled among, for instance, French speakers. Valérie Cossy noted in March 2006 that (largely on account of inaccurate and inadequate translations) [v]ery few people in...
Residence Susan Hill
Just before her elder daughter's first birthday, SH moved with her family from Stratford to Oxford, where her husband was appointed editor of the Oxford edition of Shakespeare .
Hill, Susan. Family. Michael Joseph.
Residence Marie Corelli
In Stratford, MC became known as an eccentric. Her forceful character and her self-proclaimed guardianship of Shakespeare 's memory and birthplace offended many townspeople.
Mitchell, Sally, editor. Victorian Britain: An Encyclopedia. Garland Press.
She was a strong critic of the Shakespeare Birthplace Trust ...
Textual Features Hélène Cixous
As she was preparing to stage La Prise de l'école de Madhubai in 1984, she met Ariane Mnouchkine , the director of the experimental Théâtre du Soleil , who was known for her innovation in...
Textual Features Barbara Cartland
Her heroines always remained chaste until they were married, no matter how great the temptation. I do allow them to go to bed if they're married, but it's all very wonderful and the moon beams...
Textual Features Ann Jellicoe
The fanciful science-fiction drama presents a world ruled by Mother, who leads the older women of the world to banish men from society and from history. Schoolgirls are made to repeat the chorus, Shakespeare
Textual Features Olive Schreiner
Tillie Olsen in 1978 pointed out a striking anticipation here of Woolf 's A Room of One's Own: what of the possible Shakespeares we might have had who passed their life from youth upward...
Textual Features Marghanita Laski
She insists that even Jane Austen . . . could write letters of a bitchiness and coarseness not inferrable from the impeccable sense of human values in her books.
Laski, Marghanita. “To the Editor: ’George Eliot and Her World’”. Times Literary Supplement, No. 3725, p. 869.
She posits an underlying double...
Textual Features Thomas Hardy
TH 's earliest poems, written in London, reflect the influence of Shakespeare and George Meredith on one hand,
Gittings, Robert. Young Thomas Hardy. Penguin.
and on the other a fierce and individual concern with words, which he pushes to...
Textual Features Amy Levy
The frontispiece shows a woman sitting beside a well with an empty bucket. The caption, in Latin, indicates that she has despaired of finding Truth, which proverbially lies at the bottom of a well. Many...
Textual Features Elizabeth Heyrick
EH enlarges on the terrible state of the Irish peasantry, with unemployment surpassing four million and many deaths from starvation. She comments on the Vagrancy Act of 21 June 1824; on the fact that prison...
Textual Features Frances Brooke
The periodical's theatre reports, provided by a little court of female criticism
Brooke, Frances. “Introduction”. The Excursion, edited by Paula R. Backscheider and Hope D. Cotton, University Press of Kentucky, p. ix - xlix.
that includes Mary Singleton and a further six virgins,
Brooke, Frances. “Introduction”. The Excursion, edited by Paula R. Backscheider and Hope D. Cotton, University Press of Kentucky, p. ix - xlix.
deplore the displacement of Shakespeare 's original King Lear by Nahum Tate
Textual Features Ali Smith
The arborist re-reads Oliver Twist alongside their partner's lectures and urges the partner to consider discussing the musical form of the novel (a request accommodated, as the academic threads it in alongside Auld Lang Syne...
Textual Features Jane Harvey
The contents include descriptive and melancholy sonnets, satire, autobiography, and politics (including a poem on the horrors of slavery, addressed to William Wilberforce , and another about the sorrow of a woman whose lover has...
Textual Features Anne Dowriche
Randall Martin notes how Dowriche's use of Gentillet/Patrick brings her work into the anti-Machiavel tradition. Her Machiavel is a female one: Catherine de Medici (which was not unusual). Her Catherine speaks in gendered terms when...



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