William Shakespeare

Standard Name: Shakespeare, William


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Literary responses Elizabeth Barrett Browning
Pronouncements about gender, which permeated the Victorian reception of poetry (or of poetry by women) are particularly inescapable in the reception of Aurora Leigh, which directly satirised the criticism of women writers and other...
Literary responses Ethel Lilian Voynich
Overall, however, The Gadfly was a success to a degree that not one of ELV 's subsequent novels could achieve.
Garlick, Barbara. Victorian Britain: An Encyclopedia. Editor Mitchell, Sally, Garland Publishing, Inc., p. 837.
She did not learn about its popularity in Europe, especially in the Soviet Union...
Literary responses Amelia Opie
AO 's novels, which formed a comparatively minor part of her output, had an impact beyond the rest of her work. Literary historian Gary Kelly notes that when they were new they commanded among the...
Literary responses Jane Austen
Some Austen news items are regrettable. In an interview with the Royal Geographical Society in June 2011, V.S. Naipaul , in asserting his own superiority to women writers (and claiming he could tell male from...
Literary responses Robert Browning
Critical response was very positive. Gerald Massey in the Athenæum proclaimed Browning a great dramatic poet and felt that Shakespeare would have approved. Walter Bagehot characterized his style as grotesque, a judgement which has stuck.
Irvine, William, and Park Honan. The Book, the Ring, and the Poet: A Biography of Robert Browning. McGraw-Hill.
Literary responses Elizabeth Jennings
She held bursaries or grants from the Arts Council (after the initial one for her first book) in 1965, 1968, and 1972.
“Lauinger Library: Special Collections Division”. Georgetown University Library.
Some critics disparage EJ 's work along lines effectively summarized by Robert Crawford
Literary responses Enid Blyton
At the end of 2009 Jean Hannah Edelstein enrolled herself in the ranks of ex-admirers and actual denigrators. She related in The Guardian how during her childhood her parents had operated a ban on Blyton...
Literary responses Anna Steele
The Academy gave Condoned a largely negative review, arguing that Steele had with the odd lack of judgment which not seldom distinguishes lady novelists, done nearly all she could to spoil her book.
The Academy.
11 (3 February 1877): 91
Literary responses Anna Maria Porter
AMP was, with her sister, one of those praised by John O'Keeffe in his poem Female Authors, Being an Answer to a Lady, who asserted, that by transmigration the soul of Shakespeare lived in the...
Literary responses Rudyard Kipling
Mary Elizabeth Coleridge , reviewing Puck of Pook's Hill for the Times Literary Supplement, saw Kipling as a realist who in later life had learned to represent the dreaminess of life. Though his Puck...
Literary responses Augusta Webster
Both William Michael and Christina Rossetti greatly admired this play. William Michael called it the supreme thing amid the work of all British poetesses,
Rossetti, William Michael, and Augusta Webster. “Introductory Note”. Mother and Daughter, Macmillan, pp. 11-14.
and again so fine that I hardly discern where its...
Literary responses Josephine Tey
The play garnered high praise from contemporary theatre critics, and was immensely popular with audiences, some of whom reputedly went to see it thirty or forty times.
Gielgud, Sir John. Early Stages. Falcon.
It brought its author fame and recognition...
Literary responses Jane Porter
JP was, with her sister , one of those praised by John O'Keeffe in his poem Female Authors, Being an Answer to a Lady, who asserted, that by transmigration the soul of Shakespeare lived in...
Literary responses Kate Clanchy
Deryn Rees-Jones , reviewing for The Independent, expressed admiration for KC 's technique, language, imagery, and her success in capturing the bewilderment, and scratchy impatience, of being a parent. Her supple, textured writing is...
Literary responses Anna Brownell Jameson
Critic Samuel Schoenbaum wrote contemptuously of this book in Shakespeare 's Lives, 1970, while getting its title wrong and offering a simplistic account of ABJ 's life. He ascribes her choice of subject to...



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